#60255471Monday, December 26, 2011 3:13 PM GMT

i wanna be a developer but i have no ideas right now :(
#60263649Monday, December 26, 2011 5:48 PM GMT

I'm not blaming you fore anything just my thoughts about what is done. also I found some slopes on the rock island by the tower thing...but they won't be much of a problem. also I have an idea fore the start. you are a pilot flying over the ocean then you fly in to a strange fog next thing you know your flying over a stage atoll(chain of islands) and see your fuel has run out some how looking fore a place to land you see a small island and try to land by the island but when you land you hit a reef and your plane tears it's self apart then you swim to a small beach and now you have to find a way to live with no tools or a way home... that's it fore now can't wait to see the next update and I'll get to work with some other ideas i have.
#60279332Monday, December 26, 2011 10:11 PM GMT

The story is done already, but it's a nice idea! Tomorrow - MEGA UPDATE! Keep checking this! @drbat: Thanks!
#60280855Monday, December 26, 2011 10:35 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#60288583Tuesday, December 27, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

i wanna play the beta
#60292242Tuesday, December 27, 2011 1:36 AM GMT

really awwww...oh well I'm working on a TON of new plaints in the studio I don't have them all done yet but when I do how will I give them to you. @lovetycoonz what made you so mad O_O @drbat you are not missing much...yet well that's it fore now as always can't wait fore the next update.
#60299200Tuesday, December 27, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

can i plz play the game and then i can give you my ideas :D
#60314036Tuesday, December 27, 2011 8:09 AM GMT

@drbat: Just relax, you will get ideas soon trust me. You can also build a cactus for me if you like ;)
#60327434Tuesday, December 27, 2011 4:38 PM GMT

Mega UPDATE is here! Changelog v.0.0.0 -Added 4 "water" baseplates. v0.0.1 -Added the "walls" for the water v0.0.1a -Added first island v0.0.1b -Added spawn at first island -Given Island more height: you could almost jump on it when you jumped in water. -Added a little bit more landscape to the first island. v0.0.1c -Finished the LANDSCAPE of the first island (hills and a beach) v.0.0.1d -Finished 1 palm tree (1 log (?) 4 leaves (?) and 4 coconuts (!)) and placed 6 on the first island. v0.0.1e -Fixed palm trees: they weren't anchored so they just fell down. -Added some small shrubs with... raspberries! 5 raspberry shrubs (!) (small leaves (!) and 6 raspberries(!) and 1 small stump (!)) and 7 empty shrubs (?) (small leaves (!) and small stump (!) that makes a total of 12 shrubs on the island. -Island 1 is finished in my eyes. The only thing that I need now is scripters or I need a scripting lesson in Lua. v.0.0.1f -Added and FINISHED the second island. It's a rocky island. On first sight it looks like one irregular boulder, but if you look closely you see a entrance in it. A small one: no large ships can pass trough. In it you find 5 rock formations: 3 copper rock and 2 normal. -Copper Rock: 1 Large rock (!) 4 Medium rocks (!) and 4 copper ore (!) -Normal Rock: 1 Large Rock (!) 4 Medium Rocks (!) 4 small stones (!) -The island has a cave, as said, and a roof. You can get on the roof with a not really secret stairway. On it you will find some land to build and a waterfall. The waterfall gets in the cave! -There is also a part of the island i call Tower Rock: it is a rocky tower in the sea with a bridge going to it. -The island is very detailed and i guess this second island is really nice. If i would have scripters and the engine of the game would be done i would put it online, but excpect a alpha soon. Beta testing coming too. -I guess the island is approx 500 bricks. !----------------------------------------------------! ~NEW~NEW~NEW~NEW~NEW~NEW~NEW~NEW~ !----------------------------------------------------! !----------------------------------------------------! ~MEGA-UPDATE~~MEGA-UPDATE !----------------------------------------------------! I summarize all versions: current version v0.0.2k -Added 3rd island! The 3rd Island is a special island, because it has grass AND rocks. It has a big hill where you can build on (the rocks) and lower land (grass). The native fruit are blackberries and pears. It also has a secret cave where special stones are in: a mineral wall AND special minerals such as amethist and opale! With this you can create some lovely jewelry to prove you are a great leader! It also has 3 high poles of stone into the sea. On top of it there are some stones. I don't know whats going to be there yet, but it's going to be something that is valuable! -Added 4th island! Yes, this is where the new enviroments kick in! The desert! The only thing you can find here are cactusses and sand. To survive here, you will need great skills. Of course, you can chop the cactusses for some water... Added 5th island! The 5th island is also a special one. It is divided in 2 parts: one grassland, one highland. The grassland has kiwi's and bananas, while the highland only has stones. The highland has a lovely sight: a high waterfall with a river. On top of the hill there are stones and... snow! You can also find a secret cave in here. I don't know if we put something in there, it's a great place for storing things! Added 6th island! This island is an island with more fun: it has 2 parts too and divided by a canal. They are eachothers mirror: If 2 tribes are going to start a war here, it's going to be HUGE, because those islands are super close to eachother. Added 7th island! This one is a jungle. You need a bigger ship to enter it and it has lots of trees! Bananas and kiwi's here too. In the middle you can build. Added 8th island! This is a big mine - you can even build into the big mine. Why would you want that? Well, to see how much your tribe has improved the others must come in the mine. And you can just see how other tribes are doing if you walk outside. This can give you a huge advantage to other tribes! You can also find stones in here. Added 9th island! This island is a new environment too: I love this island! It's a snow island. You can gather snow if you "forage" the ground. With snow you can make snow buildings. There are only blueberries here, because it's very cold. To make water, you first need to gather ice (you need some sort of axe to cut it out) and then burn it... at least... if you can make a fire. It's probably a beter idea to go to the desert, light it, and then go back to the snow world! This one also has a cave with ice in it and stones. In a secret part of the cave you can find a mineral wall where you can mine ore or ingots! On the outside, in the middle of the island there is a single tree that can give you some wood. Added 10th island! I also love this one, I can already say that pirates will start their tribe here. Why? It's very hard to come there by ship: you need to sail through a narrow canal and if the pirates spot you you are dead, because you cant escape fast. It has a sort of "pirate bay" where the pirates lay their ships and on the island itself they have some room to build buildings. It also has place in the air, supported by some supports in the sea, that the pirates can build a lookout tower on. As you can see, in text this isnt much, but i will guarantee this game is 8 times as big at is was the update before here. I focussed more on the islands itself: You don't see those (!) and (?) anymore, that comes later in the tweaking. For example, the jungle (7) and the 5th island both have kiwis and bananas. I don't like that, but it comes later. Then now, another thingy to list here. The improvements and ideas that will be in the game for sure! (Almost then!) 1. The story No no no, not a boring long story, but just to fill the "ambiance" of the game. To summarize it, you wake up a beach, think about how you came there and then remember a cruise ship sunk where you were on. With other survivors that already started building things to survive (hopefully someone will pick you up!) you join the others. But no ship came and it's just like everywone started with zero technology. After some time, you already have lots of improvements such as houses. But then the winter kicks in and everywone wants food... and there is not enough. A war breaks out between everywone and groups of people start so called tribes - to survive. They steal, they kill... all for surviving, but some of them also want peace and make big buildings. What will you do? 2. New combat. The new combat system is a big improvement. In this game you can upgrade most of your buildings. For example, the walls. Look at this scheme. A wooden wall is, for example, (not confirmed) 2 wood: Wooden wall --> (upgrade) Stone wall. How do you upgrade the wooden wall? Well, you use the upgrade tool, click the wooden wall and the upgrade message says what resourches you need (for example, one stone). Maybe i make it so that if you have one in your backpack, it just removes it and it upgrades. But, why would i wanna upgrade my wall? Well, it gives the wall more health! More health!? Yeah, in this game you can also blow up the buildings, kill the buildings, burn the buildings... whatever you want! If someone uses a firestone on the wooden wall, then it will burn and when the health hits zero then it's one piece of junk. Then the owner can repair it for less costs than building, e.g. 1 wood now (also listed in a message!). Retooling still results in a broken building. Others can also repair it, but only if the owner approves (I think you can abuse repairing?), or you are in the tribe (owner gets a message that it is repaired, he/she can also say that only HE/SHE can repair buildings) 3. Tribes Looks like 303, but with more functionality. If you are in a tribe, you get for example 5% of the others skill points (not confirmed), you can repair buildings and use buildings without an approvement of the owner of the building (owner still gets a message) and of course, you share resourches. Tribe owners create the tribe, then messages others to join (just like friending in roblox itself) and the owner can then assign a rank or a job to them. Then the tribe, with its tribe members gets on the leaderboard (all tribe members are not on Solo guys anymore) and you can see how much buildings, killcount and resourches they have (not confirmed). 4. New chat This game has 2 main keywords: Balance. Realism. For the realism, is it realistic that you can scream through whole server (classic chat?)? No, its not. Thus, we only have bubble chat now. But, if you wanna scream through the server it still can. You need a horn for it (its upgradable). Every time you chat tough takes some damage to your VOICE HEALTH. The first horn takes like 99 of 100 health points. It replenishes through time. But, if you get under 0, like you scream once and then scream another time (that’s 2x99 = 198 health points) then u have 100 – 198 = -98 health points. All those negative points get of your normal health, that also is standard 100. And when that one hits zero or gets under it, you are DEAD. So, this will stop spam noobs and it makes you think about what you chat. 5. Sickness (not confirmed to be in the base game!) Realism, so sickness is also in the game. Think of getting a flu in the game. In a special window you can see the symptoms, like, I got pain in my head! Then, with the medical encyclopedia (you have this in your backpack, because you were a doctor first, so you had it with you at the cruise! It survived the crash!) you can determine what sickness you have: flu here. It also lists the medicine, you need to craft it to stop the sickness, but why do you want that? Well… if you are sick, you get those bad things: -Less walkspeed -More forage time -Less hunger and thirst replenished by eating/drinking -More damage from players -Less combat damage (to hit others) -Less XP for skills -Less swim time -Etc. etc… So u want your medicine. We make it like it that you get immune for those sickness if you once got it (flu), but some sickness can get back. How further you have improved your buildings, the more chance of getting a real deadly sickness. For all sickness your health drops, but for the deadly ones the health can drop to zero (this is listed in the medical encyclopedia!). This is where tribes are handy: you can use the tribe members to get the ingredients for the complicated medicine to survive it. You want to survive because every time you die you get a penalty (penalty itself needs to be determined, but just: a penalty!) so u don’t want it. Maybe if you die of sickness u get more penalty than dieing by players or hunger/thrist, drowning, fire? 6. Skills. Yep, its from 303, same idea. U get XP every time u do something. For walking, u get more walk speed every level u get. For running (yes, running!) u get more stamina (stamina = 0, walkspeed drops to very low and u get a health penalty!), for foraging u get less forage time every level and for building u can improve ur building level to make better buildings (even if you have the resources (stolen it?) You can’t upgrade your wooden wall to a diamond one because you don’t have the knowledge!) And more skills coming up, you get the idea! 7. Build message You can see what people craft in the left corner: if I craft a wooden wall it says Jobro13 crafted a wooden wall! Or, Jobro13 build a wooden wall! Or, Jobro13 upgraded his wooden wall to a stone wall! 8. More animals/food/dishes/resources/ Speaks for itself! Okay, the actual mega update is released over one hour to get you guys excited! 1 HOUR GUYS! Keep stand by! Eating dinner NOW.
#60328678Tuesday, December 27, 2011 5:03 PM GMT

if you want the cactus to hurt you if you touch it then i can`t do that but i can probly make the base of the cactus
#60330624Tuesday, December 27, 2011 5:39 PM GMT

hey, friend strandedepisode1 ! You can join the dev team, its not about giving an idea (that feels just like "paying" with ideas), if you wanna help, you are in dev. The thing its friends only is that I don't want noobs there to test it out. I forgot some things! 9. Age system Basically, you start with prehistoric things and in the end you have big medieval buildings. We want to range all buidlings from the prehistoric till BEFORE the first world war, because tanks would... ruin the game. Trust me. So think about prehistoric - year 1900. 10. Weather Yep, weather. Not stupid rain that kills your health, but rain this time that put out fires, let flowers bloom and fill up all water pools. Or lighning that can kill you or a building. Or snow. Or... etc etc. 11. Day/night cycles + seasons What it says. Seasons are important, because some resources (NOT RESOURCHES AS DUMB ME FIRST DID! :|) will only spawn at e.g. winter.
#60331598Tuesday, December 27, 2011 5:56 PM GMT

This looks like a great game. I'd love to join the dev team. Good luck. :D
#60332088Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:04 PM GMT

If you got any ideas, post them. For beta testing, friend StrandedEpisode1. HIs place is friends only to keep noobs out, but people who wanna help are always welcome.
#60338654Tuesday, December 27, 2011 7:37 PM GMT

i got idea upgrade a blunderbuss to a rifle .difference? rifle has more distance
#60339285Tuesday, December 27, 2011 7:45 PM GMT

Hey guys... i LOVE the new mega update, I have been working on various vegitation for jobro and it looks good so far, I was just wondering if any of us are very good GUI makers (and or ok scripters) because I was thinking when you enter you should get a guide, but when you go to the guide tol, it is really a book, it has a cover and in the bottom corner there is an arrow poiting to the "next page" Then when you click it, the page you were reading is deleted and the next page pops up. Just an idea to make it more realistic... P.S. I reported that girl a couple postsa above for saying that completly un-needed post... :P That was relly unnecesry.
#60387523Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:34 AM GMT

@drbat: Great idea to include range for guns, idk if they were in survival games, but I like the idea. I forgot more! 12. Jewelry You now can find special stones (minerals) through the world and craft jewelry! Nothing is better than a tribe leader that has a crown with lots of stones. The planning for today is to finish the website and get the ambassador idea running.
#60387626Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:41 AM GMT

Keep in mind that every post that I (jobro13) post or StrandedEpisode1 posts is an official post. I am the only one who can get on those accounts. More ideas for todoay: setting up the service to get me BC. I don't want BC for this dumb robux or that i have like 100 place to run, no, I want BC to make the place MEGA. For a big world we need big servers, and nothing is nicer like a whole bomb of tribes that get lost in war.
#60389224Wednesday, December 28, 2011 11:32 AM GMT

Sounds great jobro al;so for the ambasssador program, can you post all the links/websites you use, so everyone can make extra money? It should help having all of us be richer... Not for getting gear ect. but for paying people to script... and i feell we may need some extra cash... Also if you get BC, then you can makea shirt... and with our extra money from the ambassador program, we could but the shirt (costs like1.5k tix) abd you could have more money to hel[p further advance the game.
#60389802Wednesday, December 28, 2011 12:08 PM GMT

Hey darkburst, Im going to figure out if you can use multiple links, because I don't think you can... but if we can, I'm sure sharing it. Keep in mind that I spend all tickets on ads, and indeed, for that tshirt that would get me a huge ad bonus. I'm working on the website right now. Wait what, whats the time in America? :O
#60393976Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:32 PM GMT

when you posted it 4:08 am
#60394020Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

well my time 4 different time zones in america
#60394169Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:36 PM GMT

i had some ideas last night but i forgot them while i was sleeping :P
#60395318Wednesday, December 28, 2011 2:56 PM GMT

i would help pay for scripteters i have 101 robux right now
#60396387Wednesday, December 28, 2011 3:15 PM GMT

write them down lol :) We don't pay scripters, they wanna help or not: we need people who get a feeling into the game, not guys who just work. It's a huge difference!
#60469771Thursday, December 29, 2011 11:35 AM GMT

And... the website is online! Nothing to see there yet, but you can sign in as member. I'm preparing the word file for you guys, to see lots of ideas! adf[dot]ly[slash]4SMoJ [slash] = / Slash of course. [dot] = . dot of cousre ;) Please, favorite the adfly link :) Earn me money for BC :D