#54209723Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:41 AM GMT

(pant pant pant so many things to go through pant pant pant. Can't wait till tommorow, when Zalak can help (The two of us collabed for this. Most of it was my idea, though, but he helped a bit.)
#54209739Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:41 AM GMT

(new flaw he can't look anyone straight in the eye because he thinks they are going to take his soul)[what after current goals]
#54209893Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:44 AM GMT

(I just finished laughing. Thats an awesome flaw XD Although, I would like it if he wouldn't do that to people he trusts. That will make negotiating difficult. I think it's a good flaw, as long as you don't go way overboard. There are probably two more posts now.)
#54209934Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

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#54209963Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

Character Sheet Name:Cody Namis Race: Elf Agge:21 Homeland:The wild islands Weapons: Rusty copper dagger Armor: worn leather Skills: Has mastered animal speak (alows him to comunicate with animals) Appearance (Physical):Has spiky black hair, hazel eyes, about 6' 2" and has big feet. Appearance (Clothing): He wears an archeologist hat in remindeer of his dad, a black linen shirt with cloth pants. Appearance (Other): When he lies he laughs for no reason, While he is excited he gets a twitch this also happens when he is nervous. Personality:He is a nice guy but when you talk bad about his family you die. Traits: (SB) He is can fit through small spaces, and can swim really fast. Flaws: (SB) can not look people in the eyes Background:When he was around 7 his father went on an archeology expedition to search for a lost stone. After 3 years had past since they saw him they gave up and decided he was dead. Cody knew that he was alive he just did. He went to college to become an archeologist and a vet. Then he was captured. Future Plans: Find his dad and help animals. Current Goal(s):Find a way out t his hometown.
#54210132Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:48 AM GMT

(Yes we can.) You feel something sharp pokeing you in the shoulder blades. YOu hear some high pitched grunts and squeels. "Wake him up. You the leg. We get the rest." A much deeper voice says. You can instantly tell the deeper voice is an orc, and then the other voices are goblins. You hear the foot steps fade away, and the sharp prodding resumes. (Note: Almost everything is based off of a d20 roll. You just so happened to roll a 20 :P)
#54210191Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:49 AM GMT

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#54210341Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:52 AM GMT

Cody *As I awake I see other people and I wondeer what they are talking about.*
#54210383Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:52 AM GMT

(You are all being poked by goblins with sharp sticks. You share the same cell. What do you do? Don't worry, I'll be seperating outcomes with your name, i.e. Caty You explode Cody You get covered in the remains of Caty Although, with more detail, and less random death. Oh, and if you decide to run around on a killing spree in a heavily guarded city, I will kill you. If you do something outrageously stupid that would get you killed if you actually tried to do it, you will die. Unless I think you can actually do it. Also, work as a team. You all need to find a way out.)
#54210456Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:54 AM GMT

(Cody, use Story Mode, not Text Mode. Story mode it RPing as if you are writing a story. Say 'I open the door, and shout "Hello?" and get no answer.' Not *opens door* hello? *Nobody answers* Trust me. We'll like you more for it.)
#54210536Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:55 AM GMT

#54210624Sunday, September 04, 2011 3:57 AM GMT

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#54210813Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:01 AM GMT

(I'll refer to you all by character, unless you would rather me call you by username. Caty, what do you do?) As you awake, you see a few short figures standing above you. They look about three feet tall. As you look around, you notice you are in a wooden cage, with a few other people and a small sign that says 'Fod Cag' The goblins squeel a bit. "He awake, he awake!" You can tell that these seem to be Desert Goblins. They have skin thats almost golden in colour, and they are generally shorter then Deep Goblins, who have blue skin, and stand about 3" 6' on average, compared to the Desert Goblins 2" 9'. They also seem to be really, really dumb, as evidenced by their spelling of what you assume to be Food Cage.
#54210884Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:02 AM GMT

(Caty, RP uses story mode. Deal with it.)
#54210918Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:03 AM GMT

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#54210994Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:04 AM GMT

Character Sheet Name: Zorbak Race: deep goblin Agge: 18 Homeland: Demiveir Weapons: rusty dagger Armor: leather armor Skills: agility and intelegence Appearance (Physical): 5'11", brown skin, brown eyes Appearance (Clothing): leather rags Appearance (Other): Personality: My personality is good willing. Traits: very agile Flaws: when mad gets clumsy Background: I wanted something new so I left that hole in the ground I call home to start my own adventure. Future Plans: own my own kingdom Current Goal(s): get some money
#54211010Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:04 AM GMT

'I sit there looking at the goblins then say "Where am I tell me!" and then I looked around to see what else there was in my room.'
#54211023Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:04 AM GMT

(Grr. If you are going to be stubborn, fine. Use Text Mode. I would have prefered Story mode, as it's generally more detailed, but I'll deal with it. I just want this to live.)
#54211044Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:04 AM GMT

oh yeah and Vyrivend
#54211056Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:05 AM GMT

Name: Belver Ostos Race: Human Age: Thirty-Four Homeland: Northland, lives in Demevir. Weapons: A short, thick cudgel made of sturdy oak. When swung properly and with extreme force, can crush bones. Also carries a small buckler of elm, reinforced with iron bracing. Armor: A light shirt of steel chain over padded armor, made by a blacksmith. Cost his life savings, but it was worth it, as it provides far better protection than padded armor alone. Skills: Other than used to cooking with limited resources, he's not all that skillful. His skill with his cudgel is quite good, though not remarkable. Appearance (Physical): Has a slight tan due to hours on watch-duty. Rather short, messy brown hair hidden under a leather cap. Of average height and average strength, though a bit over-average in weight, as he has a slight drinking problem. Appearance (Clothing): A leather cap, a simple brown tunic, brown trousers of coarse linen, and soft leather shoes. Appearance (Other): None. Personality: Not very bright, and a bit of a coward. Who knows how he managed to qualify as a town guard. Traits: Skilled with the use of blunt and chopping weapons, such as maces and axes. Also, not that bad of a cook. Flaws: He's not too bright, and is a coward. If he was forced into battle, he would run away at the first possible moment. Not very dependable, has a drinking problem, and is very, very poor. Very reckless, often getting him into trouble. Background: A northland native, he hardly retains any memory of his homeland, as he was shipped to Demevir as a slave. Along with several others, they managed to escape at a young age, though Belver nearly died in the attempt after they stumbled upon a small pack of wolves. The other people in the group dragged him to safety of a small village, where Belver settled into a life of farming and protecting the village when the time came. When famine struck the village, he left. He was not more than a mile from the village when he was jumped by goblins and beaten into submission. Future Plans: Get out, maybe enlist as a city guard. They have proper uniforms, at least. Current Goal: Get out of this dungeon. Vyrivend, is it?
#54211315Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:09 AM GMT

(Let me change two things in Cogo's CS... One, 3" 8', kk? Second is you don't need that flaw, as you only have one Trait. If you want, you can add another trait, OR you can take away the flaw and keep the one trait. Also, WHT, it's good to know you're here. I was hoping at least one REALLY good RPer would join, and you're it Also, I'll be late posting a lot, so bear with me.)
#54211410Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:11 AM GMT

(It's good to be here.)
#54211478Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:12 AM GMT

ok that hieght is good and as for the triat skilled in crafting
#54211581Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:14 AM GMT

Cody As you look around, you see that you are in what appears to be a stone dungeon. Judging by your basic knowledge of Orcs, you would say this is where the Desert Goblins bring their captures. And judging from what you heard before, the Orcs get most of the share. "You Here. We eat you today. It be fun! You want come eat you with us?" "Stupid! He cant eat him with us! He be dead!" The goblins begin arguing, and you notice a keyring dangling off the side of their belts. They seem to be all labeled, and they both have the same keys. (Your d20 is really favoring high rolls. It keeps hitting 15 or greater.)
#54211595Sunday, September 04, 2011 4:14 AM GMT

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