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#53789729Sunday, August 28, 2011 11:57 AM GMT

Here's planet earth. Nice and normal right? Then, 5 years ago, 'BOOM!' there was an accident. Nobody knows why it happened but it caused these tiny machines called nanites to get into every living thing on earth. Normaly the nanites are harmless, lying dormant. But every so often they turn their host in a monster. We call them Evo's(Expotentioaly VArieagated Organism(Did I spell that right?)). Most Evo's just want to wreck stuff, which is why Providence exists. When I say most I mean, 98% of them. Among the 2% that actually understand what's going on are Rex, a 15 year old who work for providence and cures Evo's, and The Pack, a group of uncureables led by the evil Van Kleiss. Then there's you. You are an Evo. You don't want to wreck stuff, you don't want to be part of The Pack, okay maybe you do. Maybe you want to work for Providence, Maybe you just want to try and live a normal life. It's your decision. Rules •No godmodding •No ubering •‘It’s not in the rules’ isn’t an excuse •Put The Nanite Event after your CS to prove you’ve read the rules •You can have up to 4 characters, no more. ~Evo CS~ Name: Age: Gender: The Pack, Providence or Normal?: Is it obvious you're an Evo? Apperance: Evo power[s]:
#53814028Sunday, August 28, 2011 7:33 PM GMT

~Evo CS~ Name: Luke Wilder @ge: 15 Gender: Male The Pack, Providence or Normal?: Normal-ish. =3= Is it obvious you're an Evo? Not really, unless you see mai back. Apperance: Tribal pattern clothing, varying colors, a necklace with a tribal charm on it called Vapatra, and black skate shoes. His back, where his spine is, is covered with a light metal alloy type thing. Blue-gray swirled eyes, and blond hair. Scar over his right eye, through the eyelid. Evo power[s]: The metal on his back can spread to his entire body, and is very, VERY hard to pierce. The metal on his spine area cannot be broken. When covered, Luke can still move fast, and his fists have spikes on them, as well as having small blades on his wrists, leading up to his elbow.
#53815911Sunday, August 28, 2011 7:55 PM GMT

~Evo CS~ Name: Lupo “Wolf” Garcia @ge: 15 Gender: Male The Pack, Providence or Normal?: Hm…Pack…:3 Is it obvious you're an Evo? I guess not. Apperance: Wolf has curly brown-ish hair. His eyes are a deep purple, and he has an olive skin tone. He wears a blue tee, jeans, and black converses. He stands at 5’8. Evo power[s]: He can shapeshift into a wolf, although he is part cyb org. It shows, when he is a wolf, because metal covers one eyes, his right leg, and part of his back.
#53816392Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:01 PM GMT

~Evo CS~ Name: Mae @ge: 12 Gender: Female The Pack, Providence or Normal?: Trying to join Providence Is it obvious you're an Evo? Apperance: She has Pale skin and is freckled. Her Freckles cover the tops of her cheek bones and cross over her nose like a bridge. She has blue eyes with a small outline of dark blue around the iris's. The corners of her mouth are slightly turned up so she always appears to be happy. She is fond of wearing jeans, but will sometimes wear a denim skirt. She is almost always in a lilac short sleeved top but occasionally wears a different colour. If it is cold she wears a hat and gloves that are comoflauge pattern and a jacket. She has blonde hair that goes down just past her shoulders. She will normally tie her hair back in a ponytail. Evo power[s]: Wings,SImilar to a Hawks but 3X as big, can sprout from her shoulder blades. Animals like her and she can absorb their abilities. Eg. Jumping like a rabbit or digging like a mole. A mutant mouth can come from her human mouth which can emit sonic blasts to repel any enemy. (Like Circe's. look here if you don't know what it looks like:http://generatorrexpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Circe)
#53816919Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:06 PM GMT

(accepted Icy :D We can start) (Does anyone want to control Story Characters? I'm doing Dr. Holiday, Six and Rex, but Noah, Van Kleiss, Breach,Biowolf,Scalamander,Circe and Bobo are needed to be controled. If you want them but don't know who they are look here: http://generatorrexpedia.wikia.com and type in their name)
#53874182Monday, August 29, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

(k) Wolf I growl. Something was moving...
#53874585Monday, August 29, 2011 6:54 PM GMT

(I will control Van Kleiss, Biowolf, Scalamder, Breach, and Circe.)
#53875087Monday, August 29, 2011 7:04 PM GMT

~Mae~ I stood on top of the office building, watching the battle below. As the Evo smashed Reex into the ground again I made my decision. I'd origanaly wanted to go to the Providence H.Q to ask about a job but how would I introduce myself? 'Hi I'm Mae. I'm an Evo can I work for you?' That just wouldn't work. And this Evo was causeing them grief, so I decided to step in and help. My wings can out and I flew down and landed on the creatures neck, I let out a sonicscreech in it's ear and it collapsed to the ground. "What're you waiting for?" I said as I landed next to Rex. "Cure it already!" [move to third person] Rex sighed and stepped up to the creature and cured it. He turned back to the girl. "You're an..?" ~Mae~ "Evo." I finished. I know"
#53875158Monday, August 29, 2011 7:06 PM GMT

(Ok Icy. You can control the Pack)
#53875197Monday, August 29, 2011 7:07 PM GMT

Wolf I trot over to Van Kleiss. ~Shall we go sir?~ Van Kleiss "Not yet...we must wait..."
#53875284Monday, August 29, 2011 7:09 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#53875368Monday, August 29, 2011 7:10 PM GMT

(What evil plot does Van Kleiss have this time? I can't wait to see >:D)
#53875802Monday, August 29, 2011 7:19 PM GMT

~Evo CS~ Name: Alex @ge: 15 Gender: Male The Pack, Providence or Normal?: Normal Is it obvious you're an Evo? Nope. Apperance: Brown hair, generally wearing a white shirt. Blue jeans, usually wearing trainers. Evo power[s]: Ability to interact with machinery. Insert nano's into machines to control them temporarily. Can absorb information out of the machines while nano's are inside. Can control things such as Vehicles, control pannels, terminals etc.
#53876018Monday, August 29, 2011 7:23 PM GMT

(Not giving away >:))
#53886383Monday, August 29, 2011 10:05 PM GMT

Luke I'm walking through the city, always on guard for any Evos. They seem... drawn to me.
#53916075Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:21 AM GMT

~Evo~ I walked carefully in the shadows. I sinffed the air. A foe. I ran towards the source of the scent (The Evo is a dark purple-ish gray. It is humanoid and waalks on two legs. It's eyes are on it's shoulders and take up most of them. It's mouth is about 3x as big as a normal persons mouth.(This is a evo from the series. I just couldn't find a picture :P))
#53917598Tuesday, August 30, 2011 11:54 AM GMT

(Who agrees with me that Van Kleiss has the best badguy themetune!? If you haven't heard it look here ht-tp://www.yo-u-tube.com/wa-tch?v=GDKNMI48AcU&feature=related)
#53918243Tuesday, August 30, 2011 12:23 PM GMT

(Is teh Evo after me? XD) Luke I slow down, at the ready.
#53921399Tuesday, August 30, 2011 2:25 PM GMT

~Evo CS~ N.ame: Damian Longheart A.ge: 17 Ge.nder:Male The Pack, Providence or Normal?: The Pack FTW! Is it obvious you're an Evo? Nupe. Until he takes out his guns Apperance: He usually wears plaid shorts and a t-shirt. He also wears an Angels baseball cap. He doesn't like to wears sleeves because they always end up ripping when his guns sprout. He has deep green eyes and short brown hair. The hair reaches to about his forehead before slightly curving to the right. He has freckles dotting a little bit of both his cheeks. He has a sharp chin and slightly large ears. His nose is blunt and his neck is a medium length. He has dark black hairs, obviously seen on his legs and arms. He is about 5'10 and he weighs about 110 pounds. Evo power[s]: His arms can transform into guns every so often. One being a primary weapon and the other arm being a secondary handgun THENANITEEVENT 0.0
#53921669Tuesday, August 30, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

(Accepted coppermop) (Yes Dest. It is after you XD)
#53922885Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:06 PM GMT

So tired...-3- Hold on, joining.
#53923767Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:28 PM GMT

Wolf I growl. ~Are you sure this will work?~ Van Keiss "Yes, it will. It must Wolf."
#53924011Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:34 PM GMT

(Que Van Kleiss's theme tune!) "Rex! The battle is over. You need to get back to the Keep" Six's voice crackled over the radio. "I'm coming Six" Rex replied. He looked at the girl. ~Mae~ "Don't worry. I'm not going to cause trouble. I'm a Evo but I'm not with The Pack" I said and I flew off. "..." Rex didn't say anything and he flew back to the Keep.
#53924682Tuesday, August 30, 2011 3:53 PM GMT

Van Kleiss "This is a great plan. How could it not work?" Wolf I shrug.
#53925822Tuesday, August 30, 2011 4:21 PM GMT

(My(Candy) account got ba.nned.) ~Evo CS~ Na.me: Kate DeAngelo Ag.e: 14 Gender: Female The Pack, Providence or Normal?: Normal-ish, but helps Providence out. Is it obvious you're an Evo? Er...unless you see her powers, no. Apperance: Kate has brown hair so dark it looks like black, and brown hazel eyes. She has a scar below her upper lip, not bad, but it can be seen. She has pale skin, and is about 5'5" tall. She's wearing a plain white t-shirt with black jean shorts. Oh, and some worn-out Converse. Evo power[s]: Her left or right arm can transform into a (DIAMOND, DIAMOND) sturdy steal blade. She has awesome sword fighting skills, so this comes in handy. (Second power will be revealed.) TheNaniteEvent

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