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#53782297Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:28 AM GMT

In a town called Ebai there was a league of heroes protecting Ebai from evil.The league of heroes were only ONCE in danger when a evil man named Foth that awakened a ancient race named the Koji.Foth sweared revenge to take over that league and was trapped in a dimensional prison for years...but now he has escaped and the heroes...they died.You and a group of friends are Ebais last chance. ____________________________________________________________________________ CS Name: @ge:(13-17) Magic powers:(Yeah you get them.FOR 0 DOLLERS!!!:3) Weapons: Appreance: Personalty: Bio: Extra: ____________________________________________________________________________ SRRY BEDTIME NO CONNECTION CANT POST RULES WILL TOMMAROW_
#53782342Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:29 AM GMT

#53783459Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:59 AM GMT

Name: @ge: 14 Magic powers: Can control gravity Weapons: Gravity staff. Appreance: Has shaggy black hair, Dark purple eyes, His clothing he wears a Black T-Shirt with the word "Gravity" on it with denim jeans and T0ny H@wk shoes. Personalty: Quiet, but is angered very easily. Bio: He realized he had powers when one day a couple of school bullies decided to try and beat him up after school. He became angry, and suddenly a staff appeared in his hands and the bullies were lifted away in zero gravity. Extra: Hmm.... His staff floats around him and cannot be removed from his force of gravity.

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