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#53803953Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:06 PM GMT

( Repost, but even if it wasn't, no one would probably join. ) The United Terran Alliance had shattered into a thousand pieces. What had once united mankind, was soon being crushed under its own weight. Desperate to find a new home, the UTAS ship Novae left the Earth, with 3500 passengers. As Earth succumbed to nuclear war and utter destruction, the UTAS performed something virtually impossible: creating a wormhole. However, the Novae wasn't home free. She lost power to many areas, both of her engines exploded after the wormhole was first created, and over 700 people died in the chaos that rocked the ship. As she left it, she soon found herself in another solar system. Rocketing at high speed, she flew out, drifting towards a distant planet, with green continents and blue oceans. The Novae entered the atmosphere, and with most of her heat-plating destroyed, she was breaking apart. Princess Celestia herself awoke to the boom of the ship hitting the sound barrier. All of Equestria watched as it pummeled the Earth, erupting into a gargantuan mushroom cloud. The shockwave caused houses to collapse. As the cloud died, Celestia rode to the crash site with an escort of chariots, accompanied by her royal guard. The next few days were going to get very exciting. ======================================================== Haters, go find another thread to troll on. Spam is not tolerated. I must accept your character sheet before you roleplay. Story-Mode or First-Person roleplaying is accepted. Humans cannot use magic, and most ponies can't use human tools. ======================================================== Human Name: @ge: Gender: Physical Appearance: Clothes: Personality: Skills: Bio, (Optional): Pony Name: @ge, (Use filly, mare, or full-grown): Gender: Physical Appearance: Accessories: Personality: Cutie Mark: Bio, (Optional): ========================================================
#53804181Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:10 PM GMT

Name: Hans, Koral @ge: 35 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: 5'11, 135 pounds. Medium build, Caucasian skin. Jet black hair, rather unkempt and messy. Lots of bruises, cuts, and scrapes all over his body. Clothes: A grey jumpsuit, lined with black lining, with black "toe gloves". Personality: Usually hard-thinking, with generous tendencies, but is quick to defend, and cautious. However, he is stubborn at times. Skills: Natural leader. Bio, (Optional): Hans was elected the first president of the new UTA. He and about Being a natural leader, it was rather easy for him to win the campaign. He and 800 others survived because of the highly shock tolerant escape ships.
#53804399Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:14 PM GMT

(reposted, i see.) Name:Kamloops McCoy(give me a better name if you don't like it @ge:25 Gender:Female Physical Appearance: 4' 8, Average weight, leaning towards underweight, Pale skin, Not much muscle nor fat that is visible, Green-ish blue eyes, Unkempt Ginger red hair that comes down to the spot where the neck meets the shoulders, with pieces of hair poking out here and there, and with bangs covering the forehead, a few pieces of hair stick down from the uneven look of the bangs. Clothes:Black shoes, Brown pants, Navy blue shirt, Brown gloves, Brown messenger bag holding a pistol and Radio/transmitter. Personality:Tired, Somewhat lazy, Observative, quiet when needed Skills:Navigation, spotting, gunsperson Bio:Coming from scotland, she Was positioned on the ship in a last minute attempt to get people on it, She was the last person thrown on, as a scouter for anything ahead.
#53804402Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:14 PM GMT

(Brony mony)
#53804469Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:15 PM GMT

(you got a problem with bronies?)
#53804613Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:17 PM GMT

( Mhmm, your still accepted. We'll restart from the beginning. ) Koral Awaking to a series of coughs, I pushed the dust away from my face. I looked about the cabin of the escape ship. Several of the others, including some of my personal guard, were dead.
#53804860Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:22 PM GMT

I woke up, in pain, Shrapnel and bits of metal thrown everywhere around me, I could guess that the shrapnel and such was what caused the large gash on my left arm, and the Scratches and such here and there. I was Caught in the crash in a fortified room. So, i was basically in a Small room. a small room with some memory foam matresses thrown here and there. they didn't really put much effort into these, because right above me was a rather large gap in the ceiling. The door next to me was Smashed together shut, so the only way out was through the top. I began scaling the sides of the walls, Jumping up the sides of them towards the ceiling. This wasn't that hard since the walls had been closed in on in the impact, making the walls more sloped then they would be normally.
#53805184Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:27 PM GMT

Koral I lifted myself up, slightly whimpering as I did. My personal advisor rushed over to me, along with a paramedic. "I'm fine," I reassured them. "Just a bit shaken, is all." He nodded, then read a report to me. "5 dead sir, 11 injured. We have 30 able-bodied, and we've got significant damage to the hull. This escape ship isn't getting off this planet." "What of the Novae?" I quizzed him. "One half is half-buried in a mile-wide crater behind us, and the other half burned up in the atmosphere. We have reason to believe only a few hundred are still left in the Novae." "Where are the other escape capsules?" "Scattered around a three mile radius, most of them, from what we've observed, are about as damaged as ours. We have yet to try and contact them." "Good job, John. Go help with the paramedics over there." "Yes sir."
#53805471Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:32 PM GMT

Eventually i climbed out of the Gap. I was now in the floor Just below the Roof. There were first off large holes and gaps dotted around here and there. the escape hatches had already been destroyed, so it would seem like that would be the only logical way out. except in the impact, the ladders had been broken off and destroyed. I looked around for something to stand on. I found nothing, and just started jumping to try and grab onto the now open escape hatch.
#53805780Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:37 PM GMT

"Plasma rifles at the ready!" A guard yelled. I could hear the sound of rifles cocking to fire. "John, I need you and some of the other guards to escort me. We're going to scan the Novae for survivors. Also, turn on your transceiver, we might hear some calls for help." John nodded then brought over two guards. We all climbed out from the main hatch, and finding that the air was breathable, took off our packs. We dashed across the scorched earth, and slid down the side of the crater. There sat the gargantuan remains of the Novae. John turned on his transceiver as we ran towards the nearest hatch.
#53806044Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:41 PM GMT

I continued jumping for the gap. They really should've made the ladders stronger
#53806167Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:43 PM GMT

Koral Me, John, and the two guards heaved as we tore open the only slightly open escape hatch. Through the twilight that engulfed the ship, I thought I saw the shadow at the bottom of the half broken ladder. "Hello! Is anyone down there?"
#53806251Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

( Ponies? I'm sold, and joining. )
#53806270Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

"Yeah!"I yelled up, still trying to grab onto the side of the opened hatch.
#53806613Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:51 PM GMT

I shined a light down the now open hatch, revealing a lady trying to jump up and climb out. "Are you hurt?" I called down to her. As I asked, I nodded to John to get some cable out of his pack.
#53806715Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:52 PM GMT

I shined a light down the now open hatch, revealing a lady trying to jump up and climb out. "Are you hurt?" I called down to her. As I asked, I nodded to John to get some cable out of his pack. He dropped the cable down into the ship, with us holding the other end.
#53807041Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:57 PM GMT

( Double post. :P )
#53807397Sunday, August 28, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

"Mildly"I said. "There's a gash down my arm, and some scratches you would call normal."I added.
#53811976Sunday, August 28, 2011 7:10 PM GMT

(silent bump somewhat.)

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