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#53864752Monday, August 29, 2011 2:37 PM GMT

Hio, the name is Malcolt3. -- Nice to meet you.. -- The monthly prices for the different types of BC monthly are; BC - $5.95 TBC - $11.95 OBC - $19.95 -- Correct. -- As you can see, ROBLOX charges for BC and they make a fair amount of money. And in return for paying, the BC users get benefits. ROBLOX has to provide benefits so people will buy BC. So, ROBLOX pays more attention to the paying members. -- Not necessarily. It depends on your definition of ''attention.'' NBCers have started jumping to conclusions about ROBLOX discriminating it's users, putting NBCers at the back of the bus, and BCers at the front. They don't, however. It's simply wide superstition. However, if you mean in terms of priviledges, yes, they do. And they have every right reason to do so. -- This isn’t just ROBLOX, most video games do this too. Some more benefits are BC users get more places, more daily money, they can sell stuff, they can create and join more groups. I think it's safe to say they get some pretty neat benefits. That's it, right? Wrong. -- As far as I'm concerned, that is it. I don't see how BCers can get more benefits than that. Well, let me read on and see.. -- BC users get a lot more. Take hats for example. I went to ROBLOX's profile to look at his hats. I did a survey of the first 20 pages of ROBLOX's hats. That's 300 hats. I went through and typed down the number of each type of hat. Out of the 300 hats; 83% were priced in Robux, 13% were not for sale, and 4% were priced in Tix. -- Did you calculate how many ROBUX hats are affordable for NBCers? By the way, 4% is quite a lot, if you think about how many hats ROBLOX has in total. Also, you went to ROBLOX's profile, and not the Catalog? Last I checked, there were over 130 pages of hats in the Catalog. And in the 0-100 ROBUX (NBC affordable) price range, there were 50 pages of hats. Some were offsale, but they were onsale at one point. So there are quite a few hats that can be afforded by NBCers. -- The pattern doesn't change. That is a ratio of 20 to 1 hats priced in Robux. Many of these hats priced in Robux so high it would take NBC users at least a year, if not longer, to save up enough to buy them. -- A year? My friend, you're making the ''every NBCer only saves up his daily allowance'' mistake. There are several ways to make money and get catalog items, including: 1) Abuse the TC. It's not difficult to learn how, and could start your career in swimming through money. 2) Script or build a good place. If you're determined, creative, and original, you'll come up with something that brings a good profit. However, most NBCers are lazy and instead of tending to their building duties, rely on asking ROBLOX for some more spare change on the forums. 3) Ambassador Program. You can get 50 tickets a day by this. 4) Contests. This doesn't give money, but you could win a hat. 5) Gifts. ROBLOX sometimes awards gifts to members who log in on a certain day and have a certain statistic. I got the 100 ROBUX 2010 Fireworks by that. I also got a Veteran's Medal, and a Verified Hat. 6) Ask for donations. Purchase BC Monthly and get some friends to donate. See? Plenty of ways. Oh, and look, I forgot to include the 10 Ticket Daily Bonus. -- Lots of items, including hats, gear, and all bodies, are BC only. So, BC gets all the above features, we're done now, right? Wrong again. -- ''Lots?'' I don't see many hats that are BC-Only, and you can't complain about BC-Only and expensive hats at the same time. -- BC users get all the above benfits and more. The release of packages was made entirely for BC users. With the exception of 1. The girl package. Wow ROBLOX great move, 1 package for NBC users and it's for the girls. What about the rest of us? Zilch. (That means zero for those of you who don't know.) -- What, you WANT those things? Bodies don't make your life change in any way, except perhaps you can get an online girlfriend. To be honest, I'm hoping that bodies stay BC-Only, because ROBLOX is meant to have blocky characters, not those stupid plastic morphs. -- Many people would say at this point, so the BC users get more benefits, wonderful. If you want these all you have to do is buy BC, right? I recently read a thread posted by VirtualDarks. In it, he said the following paragraph. -- NBCers, a Different POV? I presume. -- "Now, let's start off with the usual NBC ranting. Most people say the solution is, buy BC. Is it the correct answer? Maybe. Maybe not. Why? Well, most BCers assume that if you mow a lawn, or do the some chores, you can get BC. Most parents don't give out allowances daily/weekly/monthly. Most parents won't let you spend money on a pixelated game. Most parents won't even let you spend your money without their approval. NBCers see this, and "attempt" to use it, but BCers just say, "ROBLOX needs money, now get out." -- So? Does that have anything to do with ROBLOX? Is that anyone's problem but yours? Your parents are doing the right thing to prevent you from spending money on a game like this. Will this game have any effect on your life whatsoever? No. -- I agree with him. From what I saw back in December of '09 was that BC users get some more stuff, some extra places, extra salary, etc... Cool. They get benefits. At this point BC uers are so far above normal users it's crazy. Another paragraph from VirtualDarks that I totally agree with; -- Like how? If you were content in '09, what's the problem now? How many features have they added to the BC list in the past years, exactly? I can only think of one. BC-Only. And that's an insignificant feature, because there are few places that are labeled BC-Only (most of which are unoriginal, or they have an NBC version), and there are few clothes that are labeled BC-Only. So what's the problem? Also, let me add, what did they take off the NBC list? The only thing I can think of once again is BC-Only, which restricts NBCers from playing ALL the games on ROBLOX, or buying ALL the things on the catalog, but so sadly restricts them to playing MOST of the games on ROBLOX, or buying MOST of the things on the Catalog. -- "Then, we have the tag slashing conspiracy. Do BCers need a tag to show off? Of course not! It completely seperates NBCers and BCers! I mean, how many times have you seen a NBCer and a BCer play a game together happily without the BCer feeling like he/she was playing with an "inferior". Not only are BC-Only games there, we have tags to show off who's the macho in the server." -- Woohoo! A thumbnail! That is definitely going to have a devastating effect on your life! For the record, there's also a little something called ''ignoring.'' BCers showing off is not ROBLOX's fault or problem, and it shouldn't be yours either. So just ignore them. Simple as that. The tags make it easy to tell if someone is lying about having BC or not. Instead of having to tab out of the game and search for their character, we can just glance at what's next to their username. -- I agree with this also. The tags are completely unnecessary and are just to show off. -- And where's your proof that ROBLOX made them so BCers could show off? You can't assume in this situation. -- Another thing is updates. On most online games, most of the updates go to paying members. That's just how it works. But, on ROBLOX, almost every single update is for BC users only. It's as if us NBC users are almost completely forgotten. -- Oh, right! You mean the, um... the, um... uhh.... sorry, I can only think of two updates that gave BCers something more than NBCers (that was also significant, it's so pathetic that you even brought up the tags), and those are bodies and BC-Only. To make up for that, they even ADDED a feature to NBCers, the ability to join groups. Also, did you see the terrain generator? If not, go to the news. It should be among the pages somewhere. That's supposed to be for everyone. Judging from as big as it is, you would think it's BC-Only. But no, proof right here that they do care. Also, ROBLOX has in mind some more updates, three of which come to mind at the moment: Trading System, Dynamic Lighting, and more materials. Is that good enough for you? -- Take RS, for example (RS means R u n e s c a p e, but if I say that then this entire thing will be content deleted). RS is an online RPG game. The mods on RS made lots of new updates for the members. -- You can't compare RS to ROBLOX. Also, RS did something really stupid, it gave a trial limit to non-members. I calculated that non-members only got less than 210 full days (24 hours, yes, I acknowledge the fact that no one plays RS 24 hours a day) before they must create a new account. -- They, BAM, they release the Blood Pact. It is probably one of the easiest quests (quests being activites that you can complete for rewards) but it showed the free users they weren't forgotten. -- And you say that ROBLOX has ''forgotten'' the NBCers? See the text where I gave examples of stuff ROBLOX was giving to the NBCers, coming soon. -- Another example of RS are the skills. Skills are different activities you can train to gain levels are perform more tasks and get better rewards. When RS released a new skill (which is a MAJOR update) they made it for all users. -- You're forgetting the fact that RS also released a lot of MEMBER benefits. That can hardly make up for it. I can't tell you how many times I've had to teleport back to Lumbridge because ''Sorry, this area is for members only.'' -- Dungeoneering was the new skill, and in it you venture through dungeons and slay monsters, etc... About half of the dungeon levels were made for free users and members, and the other half for members only. This showed the free users they weren't forgotten and everybody was happy. -- Not really. I left RS soon after I started it. The game was just so restricted, I couldn't take it. -- BC only places and Mega places. First Mega places, since it's a shorter topic. To make a Mega place, you must have BC, fine, cool, neat, at least the NBC users can play them. In fact, I'm sure many users at quite happy with this update. At least they can still play them. -- Let me add that this is a BC BETA FEATURE, not BC-ONLY FEATURE. Meaning it might become available for NBCers as well. -- With BC only places, it's different. BC users have their own games. And as an extra incentive, you get extra tickets for having people play them. ROBLOX lost many good games that way, and it stops users from being able to play fun games. BC only games are just pure insulting to NBC users, and this is coming from a previous BC user. -- This makes more people buy BC, most BC-Only Places have an NBC version, most BC-Only games are crud, and there are few BC-Only games. I see no reason why you're even bringing up that topic. BC-Only Games are only insulting to an NBCer who takes all of his benefits for granted. -- That is all I have to say. All in all, I think ROBLOX needs to show the NBC users they aren't forgotten, and ease up on the BC users having so many more privileges. I think I have made a good argument. -- Let me remind you that they ARE doing that, and always will be. Don't act like ROBLOX is turning BC-Only, because it so obviously isn't. -- If you disagree with me, please don't flame, just say you disagree. -- I'd like to hope that you don't consider what I've done ''flaming.'' My argument was perfectly clean. I did not insult you, nor did I shout at you. I simply argued with you. --
#53864853Monday, August 29, 2011 2:40 PM GMT

I'd like to add, when you have the time, read this. It's basically my argument, particularly chapters I and III...
#64499797Saturday, March 17, 2012 8:15 PM GMT

#64500594Saturday, March 17, 2012 8:26 PM GMT

support! And btw, in my book, TL;DR is considered spam.
#64501713Saturday, March 17, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

Going to support, until in one paragraph you said "I'm suggesting that BC users don't get anything." That, is a terrible idea.
#64513402Saturday, March 17, 2012 11:23 PM GMT

"From what I saw back in December of '09 was that BC users get some more stuff, some extra places, extra salary, etc..." THE GOOD OL' DAYS OF 09 Support btw :P
#64516019Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:01 AM GMT

Its called build a good place and trade currency. ~All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. -Edgar Allen Poe~
#64517923Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:29 AM GMT

Well I read this all, and I support. We need some decent gears and hats for NBCers! Most of the catalog updates will cost you some Robux. I would like to see a few more things that are purchasable by NBCers, like around 50-200 tickets? And those BC tags! I don't like those. They just obviously separate the NBCers from BCers. I'd be happy if they removed those from the game server list. They probably won't though, but you know... ~~Blame It On John~~
#64518507Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:37 AM GMT

I'm not reading another another MLK line thread speech. Only VirtualDarks can get it perfect. No reading. Sux for u.
#64675454Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:07 PM GMT

Imma Support this by never ever getting BC!

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