#54743646Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:19 AM GMT

They probably updated it for a reason. Seriously, doen't the ROBLOX community hate every single update no matter what it does?
#54744056Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:46 AM GMT

@iorn Then I guess a lot of people deny change.
#54745084Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:08 PM GMT

You guys wanted the free modelers removed. You got it.
#54745599Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:52 PM GMT

I've NEVER even Seen the Stamper tool, so I've apperantly NEVER hade this problem. But its best for the other Guys who HAVE use the Stamper, sooooo, SUPPART!
#54745662Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:57 PM GMT

Open your eyes....guys...for ROBLOX (team) We are just kids...And what do u think what matters the most for them? Our happiness...Or...MONEY?
#54745734Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:04 PM GMT

You see, this is the problem with you guys. Do you want to know something interesting? Before the Playerlist update, do you know some ideas I saw on S&I? "NEW PLAYERLIST" "I think there should be a new style playerlist, or at least something different" "I want a new playerlist!" And all of those posts received support. Then, what happened? ROBLOX made it. Then, what happened? "OMG I HATE THE NEW PLAYERLIST BRING IT BACK OMG." Before the ingame automatic reset button, it was the exact same thing. And many others. Look at it this way, ROBLOX is a genie, and if you carefully craft your wishes, some of them might get added. But not EXACTLY the way you expected it to be. It's your own fault for not being clear enough. Many updates ROBLOX has made, they TOOK from S&I. They didn't necessarily flop it around until it could barely be identified as the original idea, they just had too little starting information to structure the update. Also, not ALL the updates they made were bad. The terrain generator cannot possibly go wrong. Groups, contests, status, best friends, out-of-game chat, were not at all bad features. You're making the mistake of whining about the few bad ones there are, and not even mentioning the good ones. C'mon, if you're gonna use that pessimistic view of ROBLOX your whole life, why even bother playing?
#54745810Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:09 PM GMT

" You see, this is the problem with you guys. Do you want to know something interesting? Before the Playerlist update, do you know some ideas I saw on S&I? "NEW PLAYERLIST" "I think there should be a new style playerlist, or at least something different" "I want a new playerlist!" And all of those posts received support. Then, what happened? ROBLOX made it. Then, what happened? "OMG I HATE THE NEW PLAYERLIST BRING IT BACK OMG." Before the ingame automatic reset button, it was the exact same thing. And many others. Look at it this way, ROBLOX is a genie, and if you carefully craft your wishes, some of them might get added. But not EXACTLY the way you expected it to be. It's your own fault for not being clear enough. Many updates ROBLOX has made, they TOOK from S&I. They didn't necessarily flop it around until it could barely be identified as the original idea, they just had too little starting information to structure the update. Also, not ALL the updates they made were bad. The terrain generator cannot possibly go wrong. Groups, contests, status, best friends, out-of-game chat, were not at all bad features. You're making the mistake of whining about the few bad ones there are, and not even mentioning the good ones. C'mon, if you're gonna use that pessimistic view of ROBLOX your whole life, why even bother playing?" to help continue your accurate argument: 'WE WANET BETIR GRAPHECS' (screen space ambient occlusion released) 'OMG I KANT EVEN US TIS IT SUXES' 'WE WENETY TO COSTIMES OUER CHIRIKTOR' (bodies and more hats released from a seperate development team that was never even working on game features in the first place regardless) 'SO STPED ITS ROBOEX NTTOT REL BLOX!111' ROBLOX simply enjoys frowning upon all change.
#54746045Tuesday, September 13, 2011 2:26 PM GMT

Stamper: Complicated Roblox studio: too long Menu>Game options>studio mode new tools: idiot All gaming: Lag
#54762209Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:12 PM GMT

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#54762663Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:18 PM GMT

Its like this Builderman: As CEO of Roblox, I promise to restore this temple of tolerance, to a nice building place. So I have declared a stamper tool and you can forget all about studio, who is in favor we should delete studio and make a stamper tool instead *Admins put hand up* Builderman: Ok *does computer work at Roblox co.*, I've done Roblox users: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Me: K1LL DEH STAMPA TOL
#54763274Tuesday, September 13, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

All who support say I Any way......This Is a complete yah!!! By the way this topic is a rant topic. I know how to fix it. you may rant but HALF THIS TOPIC IS RANTING.Lets make our own updates that are good.Heck you can make an update on makeing old styles come back.Its not my thread anyway.If you not agree then i'll make a new thred for that
#54765593Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11:00 PM GMT

We actually asked for more building tools. Guess what; you get them. .::Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, it's just that yours is stupid::.
#54870154Friday, September 16, 2011 2:02 PM GMT

@outahere Oh yes, and your neverending pessimism is even worse. Congratulations, that's two examples, and you've already jumped to the conclusion that ROBLOX is going downhill, all in due course from bad updates. ROBLOX is mainly what you make of it. There is no "level" of popularity; everyone on the site has different opinions about everything. Assuming that your opinion is agreed to by everyone else on ROBLOX just gives you a false view of ROBLOX. Really, can you think of anything at all that has directly affected your life on ROBLOX drastically in any way? I can think of very few. I keep seeing posts on "the good ol' days of 2006-2007," but did they stop for a minute to consider that THEY might have been the ruin of the good days? Honestly, I see no real bad difference between '06 and now other than the community. And that is partly due to the people who use their time on ROBLOX to rant about it, rather than enjoy it. Can you still not play millions of games for free? Can you still not absorb yourself in chat with your friends at any spot on ROBLOX at any time? Can you still not buy hundreds of thousands of catalog items to stylize your character in billions of different ways? Yes, you can. And it was exactly this in '06-'07 - except, none of the good details that we have now, like clothes and contests. You are not FORCED to purchase hats, and you are not FORCED to participate in contests. Most of the updates ROBLOX created you are not FORCED to do. So why are you complaining?
#54877346Friday, September 16, 2011 7:58 PM GMT

Everyone hates the stupid stamper tool! I would guees now 50 percent of all groups are ranting against this (i'm in one myself) THIS IS MADDNESS! No one can copy and paste properly abd all updates for my games are blank, i cant finnish games, good games are becoming harder and harder to find, AND people are QUITING ROBLOX because of this! Roblox, switch this back or roblox will become nothing but a barren wasteland of spams and NO IMAGINATION!
#54880482Friday, September 16, 2011 8:56 PM GMT

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#54880753Friday, September 16, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

I've given up on building and scripting. I might be able to start up again because I've stopped but I'll pass.
#54881216Friday, September 16, 2011 9:07 PM GMT

ROBLOX HAS made some pretty bad updates, like the click someone to send them an in-game FR thing. ONly reason is because if you're SFing and click them you can't see who you're fighting, then BAM YOU'RE DEAD! Seriously ROBLOX, could we AT LEAST have a trial or something if we get reported? If it's another word for a bad word, but has a different meaning, at least look at the context... That's what a lot of people I've seen get banned or get a warning for...
#54881621Friday, September 16, 2011 9:13 PM GMT

Roblox works on how to make bc better so people buy bc. But then people see that bc updates are gear related. We dont care about gear. We want better game.
#54896922Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:03 AM GMT

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#54897185Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

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#54919961Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:07 PM GMT

Roblox is turning into a spamming website! All free models inserted via stdio mode are spamed up with "Anti-Lag" scripts that just LAG EVERYTHING UP! Roblox used to be an imagination site to build any thing you want but now it's nothing more than a site for spaming! I might not have been on roblox back then but it seems better than today due to what I see in youtube videos. Roblox admins should be able to delete spam comments like this: post this on ten shirts and you get 100 robux. Dont put this anywere or i'll report. Roblox is just a noob nest made of spams. People are now QUITING ROBLOX because of the stamper tool! CHANGE THEESE BACK NOW OR ROBLOX WILL SOON DIE OUT INTO NOTHING!
#54920164Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:12 PM GMT

You got 18 mil users now. That's what you want. More users to buy BC and make more money. Then, BAM, new update, rants, then half of them cancel their subscription and quit, next update, BAM, same thing happens. ROBLOX is now dead because they make terrible updates that no one can learn how to use.
#54920419Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:20 PM GMT

I hate the new updates, we can't find our models and have to go to ROBLOX studio, when some people can't even. What was the point taking away the blueprints and adding a stamper tool?
#54927775Saturday, September 17, 2011 3:39 PM GMT

I am just pissed with Roblox. Everyone, for a good nonripoff game, play like Mine-Craft or something. Its cheeper and easier to play. Plus less lag on most computers!
#54928046Saturday, September 17, 2011 3:43 PM GMT

@Recruitsoldier. My pessimism is part of my personality. -- Too bad. -- As for assuming everyone shares my opinion: Name one person, just one, that actually likes the stamper tool, OR being spammed with frs upon game entry. -- Oh, c'mon, man. There must be SOME people who like it. Also, the point of the FR button ingame was so you could send a friend request to someone without having to alt-tab out of it, go to their profile, and send them one from there. They could spam you before with out-of-game FRs (which you can ignore), and they can spam you now with ingame FRs (which you can also ignore). So what's the problem? -- Also I don't use ROBLOX just to rant about it, in fact, I have posted several non-rant suggestions, but when everysingle person I've seen on the forums and in game hates something, ROBLOX needs to do something. -- Yes, but you still don't have any proof that no one likes the stamper tool. Before deciding ROBLOX needs to do something about an update, you need to make absolutely sure, out of everyone on ROBLOX, over half of them hate the update. The Forum is not a good enough source, because few out of the majority of ROBLOX's civilians come here. -- Also, we are "FORCED" to use the stamper tool when we build, -- Like how? Forgive me, but I haven't built at all since months ago, and the stamper tool came some time after. So I have no experience with it. -- and we are "FORCED" to recieve frs. (Unless you turn your privacy up, but then frs that you actually want, and aren't just people trying to get more friends can't be recieved either) -- But are you FORCED to accept them? Are you FORCED to not ignore them? -- The gear and hats, while we're not "FORCED" to buy them, they do use ROBLOX' resources, which could be spent on other things. -- ROBLOX, you must understand, is not like one pool of resources, which can only be used on a limited amount of things, and what they choose means that nothing else gets really worked on. It is an organized pool of resources, with different groups doing different things. Therefore, all the other groups other than the Catalog team have spent no time whatsoever on hats and such, leaving them free to spend their time on more "valuable" things.