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#57075495Thursday, October 27, 2011 10:52 PM GMT

Mia: I got pretty bored just standing there, so I got up, and sprinted into the forest. Before climbing my favorite tree, I stopped to tie my shoe. I sighed and climbed to the highest point of tree, then looked over the town. "I feel like a kid again!" I chuckled. Then I climbed down a few branches, sat down, leaned my head against the tree, and swung my feet around until I almost fell. "I wish my parents could see me now..." I yawned. ~~~ I woke with a start. "Oh no I must have dozed off!" I shouted. Then I jumped out of tree and ran straight to town. The sun was just starting to go down once I got back. "Phew, I made it just in time... although I am kinda hungry!" I said while gasping for air. Soon enough I found some prey. I stalked the old man then quickly bit into his neck. "WOW. I felt like a cat..." I whispered before licking the blood from my lips.
#57075781Thursday, October 27, 2011 10:56 PM GMT

Marcus As I leave the station to go home I notice someone jumping from a tree. I put on my baclava, put the googles on my helmet over my eyes and run to her. (My dude is dressed like a SWAT officer. If you forgot.)
#57089972Friday, October 28, 2011 2:27 AM GMT

I see Marcus running. "Oh no, not this guy again..."
#57122259Friday, October 28, 2011 10:13 PM GMT

(Its probably too late to join, but I might as well try) ~Vampire CS~ Name:Vanda MgEtty (pretends to be 17 when around humans) when bitten: 4 Powers: (If there are any)Can turn into little baby when needs to get plenty of blood. (NOBODY, I repeat nobody would turn down a little baby!) Appearance:Black emo shoulder lenght hair cut with blood red highlights. Skinny body, can grow black wings to attract ma.le atttention. Usually wears a red or green strapless dress that comes way above the knee when around vampires. When around humans or about to drink their blood she wears either black jeans or a denim skirt with a D&G jacket and a black tshirt. Job: (if any) Disguises as a fashion designer and steals the designs of the people she has killed to make 'human' money. Bio: Real name is Vanda MgEtty and says she always will be called that. Hair doesnt grow any longer so it stays in the same perfect style forever and although inside she is ageing this will never show. Her mother's name was Elisia MgEtty and hated Vanda and still didnt care when her daughter went missing (turned into vampire!). Haunted her mother for years and then killed her mother will her sharp nails. Please accept, although its quite late in the story!
#57381247Wednesday, November 02, 2011 4:34 AM GMT

I sense a human coming so I turn around and give him an intimidating stare. I stop, sit down, and chuckle. "Silly humans!"
#58496041Thursday, November 24, 2011 4:06 PM GMT

I grin and follow them. This would be fun.

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