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#6256695Tuesday, March 10, 2009 12:18 AM GMT

Arnooba: You Robloxians frustrate me...I'll have to use a stronger attack! GRAND STONE!!! *Ohforf and co. are crushed by a giant rock*
#6256763Tuesday, March 10, 2009 12:19 AM GMT

Luke:*teleports out from under it**lifts it and throws it at Arnooba*
#6258954Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:08 AM GMT

yay: *gets ready for battle* Let's see, zeo sword, and lightstaff. *walks outside* OK, now i've seen everything. Arnooba: Die! *Fires a noob beam* yay: *dodges it and it follows him* whoa! Thats a long range! Arnooba: heh heh...*Brings the hands in play* Chaos? Or savior? yay: I'll pick... Arnooba: I've got places to be...hurry up... yay: Neither! Arnooba: *piece of armor blows up* gah!
Top 100 Poster
#6259002Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:10 AM GMT

Arnooba: Ta-dah! Fun with magic! DREAMREAVER!!!! *Ohforf and friends are surrounded by multiple purple triangles that generate a purple circle*
#6259150Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:14 AM GMT

yay: *idea!* Ohforf, can that ring launch us?
#6259214Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:16 AM GMT

Luke:..*spits in Arnooba's ear* :3 *punches his face*
#6263652Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:40 AM GMT

Mac: Aranooba... I NEED HIS WEAKNESS! If a list of his weakness could just drop from the sky... OW! Hey, a list of Aranoobas weaknesses!
#6264570Tuesday, March 10, 2009 7:51 AM GMT

bluedude3:man the guys need me.... ENCOUNTER! You engage heavly armed porky bluedude3 tried psi drown 206 damage to heavly armed porky heavly armed porky let out a stinky gas bluedude3's defence went down by 8 attack went down by 6 bluedude3 tried psi burn 128 damage to heavily armed porky a building fell on heavily armed porky 999 mortal damage to heavily armed porky YOU WON! porky:BE SURE WE WILL MEET AGAIN NOOB POLICE! (teleports away) bluedude3:huh? he left something behind! (picks it up) I wonder if it will get all these locations back to were they belong?
#6265041Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:01 AM GMT

yay: *launches via the ring* YAHOO! *holds sword out and enters arnooba* Time to end this once and for all!
#6265088Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:12 AM GMT

yay: new noobs! O.O Platinum noob statue: remember from noob police two? Well, these guys attack, and are (almost) immue. Erosion is their one weakness. Arnooba's guard: These guys have swords....This is gonna be interesting... Evil Builderman: (not you, the builderman who's on most ppl's friend lists.) This guy deletes deletes DELETES! Well he cant delete us...or CAN HE?!?!? Reactor noob: There he is! Arnooba's reactor! Once he's out, it's lights out for Arnooba! *final boss battle from ape escape: pumped and primed plays* lets do this!
#6266567Tuesday, March 10, 2009 3:28 PM GMT

*comes out of hq* Hey guys! The babys r now bloxxife----- guys? Oh guys! Harry: Do ya thing they r at the arnooba fight? Tal: Sure do *apprate* Hi guys! The babys have a new info list! Blox Baby *courtsy of talbond* These babys r on our side and they have some attacks like Poopy Dipaer: Dont wanna no Pee Dipaer: Also dont wanna no Cry: Deafing cry makes the noobs freeze for about 30 secs and also may hurt their hearing Poop Smell: Knock out ray slimar 2 cry but make them go home and get a air freshner. *end of list* Woah. Arnooba. Wait a min. y is there a plug sticking out of his butt? OH NOES! ITS A TRICK! YAY DONT TOUCH THAT PAPER! ITS A TRAP!
Top 100 Poster
#6266945Tuesday, March 10, 2009 3:58 PM GMT

Ohforf: Ewwwww *changes babies names*
#6267048Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:07 PM GMT

bluedude3:(goes to the metorite on the hill and places the divise on it) O.O the ground s shaking! I think its working! (runs back to noob police in subspace as it goes back to its original location) hey theres ness's family! porky must of let them go! (waves as noob police HQ teleports back to its location)
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#6267073Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:10 PM GMT

Ohforf: Ah there you are bluedude3
#6267111Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:13 PM GMT

bluedude3:im back :) were is everyone?
Top 100 Poster
#6267127Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:14 PM GMT

Ohforf: We're getting in a pretty big fight against Arnooba Arnooba: EVIL STAR!!!!!!! *automatically halves our fighting strength* Ohforf: Oh noes! I feel...weaker than before...
#6267137Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:16 PM GMT

bluedude3:same here.....has he got a weakness?
Top 100 Poster
#6267150Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:17 PM GMT

Ohforf: Well it says here that he's made of the negative emotions of all Robloxians......
#6267424Tuesday, March 10, 2009 4:49 PM GMT

Irockz: Hurh hurh hurh... *climbs up and kicks Arnooba* THINKPOSITIVETHINKPOSITIVETHINKPOSITIVE! Gah, I AM all negative... *is kicked down but brings Arnooba down* HAH!
#6267708Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:14 PM GMT

bluedude3:think happy thoughts then?
Top 100 Poster
#6267715Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:14 PM GMT

Ohforf: Yeah I suppose that would work....
#6267735Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:16 PM GMT

bluedude3:well sure :D (trys psi drown on arnooba)
Top 100 Poster
#6267910Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:27 PM GMT

Arnooba: What the...I'm losing power!
#6268723Tuesday, March 10, 2009 6:32 PM GMT

yay: I'll get to the reactor! happy thoughts to instant sunshine work for a limited time!
#6268806Tuesday, March 10, 2009 6:37 PM GMT

me: awwwwwww....an lolcat! lolcat: *purrs* yay: *gets out of arnooba with the cat* lolcat: Do you has cheezburgah? yay: *holds up cheezburgah* yes, i do has cheezburgah. lolcat: *heads to our base* Well, thats an lolcat!