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#53472477Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:58 PM GMT

1943 (North African Campagin)- Both sides (Allies and Axis) have realized the importance of Africa. As the major Axis power's leader wishes to control the Medeterrainian, the Allies (America and England) wish to liberate the part in which his invasion began. In the North African campaigns, Italy and Germany fight for the Axis powers. The liberators of the countries that have been captured by Axis forces is America and England. 1943 (Sicilian Campgain to the Capture of Italy)- As the Germans and Italians lose the bridge point to Sicily, America launches an invasion on Sicily. Hopefully, it will pressure the dictator of Italy. The air borne divison will cause havoc behind the lines while the fleets pound away at the coastline. As the invasion starts, the Americans are pounded by heavy rains and thunder. Pilots are worried that they would be thrown off course by the thunder storm. The fleet members are getting sea-sick from being thrown around a lot. The forces fighting here were English and American versus Italy. 1944 (D-Day, Normandy)- Western Allies have begun their own assault on Axis powers. Having their own forces move in from the South through Italy to Berlin, it would have been a piece of cake. Problem is the German soldiers were heavly dug into the city of Normandy. Machine guns were planted all through the city, there were wires on the beach. Soldiers would die no matter what. The Air bourne division also invaded in a hope to destroy machine guns from behind the German forces. America versus Germany in an all-out blood bath. 1945 (Invasion of Berlin)- The time has come to put an end to Germany's reign of terror. America, English, France (regained after France was taken back from Germany), Sovient Union, Romanian, and other Ally powers invaded Berlin. Russia had already taken Eastern Germany. All German forces were recalled to Berlin to hold off against Allied powers. All allied powers are in this versus the German soldiers. 1945 (X-Day, America invades Japan) Japan won't give up. Even though their defeat at the Midway battle, they will keep fighting. The Atomic Bombs (Little Boy and Fat Man) wouldn't dim their quest for world domination. Russia has already placed 1,000,000 soldiers into the battle with Japan. America has begun to land on Japanese shores. America and Russia against Japan. ----------------------------------------- Sorry about the lots of forums... Choose the battles you wish to be in. 1943 (North African Campagin) N@me: @ge (cannot be under 18): Gender: (yes women were allowed into the army) Nationality: (British, American, German, Italian) Power: (axis or Allies) Description: Main weapon: Secondary: Explosive: (ie Stailingrade, Mark 2 Grenades) Rank (Cannot be General): 1943 (Sicilian leading to Italian campagin): N@me: (same name if you survive the NAC) @ge: (cannot be under 18) Gender: Nationallity: (British, American, Italian) Power: (Axis or Allies Description: (don't fill out if you already have) Main Weapon: Secondary: Explosive: Rank (cannot be General): 1944 (D-day to capture of the French Capital): N@me: (Cannot be the same as the one in the NAC or Italy Campaign) @ge: Gender: Nationallity: (American or German) Power: (Axis or Allies) Description: (fill this out) Main Weapon: Secondary: Explosive: Rank (still can't be above General): 1945 (Invasion of Berlin): N@me(s): (can be both from Italian Campagin and D-Day) @ge(s): Gender(s): Power: (Axis, Sovient Union, Allies- no nationallity because there are too many to name @_@) Description: Main Wep: Secondary: Explosive: Rank (STILL NO GENERAL!): 1945 (X-Day, America invades Japan): N@me: (Can't be from any other campagins cause they're still in Europe at the time) @ge: Gender: Nationallity: (American, Japanese, Russian) Power: (Allies, Axis or Sovient Union) Desc: Main Wep: Secondary: Explosive: Rank (Do I need to say it?): You don't have to fill these all out at once. But I am the only one with the power to shift the campagins which I will do at the end of all campagins. You are automatically accepted if you aren't using modern weapons (Ak-47, RPG, M16, etc.)
#53474941Tuesday, August 23, 2011 7:36 PM GMT

1943 (North African Campagin) N@me: Michael Agusut @ge (cannot be under 18): 21 Gender: Male Nationality: American Power: Allies Description: Brown hair, 5 ft. 11 in., hazel eyes, Main weapon: Tommy Gun Secondary: N/A Explosive: Mark 2 Grenades Rank (Cannot be General): Lutenate
#53475849Tuesday, August 23, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

1945 N@me: Kaji Hanno Hamamoto @ge: 21 Gender: Male Nationallity: Japanese Power: Axis Desc: Brave, and also quick on his feet. Was very quick in his early and perfered to not talk to people. He was not very smart in school but could easly checkamate someone in chess. Main wep:Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927 Secondary wep: Nambu pistol Explosive: Type 97 grenade Rank: Corpral
#115969947Sunday, October 20, 2013 2:13 AM GMT

1943 (North African Campagin) N@me: mike @ge: 25 Gender: male Nationality: American Power: allies Description: (doesn't have one) Main weapon: m1a1 carbine Secondary: m1911 Explosive: Mark 2 Grenades Rank: pvt 1st class 1
#115973745Sunday, October 20, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

1945 (Invasion of Berlin): Name(s): Vladimir Yakunin Age(s): 28 Gender(s): Male Power: Soviet Union Description: Tall, fairly muscular, black hair, black eyes, is cunning and scheming. Main Wep: Federov Avtomat Secondary: Tokarev TT-30 Explosive: Mark II grenades Rank (STILL NO GENERAL!): Sergeant
#115978771Sunday, October 20, 2013 3:20 AM GMT

Name: Bronislav Joslivski Age: 34 Gender:Male Power: Soviet Union Description:Brown eyes and short brown hair, covered by his helmet. He wears black body armor over a green Soviet Armed Forces uniform. He is extremely strict. Main Wep:PPSH-41 Secondary:TT-30 Explosive:RPG-43 Anti-Tank grenade Rank :Major

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