#53207357Saturday, August 20, 2011 1:40 AM GMT

"Im usaully the king or the kings best warrior." gary-stu Also, capitalization and apostrophes.
#53207689Saturday, August 20, 2011 1:45 AM GMT

@Why and Scar, Please take your criticism elsewhere. I suggest S&I; That's where it matters most.
#53208577Saturday, August 20, 2011 1:55 AM GMT

I think that is just stupid!!! lol
#53209976Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:12 AM GMT

@Tai Get outta here newbie, you don't belong if you think you know more than us. Especially considering Clans and Guilds doesn't involve RP arguments, you braindead moron.
#53210533Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:19 AM GMT

@Scar, 1. I never hinted that 'I know more than you'. 2. It's stereotypical to think that 10'ers and 11'ers know much less than 08'ers and 09'ers. Plenty of us know just as much -or more- than the older members. 3. Are you singling me out because I'm apparently 'new' to ROBLOX? Gosh, you're pathetic. 4. I never mentioned CG in my post above. I suggested S&I. 5. "Get outta here newbie" I may go where I please, mind you. 6. I had an older account, but it was safechat. I then created this one.
#53210825Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:22 AM GMT

How did you guys like how i roleplay
#53211008Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:24 AM GMT

At least half of those made you sound even more ironically stupid. Now stop trying to act big and bad, S and I doesn't do any better then CG.
#53211095Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:26 AM GMT

@scarr-I agree with you, lol.
#53211331Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:29 AM GMT

"At least half of those made you sound even more ironically stupid." I actually proved many points. Why don't know get that through your thick skull, eh? "Now stop trying to act big and bad" Where did that come from? I'm debating, rather than trying to be so-called 'big and bad'. And I believe I've won this agrument. Now, why don't you crawl back your bridge where you belong, hmm?
#53211666Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:33 AM GMT

So "I can do where I want to go" Isn't acting high and mighty? You, my good sir, need to go back to 2nd grade and learn about 'how to channel your EEEEMOOOTIOONZZ.' As they would say.
#53211866Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:36 AM GMT

By that, I mean you have no authority over me. :P You're just a mere forumer, no different from the rest of us. You have no superiority over any other forumer. Therefore, demanding someone to leave will only cause an opposite reaction.
#53212149Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

You know, labeling someone as a troll then replying to said person means you've lost.
#53212226Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

Well seeing the fact that I had someone agree with me, it seems I had quite a positive reaction, considering you're the only one whining 'bout my opinion.
#53212418Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

No, not really. He may be a troll, but I'm still going to prove him wrong. Although, if he constantly posts several trolled threads, I may just leave him and let him believe what he'd like. If you deny this post, you must understand this- We have different perspectives.
#53212624Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

And we have different opinions. Just because we believe something different does not label us as trolls.
#53212649Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

@Scar, "I had quite a positive reaction" Don't be so certain. You wanted me to leave, yet I have not left. I'm not going to leave the forums because a forumer who's convinced that he has 'authority' over others demanded for me to do so.
#53212845Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:49 AM GMT

I'm on Tai's side Scar is a obv troll who wasted this topic by talking to someone about other roblox people and Video Games. Take it to pm's.
#53212915Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:49 AM GMT

Well, this is the RP forums now. Ignorance is everywhere.
#53213013Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

1st I'm not trolling, I'm giving my opinion. You got a problem, stop whining and get over it. 2nd, I didn't tell you to leave the RP forum moron. 3rd, If I'm trolling, then according to the rules of the internet, I'm highly successful. Thank you.
#53213080Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

So did you just confirm that you're trolling?
#53213160Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:53 AM GMT

@Jackpot Nope. I said 'If I am' saying that according to you.
#53213302Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

"I'm not trolling, I'm giving my opinion. You got a problem, stop whining and get over it." To begin with, I'm not complaining. I, too, am giving an opinion on your criticism, which is not necessary on this thread. "I didn't tell you to leave the RP forum moron." As I recall, you told me to 'get outta here'. "If I'm trolling, then according to the rules of the internet, I'm highly successful. Thank you." Trolling is a reportable offense. If you are trolling, you won't be very successful afterwards.
#53213319Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

Actually you said "If I'm"... :P
#53213528Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

This is a 3rd alt anyways. Go ahead and keep whining, and doing as jackpot says 'wasting this thread', with off topic posts. Remember, I didn't start this opinion argument. You did, tai.
#53213632Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

Actually i saw you starting this in the first page... Tai didn't post till oh i think the 2nd page?