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#53619028Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

Welcome to the Hunger Games! Beginning at 100, you can find all of the Games here. May the odds be EVER in your favor! ~~ How This Works ~~ You may have seen our former threads. We’re putting everything in one from now on. At the end of each Games, the next maker will be chosen. The arena will not be posted until the Games begin. It’s the same as any other HG thread, just a lot in one. ~~ Rules ~~ 1) No godmoddding, Mary Sue, etc. 2) You can join if you haven’t read the books. Just ask for an explanation. 3) Grammar. Please. 4) Ask permission before you send gifts 5) You can’t escape the arena. 6) One character, please. 7) It’s the Hunger Games. You’re going to die. Please don’t complain about it. 8) If a District is taken in the current Games, you can’t use it. 9) Post “Quell4” under your sheet if you’ve read. 10) Admins: Icepelt27713, Warlord444555, zle, evilishness, cuteginger99, Brickguy58, Improve. I may be forgetting people. ~~ Character Sheet ~~ Name: A.ge (12-18): G.ender: District (1-12): Strengths: Weaknesses: Appearance: Biography: EVERYTHING must be filled out in order to be accepted, except Biography.
#53619176Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:52 PM GMT

~~ Character Sheet ~~ Name: Cylon Lebik (Si-lon) A.ge (12-18): 17 G.ender: M District (1-12): 2 Strengths: Short range weapons, running, strength Weaknesses: Climbing, swimming, long range weapons Appearance: Brown hair, golden eyes, very tall and muscular, handsome Biography:
#53619303Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:54 PM GMT

(Forgot to put Quell4. The games will not start until the one who won the last games posts the arena. AFK until tomorrow.)
#53620318Friday, August 26, 2011 12:06 AM GMT

Na.me: Collins Famive A.ge (12-18):13 G.ender:F District (1-12): 5 Strengths: Very stealthy and deciving. Also fast and good with knives. Weaknesses:Can't shoot a bow or a spear, only does well with up close combat. This is a great weakness. Appearance:Cropped blonde hair, small frame, bright blue eyes, fair skin. Considered pretty in her district. Biography: Collins never wanted to be in the Hunger Games, but she prepared herself for it. Her family wasn't particularly wealthy but they weren't poor either. She's an only child. EVERYTHING must be filled out in order to be accepted, except Biography. quell4
#53621234Friday, August 26, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

Na.me: Jaron Kairn A.ge (12-18): 16 G.ender: M District (1-12): 8 Strengths: Knows how to camoflauge himself, and knows most of the edible plants, and fruits outside of district 8. He's quick, and hopes his agility can keep him alive. He has a mother and 2 siblings to take care of, so he has to hunt for the family. Weaknesses: Not strong, so can't fight in close range. He's only good at long ranges and retreating if needed. Appearance: Short brown hair, tall, skinny, tanned skin, and dark brown eyes. Most adults think he's kinda shady in his district, but many hang around with him. Biography: He kinda expected to be in the Hunger Games, considering all the wheat and oil they take. He's trained a few times, but he feels like he's weak compared to all the other combatants. His family is one of the poorest in district 8 so he hopes he can win and bring back a winner's house for his family. Quell4.
#53621714Friday, August 26, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

~~ Character Sheet ~~ Name: Jake Amed A.ge (12-18): 14 G.ender: Male District (1-12): 6 Strengths: Can make a medicine out of almost anything. He is very smart, and can figure things out quickly. He is not very smart in fighting strategies, but is perfect when he is put into a situation that involves survival. Weaknesses: Is easily distracted and is easily controlled by when pressured. Appearance: Jericho has short black hair that that goes down to forehead. He has a little bit of freckles dotting on both his cheeks. He has blue eyes and usually wears a white t-shirt with cargo shorts. Biography: Follows the rules, and was never counted on for food, though he was expertly trained by his dad in medicine.
#53623194Friday, August 26, 2011 12:42 AM GMT

Name: Vec, Greyblood. A.ge (12-18): 15 G.ender: M District (1-12): 11 Strengths: Poisons,Crafting, Knives Weaknesses:Swords, Bows, Foraging Appearance: Salt and peeper hair, black cowhide leather jacket, scar under right eye Biography: (Aint happening)
#53623320Friday, August 26, 2011 12:44 AM GMT

#53634319Friday, August 26, 2011 2:50 AM GMT

(can I reserve a spot? I Call 12 male! again... Oh and I know that one person per slot thing is because of me... :P)
#53635341Friday, August 26, 2011 3:06 AM GMT

(Explanation please!! I've heard of HG but never read the books.)
#53635555Friday, August 26, 2011 3:10 AM GMT

(Trust me. If you haven't read the books, PLEASE don't join. There's a lot of stuff you're not going to understand.)
#53635882Friday, August 26, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

(Ignorance ^.^)
#53635942Friday, August 26, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

#53638952Friday, August 26, 2011 4:18 AM GMT

(OH yeah...for my sheet Quell4)
#53639272Friday, August 26, 2011 4:25 AM GMT

Name: A.ge (12-18): (CAN I BE 12?) 12 (If not..) 14 G.ender: M District (1-12): 2 Strengths: Speed Climbing. Craftsmentship Duel knives. Weaknesses: Swimming. Strength. Sense of direction. Appearance:Short for his age. Blue eyes. Has a scar across his eye. Biography: I WILL GET BACK TO UZ PLZ ACCEPT ME
#53639305Friday, August 26, 2011 4:26 AM GMT

Oh mah district is 7 Quel5 was it? :o
#53646264Friday, August 26, 2011 11:18 AM GMT

~~ Character Sheet ~~ Name: Faren Jurain A.ge (12-18): 12 G.ender: Male District (1-12):10 Strengths: Is very clever sword fighting, climbing , swimming , running Weaknesses: Weak, range weopons ,gets cold or hot easily, Throwing knives, is too trusty. Appearance: SMall agile and seemiling weak, but is clever and can design traps better then many people, eyes are blue and hair is brown. Biography: Quell 4 (and improve where are we jumping to 100 we just had the 75 quarter quell, at this rate we might as well make them all quarter quells. Why not start 77, its much simplier makes more sense)
#53646955Friday, August 26, 2011 11:54 AM GMT

@Baby, you can join, but there would be a very slim chance that you would either win, or be one of the last to die in the fighting.
#53648837Friday, August 26, 2011 1:04 PM GMT

(Am I accepted?)
#53649285Friday, August 26, 2011 1:21 PM GMT

(AM i )
#53649408Friday, August 26, 2011 1:26 PM GMT

(I'm changing my district to 12 :D) Na.me: Collins Famive A.ge (12-18):13 G.ender:F District (1-12): 12 Strengths: Very stealthy and deciving. Also fast and good with knives. Weaknesses:Can't shoot a bow or a spear, only does well with up close combat. This is a great weakness. Appearance:Cropped blonde hair, small frame, bright blue eyes, fair skin. Considered pretty in her district. Biography: Collins never wanted to be in the Hunger Games, but she prepared herself for it. Her family wasn't particularly wealthy but they weren't poor either. She's an only child. EVERYTHING must be filled out in order to be accepted, except Biography. quell4
#53649434Friday, August 26, 2011 1:26 PM GMT

Name: Pataryx Masuko A.ge (12-18): 12 G.ender: Male District (1-12): 3 Strengths: Good shooting stance (which is probably next to useless as there are no guns dropped). Electric theory. Weaknesses: Scatophobe, cannot fire a bow. Appearance: 5'11, formerly slightly fat but lean, dark-haired and unkept hair. Faintly yellow teeth, and dark black eyes. Nails not uniformly cut. Biography: Never expected to be entered for the hunger games, Pataryx was unprepared, he was unfit and lacked the skills to survive. He had to learn now, and he was not eager.
#53649523Friday, August 26, 2011 1:30 PM GMT

(Never mind!! I'll be five gosh AND THIS IS FINAL! IM DISTRICT 5!!) Na.me: Collins Famive A.ge (12-18):13 G.ender:F District (1-12): 5 Strengths: Very stealthy and deciving. Also fast and good with knives. Weaknesses:Can't shoot a bow or a spear, only does well with up close combat. This is a great weakness. Appearance:Cropped blonde hair, small frame, bright blue eyes, fair skin. Considered pretty in her district. Biography: Collins never wanted to be in the Hunger Games, but she prepared herself for it. Her family wasn't particularly wealthy but they weren't poor either. She's an only child. EVERYTHING must be filled out in order to be accepted, except Biography. quell4
#53652015Friday, August 26, 2011 2:48 PM GMT

Name: Cassel Deen. A.ge (12-18): 16. G.ender: Male. District (1-12): 5. Strengths: Particularly good with ranged weapons. He can use a knife, but nothing bigger. He's also good at stealth. Very good at lying. Weaknesses: Close ranged combat, bad at trusting people. Appearance: 5'9, medium build. Cropped black hair, with golden amber eyes. A smile that makes you want to trust him, and normal facial features. Biography: Meh. Quell 4.
#53652244Friday, August 26, 2011 2:54 PM GMT

Name:Orlando A.ge (12-18):15 G.ender:male District (1-12):11 Strengths:light on feet. flexible. creative. archery Weaknesses:not that strong Appearance:brown hair and eyes. tanned. skinny. Biography: :P Quell 4.

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