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#53795429Sunday, August 28, 2011 2:42 PM GMT

*I will post anything I've missed in another post* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cespar Island is no luxurious haven. In fact, several of the slaves- Or, as the Cesparets refer to them, 'Cesparees' -refer to it as the 'Isolated Hell'. The Cesparees feared for their lives, but you can't blame them. The Three Overseers had threatened, abused, and beaten them several times. It was the Overseers' negligence that had ended a small portion of lives, and ruined the majority of the Cesparees'. This was anything but paradise. You may ask, How would three overseers maintain a ton of slaves on their own? Well, they don't. They've hired a ton of men and women to look after the slaves, and, if necessary, beat them. These men and women were known as 'Cesparets'. These men and women were no different than the Three Overseers- They did not favor the slaves, nor did they show them any mercy. If you're thinking this island should've been discovered by now, you're wrong. Ships and boats may have easy access to the island's location, though they don't have easy access to the island itself. Closely-packed rock spires confined the entire island. How were the slaves transported then? Easy. Submarines. And tunnels. Tunnels have been carved through the rock spires under the surface, allowing the submarines entrance. The island itself was nothing more than a large rock jutting out from above the water's surface. The Tower sat upon it. The slaves' jobs were to mine the rocks above the surface, which were several feet high. They were always wary to question the Three Overseers, but a few had the guts to. Instead of scolding, beating, or punishing, the Three Overseers gave them the same answer every time; "It'll make you strong, firm, and compliant. Now, get to it!" As tempting as it sounded, multiple Cesparees doubted that. There was some scheme behind this entire prison, and it should've been noticeable. It wasn't. The Cesparees were not given a fair warning. They had been deceived into going on a 'Relaxing Ferryboat Ride', as the driver had called it. Now, these Cesparees were either teens, young adults, or adults. They had no idea what mess they were getting themselves into by stepping foot on that ferryboat. After the boat would pull away from the docks, the most unexpected would happen- Men with ropes would lunge out from their hiding places and drag the citizens inside, tying their legs, and arms, and also gagging them. They would stay that way until they were loaded into a submarine, which gave them access to the island. They would then go over the rules, and be given a crimson red jumpsuit. They were given two jumpsuits; They would wash one a day at the coasts of the island. They were also given one pickaxe for mining, and a hard helmet. These Cesparees were no longer treated fairly. I advise you not to upset the Three Overseers, or else it will result in severe punishment. You have very little hope in this sitaution- Good luck, and good riddance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =RULES= -No godmodding -You must be accepted to join. -Obey the admins [If any], and I. -I will NOT tolerate trolls, nor criticism. Take it elsewhere. -Story mode please -Respect one another -When I leave, the RP will pause until I return [:P] -Put 'Cespar Island' beneath your CS -If you are a Cesparet, you may not kill any of the Cesparees unless given permission by the Three Overseers -Please use grammar -OOC will mainly be used in Party Chat; This will reduce spam on the thread -Three Strikes, and You're Out! [Three warnings. Afterwards, you're kicked from the RP] -You may not control others' characters. That includes the Three Overseers, which I will be in control of -You may only have two characters, giving you the advantage to be both a Cesparet and a Cesparee =LOCATIONS= The Tower- Location of the sleeping quarters, storage closet, cafeteria, and Punishment Room. The Caves- The caves in which the Cesparees mine in. The Punishment Room- Where Cesparees are sent for misbehaving. They are whipped by a Punisher and chained to a stone wall. They stay in that situation over night. The Cafeteria- Where the Cesparees, Cesparets, and Three Overseers are served their meals. Cesparees' food- Slug and Milk ['Slug' is what they call the soup and meat loaf they're served] Cesparets' food- Turkey, ham, and bacon; Pancakes, with butter; Average sandwiches; Sweet tea, or fresh, iced water Three Overseers' food- [This is served to Garty, the worst Overseer, Miss Emery, the only female Overseer, and Morgan, the male passionate Overseer] Any meats, vegetables, fruits, etc. =CHARACTER SHEETS= ~CESPAREE~ Name: Nickname: [These are given to all Cespareees] A.ge: Gender: Personality: Biography: Physical Appearance: ~CESPARET~ Name: A.ge: Gender: Personality: Biography: Physical Appearance: Job: [Cook, Miner Maintainer, Tower Patroller, Slave Transporter, Night Guard, Punisher]
#53796329Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

Name: Toby Nempus Nickname: Dog. A.ge: 13. Gender: M. Personality: Toby is king and helpfull to people who live a life of sadness (Like He Does), is daring and will take as much punishment he is given. Biography: Toby nevwr knew is mum or dad. His Dad did not like him so ran away, so Tobys mum got Toby a Stepdad. Toby's mum died when Toby was only half a year old, and his stepdad got Toby a Stepmum. Toby later was trusted to go on the "Ferry Ride" on his own. Physical Appearance: Toby is skinny for his age, is about 1.35m tall (Very small), has a burn skar across his forehead (He banged his head on an ioning board when little and the ion landed on his head), Has dark blonde/light brown hair, Bright Blue eyes and pale skin. Cespar Island
#53797843Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:26 PM GMT

=CHARACTER SHEETS= ~CESPAREE~ Name: Kurt Jackson Nickname: Wolf A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Personality: A very quiet young man, he is also quite rebellious. Take away his rights and there's sure to be trouble. Biography: Grew up in a middle class family, Kurt was never spoiled nor deprived of things he wanted, making him a disciplined young man. Being very quiet, he was picked on at school. Being deprived of his rights as a regular person, Kurt smashed a glass cup across a bully's head, expelling him from that school. He was home schooled from then on and lived a regular life. Physical Appearance: A Slender Medium build, mostly from the constant mining. His long shaggy black hair falls to his chin where it comes to an abrupt stop. He has oddly colored grey eyes and long slender eyebrows. About 5'10 and 154 lbs.
#53798244Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:33 PM GMT

Name: Nicole Ward (I might want to change the last name later if I find a better one.) Nickname: Nikki A.ge: 16 Gender:Feminine Personality: She's a tough girl that seems to be indifferent at all times because of how bad she is at showing emotions. She can be a bit rude, but once you get to know her she's a complete sweetheart. She thinks too much about things and hates being lonely. She doesn't like talking much, so you usually only hear her talk if she's asked a question. She's smart, but rebellious. She tends to break rules when she's feeling loud, then she regrets it right after. She's a negative person, always expecting the worse because of what has happened in her life so far. She always looks down on herself. She thinks she's a horrible person, and she thinks she's ugly. All because of a few bullying experiences. Very sensitive and brave. Hot-headed and stubborn sometimes. She's brutally honest. Creative, and she has a big imagination. Daydreams a lot. Biography: She was born in the country, and has kind of a southern accent. She tries to hide it when she talks, but most the time she fails. She has an alto voice. Her parents have never really liked her, in fact, they tried getting rid of her before she was born. It failed though, and they didn't feel like filling out paper work and putting her up for adoption. She has two sisters, that always look down on her and make fun of her. They call her an emo freak, loser, and all sorts of hurtful names like that. She's tried to run away many times, but has always failed. She started getting bullied when she was only in third grade. She was way overweight back then. After two years of it, she begin starving herself. Even when it wasn't that bad, she still got bullied because of her style. She refused to change it though. The rest will be revealed later. Physical Appearance: Thick, jet black hair. It's long. Mostly straight except for the loose curls at the bottom. She has choppy cyan bangs that are cut in a way that they curtain over her right eye. She has big bright blue eyes that seem to turn silver a bit when she's really angry. She weighs 124 pounds and is 5'3". She always complains about how short she is. Pale skin, although her time on the island has darkened it a tad. She has a square shaped face, a greek nose, dimples, and chapped lips. There's a few blemishes on her cheek, but they're not too bad right now. Her body is a little curvy, thanks to her extra weight. She has long, skinny feet and fingers. Her nails aren't that long, as she has a habit to bite them when she's nervous. She has two holes in her lip where her snakebites would usually go, and two in her ears. She has a few tattoos: There's a sleeve on her left arm that she designed her self. It starts out with a Treble Clef and a measure. She has the word "music" written after that on the lines, but the word is made out of notes. Then she has a bunch of notes that wrap around her arm. There's things in between the music: A drum, violin, and harp. In the next space there is a cello, bass, and piano. Go down one more, and there is what seems to be a heartbeat and a heart, but it has a twist: The right side of the heart is a Bass Clef, and music notes are coming out of it instead of a heart beat. All of it is colored in. She has "Live Free" Tattooed on her fingers, an Above the Influence sign on the inner wrist of her right hand, 4 music notes on her ear, And "For every dark night, there's a brighter day." Tatted across her back. Cespar Island (Sorry if I made any spelling/grammar mistakes, kind of tired.)
#53798328Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:35 PM GMT

(Derp. Cespar Island.)
#53798415Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:36 PM GMT

(Haha, forgot something: She has a dark sense of humor. xD)
#53799146Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:48 PM GMT

RPName: Arielle May Constence RPAge: Nineteen Gender: Female Personality: Oh, I do so despise filling this out. Please allow me to skip this, not because I am lazy, but I find it quite restraining during the role-play. I will attempt to make up for it in the rest of my sheet. Biography: You didn't mention how the Cesparets were brought unto the island but I'll make a background nevertheless. Arielle was born in France but emigrated to America after her first few years of life. Her parents were very educated peole, her father a reknowned psychiatrist and her mother a blossoming neurosurgeon. She was homeschooled up until her freshman year of highschool, where she was basically thrust in. It was a very good highschool however, and she didn't crumble as her parents were terrified she might. Arielle graduated at the top of her class. This is what happened, nothing else. However, emotions and the events directly behind them have proven to be related on a very thin surface. Arielle is blind, you see. From one viewpoint, it may seem rather silly then that she has such a strong passion for the arts. Her parents were always supportive, but Arielle could easily see their discontent. They were logical people, and she a dreamer. Arielle suffered from a sort of split personality, not clinically just on an emotionally distressed level, one part of her tried so desperately to be what her patents were, and the other part wanted to rebel in the name of everything pretty much, as long as it, she, could taste freedom. Arielle is a bit moody, to say the least. Physical Appearance: I plan on posting a picture soon. Arielle is on the short side at 5'1 and is more "curvy" as she jokingly puts it versus slender. She isn't fat, she just received a more shapely figure. Like most women, she has a nice figure but protests vehemently to the idea. She has long dark brown hair that is usually done a braid. She has pretty forest green eyes, but most people prefer not to look at her eyes. Arielle appears rather like a china doll, except her features are distinctly French. (Slim nose, short and full lips, etc.) She has pale unmarked skin. Job: Cook Cespar Island OOC: So, nu parentheses?
#53806937Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:55 PM GMT

(Bump so more people can join. :P)
#53806996Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:56 PM GMT

#53807372Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:02 PM GMT

#53807408Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

#53807418Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

(Forgot parenthesis, haha. Sorry.)
#53807497Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:04 PM GMT

(I like how he gets online right when I say he's offline. lmao. xD)
#53807517Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:04 PM GMT

(Yeah, I know.)
#53807551Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

(Sorry, I had church this morning and left as soon as I posted the thread :3 Anyways, all accepted!)
#53807645Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:06 PM GMT

(LadyAthena made her own CS. :3)
#53807747Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:08 PM GMT

(I just noticed ._. Lady, do you mind filling out the provided CS? :3 I would just like to know your job, etc.)
#53807946Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:11 PM GMT

Name: Kairu Velvak Nickname: Kaz A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Light-hearted and enjoys doing the best at whatever it is he is doing. Biography: He was on vacation when he went on the ferry. Expecting a nice joy ride in the time he had away from his parents and his little sister, he got a massive surprise. He is worried about his mother and his sister's reaction to being missing. Physical Appearance: He is short and extremely thin. He has very little muscle. He tries to handles all tasks given, but he often fails at physical tasks.
#53808475Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:19 PM GMT

(Accepted Escaro. By the way, I didn't have time to finish the locations, so here they are: Cesparee Quarters- Located in the cold, stuffy, dimly-lit basement of the tower. The so-called 'rooms' are seperated by blankets hung up. Behind each blanket is a bunkbed. Cesparet Quarters- The individual rooms consist of a single bed, a mirror, a bathroom, a desk, and a padio. Overseer Quarters- King-sized beds, a round table, a mirror, a desk, a padio, a bathroom, and a wardrobe Storage Closet- Where the pickaxes, and other tools are kept. It's located in the basement.)
#53809234Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:30 PM GMT

(I'm dissapointed. If you would have actually read my character sheet, you would have noticed I did follow the format. I'm in a dark mood at the moment, Hannibal fanfic is taking over my soul and sanity...)
#53809697Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:37 PM GMT

(Well, the CS looked like a paragraph o.e)
#53810054Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:42 PM GMT

(Do you mean Hannibal the great Military Leader?)
#53810639Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:51 PM GMT

(I mean Doctor Hannibal Lecter M.D. Hannibal the Cannibal.)
#53810650Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:51 PM GMT

Name: Dustin S. Reagan Nickname: Dusty A.ge: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Dustin has been very sorrowful and solemn ever since his arrival on the island a year ago. He's very wary, and fearful, obeying the Three Overseers without hesitation. He's quiet, and patient around the Cesparets, but, despite that, he's very chattery. Biography: It was Dustin's birthday the day he arrived at the island. He had gone with a friend on a ferry ride to celebrate. However, it had been a scheme. He was tied up, along with several others- including his friend -and transported to the island on the submarine. His friend had died days after their arrival, due to his disobedience. At this point, Dustin felt as though living weren't a privilege or a benefit. He felt as though it were a punishment itself. Unlike his friend, he had been obedient and done his requirements- Mining, obeying the rules, and respecting the Cesparets and Overseers. Physical Appearance: Dustin has blonde, shaggy hair that's cut around the ears. His face is usually grimy, due to his several hours of working in the mines. His eyes are a deep shade of blue, and his eyebrows match his hair. He's tall, and very slim. He has gained strength since his arrival from mining. He wears the provided outfits, both of which being dusty, old, and tattered. He has a scar on his upper lip from a fight he had been dragged into by another Cesparee.
#53810802Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:53 PM GMT

(If only it were this easy to come up with several original RPs... >.<)

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