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#53794367Sunday, August 28, 2011 2:20 PM GMT

So over whole the world like stories are told these stories are all ment to scare us these stories most of them called ghost stories. Everyone at least knows one of them so heres your oppertunity to tell your story to everyone else (made self or heard) So to start up I'm giving a story told around Bruges: Theres a house somewhere in Bruges and that house should be cursed, witched, haunted,... wathever you think it is. In that house several people lived. Most of them were telling every night objects moved from one side of the room to the other side. Every single night they saw the objects floating to the other side. The most of them only stayed a year in the house. Because everyone in the house died after a year. They all died 'cause of a cerebral hemorrhage. And now the house should be a restaurant. Pretty weird huh? Now it's your turn think up a story or write one you've heard. Shall everyone shiver of your story? Is your story real happend? Or did it maybe happen? Well you may tell! ...
#53799234Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:49 PM GMT

No one knows ghost stories or just spooky stories? Well maybe i'll give another one: A while ago a family(father, mother, child) bought a doll it was an old dol(or it looked like), made of hard plastic and it was always sitting with 2 fingers in the air. The doll was staring just in the nothing. When you stared in his eyes you could think it was alive... The night after they bought the doll the child heard: "I'm standing at the chairs, yes I am..." The next night he heard:" I'm standing on the stairs, I'm close..." The third night he heard:" I'm at the top of the stairs, I'm almost there..." The fourth night he heard:" I'm standing next to your bed, ready to strike..." The night after that night no one ever heard a thing about the boy again. And the doll? He was still sitting and staring, with three fingers in the air... Ok now it's your turn people!!
#53801434Sunday, August 28, 2011 4:27 PM GMT

Or you guys got no inspiration or you hate ghost stories or no one is at the forums right now? Well another one: Late night... A kid was lieing in his bed not sleeping he was still awake his house was build right next to the graveyard. Every night the kid heard noises like uuuuuuuuu... Grrsersdree..... Nummmmmmmmkuuuuuuuu....... He tought it were the undead from the graveyard. The kid never went to the graveyard 'cause he was afraid. But once at school a few kids went camping to the graveyard. It was for a bet: normally in the town they said you may not enter the graveyard at night. And one of the kids was the kid living next to the graveyard they were stupid to do but... The kids were at the graveyard. They set theyr tents and went sleeping. Like the kid heard every night they heard the same noises but louder then else. The kid went outside to look...... That night four kids dissapeard just like theyr tents every prove they have been on the graveyard has dissapeard. No on ever saw them again. But no on tought the undead would have done this it just can't. Except if, if they got smarter... -Demonskul777 Come on guys think up yourself they don't need to be very scary. They may be classic like this one i tought up fast.
#53802160Sunday, August 28, 2011 4:39 PM GMT

CLOWNS Once there was a boy and it was his birthday. So the mother went to the store and saw a clown holding 5 fingers up. She thought it was PERFECT and bought it the worker said " Never leave your kid alone with this clown ". SO she went home and gave the boy the clown he loved it so much! She said she had to go get some ballons and pick up the cake ect. for the party. When she came back she saw the clwon next to the boy with 6 fingures and the by was dead next to him he said" Your next"... 1 week later.... The clown is at th store with 7 fingures holding up....SMiling out the window waiting...For the next buyer....
#53802305Sunday, August 28, 2011 4:41 PM GMT

:O that's a combination of two stories and a store
#53802356Sunday, August 28, 2011 4:41 PM GMT

STORY There was this guy, and he died. His ghost scared people. The end. ___________________________________
#53802416Sunday, August 28, 2011 4:42 PM GMT

Beautiful :p
#53804322Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:12 PM GMT

I learned something today: robloxians are not good at telling ghost stories. Well doesn't matter. But you can change my thinking if 4 more post a ghost story longer then ten lines and every line must be a sentence. GOOD LUCK!!!! Only one story per person
#53804610Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:17 PM GMT

I can't remember my story. Too freaking long.
#53804703Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:19 PM GMT

Well no proves doesn't count XD
#53804753Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:20 PM GMT

Hurricane Irene.
#53804842Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:21 PM GMT

That's only one line? Not even a sentence, but it's realXD sorry doesn't count
#53805102Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:26 PM GMT

I just remembered one of my stories. It's called the Jinxed Touring Car. Here I go... A long time ago, the Duke and his family were in a parade in their deep green van. Someone shot the Duke and his family. After that, one of his friends sold the car. They found him dead in a car crash. Then they sold it to a doctor. The legend of the car drove customers away and he died in another crash. The governor of the country bought it. He got in 2 crashed and died in a 3rd one 2 months later. They sold it to a rich farmer. It wouldn't start up, so he got it towed so he could haul his load. It got hooked on the tow truck, and suddenly, the engine roared into life and flipped over, crushing the farmer under it. Then, the final buyer was a doctor, but luckily he got rid of it before any harm was done to him. He sold it to a musuem and it's still there today. Creepy, huh? To me it seems like the more people bought it, the longer it took to get it's vengeance.
#53805271Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:28 PM GMT

OK another story. Imma try mai best. :> There was this girl who was at her friends house, one of her friends dared the girl to go to the woods. She did, so she was in it and got lost. Something was in the bushes.... It was a animal... A MEAT EATING ANIMAL!!!! She was so scared she ran, far away from her friends house, her friends were worried about her. SO they went to look for her. Then they saw footprints that looked like the girls shoe.... Then they found a dead body which was the GIRL! She was eaten by a animal with her guts rearranged and her blood splattered out... They were scared and got attacked by the animal, one of the girls got her head eaten alive, another one got her stmach open... but one was alive and found a mirror is the woods... she looked in it... her face in the mirror was turning into somekind of demon, she got killed by her reflection...
#53805338Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

I read it while eating patatoes(Not a word). Great and spooky. Maybe he got tired(He, It, She?). Not ten lines but i let it count ;)
#53805375Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

#53805537Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:33 PM GMT

Well it's mysterious. And kinda creepie i let it count that makes 2 @Hyper
#53805543Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:33 PM GMT

DANG I only got 9 lines!
#53805579Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:34 PM GMT

i said it didn't matter;)
#53805702Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:36 PM GMT

I have more scary stories but they're all in a book at my school library and it's Sunday. Plus, I don't go to that school anymore.
#53805899Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:39 PM GMT

2 Scary stories needed more come on people
#53806759Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:53 PM GMT

I was just thinking: why don't i make another one i'm a robloxian too aren't i? So I'm gonna hurt my brains to make a third... Winter, 12 Februari 2001, Russia... It was cold, cold as ice. A girl was sitting alone at a fire. "Sooo...sooos..os co..o...oo...ld' It was so cold the fire froze. The girl was thinkin: ' Is that even possible?' Then suddenly all her windows and the doors of the house opened all at once an icy cold flew in the house the girl froze together with whole the house. If this would be a movie she would have survived but this isn't this is real the girl died bleu and purlple of the cold no more blood streaming no more brains working she was dead... Years later the house was unfrozen and ready to be sold again. One man bought it. It was Winter, 12 Februari 2001. The man heard something. It seemed that the sound was coming from the chair standing in front of the fire "Sooo...sooos..os co..o...oo...ld' the man went looking downstairs and a bleu girl was sitting at the fire.' Can you wa...AAA.A..aarm meh uuu..uup ssssssssIIrr?' The man looked asking to the girl when all doors opened all windows opened and a cold breeze flew in the house the man was frozen just like the house and the girl dissapeard... now you guys
#53807791Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:08 PM GMT

No one knows another story? come on only 1 needed to proof you guys are creative :)
#53808027Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

#53808151Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:14 PM GMT

oh thanks :3

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