#57388715Wednesday, November 02, 2011 5:14 PM GMT

I dream of unicorns.(Honestly,i cant think of anything a pow would do,yet.)
#57396167Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:54 PM GMT

[Dude, it was Mickenly. It says “Mickenly says gesturing a gently sloping path on our left.” and it was him for the part after it. All my character said was “sir, yes sir”. Oh and how did it go from 10 to 1 minute till Evac? Lol. It’s cool though. Just read a bit more thoroughly.] Nathan Bellison- As I was trying to heave some rocks next to a boulder for some cover, I heard a shot. I instantly took cover. Carter calls out. “Got em’! Lone enemy scout was on our 2!” “Move faster!” Mickenly orders. I start heaving as many large rocks as I can find and have a semi-exposed cover. It’s not good. It’s fine. But not good. I think back to my drill sergeant training me about it. I feel cold. My psychologist said it was the trauma from my training to prevent it and what-not. I shuddered. Moor looked at me. I shifted the rocks some for a decent line of fire. I started to have mini-flashbacks of things I learned in training. My senses sharpened all of a sudden. I knew. I just….acted. I took out a soldier as a patrol ran straight for us. They were trying to get under Loor’s MG line of fire. I shot just before they came out, so Loor wiped the floor with them. I heard shouts and soldiers. They were here.
#57397966Wednesday, November 02, 2011 9:21 PM GMT

I run through, taking down Russians easily as I go.
#57400945Wednesday, November 02, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

Tyler "We'll be sure to get the Tanks to the Fort safe and sound." "MORTAR!!!!!!" I look up, I then watch the Humvee in front of us explode. "Geezus!" Snips shouts. Spontaneously, I witness Koreans climbing out of the ground, guns ablaze. "RETURN FIRE, I REPEAT, RETURN ******* FIRE!!!!!!!!!" We all pile out of the Humvee, firing at the Koreans. "Marines, make a defensive position around the Tanks, Echo, I want those AT4's out in 30!" Everyone quickly got into position. "OMEGA, CHARLEE, GET ON THE .50 CAL!!" In a matter of minutes, I hear the sweet sounds of the giant explosions. I turn to my left, Seeing a Russian Tank and APC, Followed by troops. "May God help us."
#57406852Wednesday, November 02, 2011 11:30 PM GMT

Horne: I get a distress signal from a convoy. "King 4 this is Delta actual be advised move into position east of here to assist a convuy of Marines over." King 4: "Solid copy, King 4 is moving!"
#57407187Wednesday, November 02, 2011 11:35 PM GMT

Tyler I watch the driver in the troop transport get shot in the shoulder. I quickly run to the door, yanking it open. "I got you soldier!" I shout. I quickly drag him away from the truck as it explodes from the Korean Tank. "We need some bloody air support!"
#57417024Thursday, November 03, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

I hear and see a couple of explosions in the distance. It was a convoy of Marines! No matter how much I had a rivalry for Marines, I decided to call in an air strike to help them. "Apache AH-64D, this is SSgt. Yorker, we need some support at a convoy of Marines under attack from Korean fleers, be advised, there are enemy tanks, over." "Negative SSgt, uh, I got a visual on a few Koreans with RPGs over there. If you want some air support for those Marines, your going to have to tell them to take out those RPGs, over." I look at Arashi near the Armory with Rider and Hendricks, then at the Convoy. Koreans were fighting their way back to the armory, and my men needed help, but so did the Marines...I pulled out the radio again quickly and said into it, "Any Marines that can read me from that Convoy, you can't get some air support until you take out some of those RPGs, over." I quickly turn off my radio, grabbed my gun and the C4s, then headed towards the armory.
#57419083Thursday, November 03, 2011 2:20 AM GMT

Tyler I hear the transmission. "Snips, toss me the MK!" I shout. Snips tosses me the sniper rifle. I quickly kneel, shooting at the RPG men. "Omega, Shoot down those trees! We'll have to push around the blockade!"
#57422607Thursday, November 03, 2011 3:44 AM GMT

King 4: "Target, T-72 engaging!" *Destroyes Enemy tank hitting Tylers convuy*
#57426158Thursday, November 03, 2011 7:57 AM GMT

#57426437Thursday, November 03, 2011 9:12 AM GMT

Tyler "WHOA!!" I quickly roll out of the way of flying debris. "What the bloody hell was that?!" I shout.
#57427327Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:31 AM GMT

Mud I planted the C4 in the armory. The charges were set. "MEN! GET OUT OF THERE THE C4 IS GONNA BLOW IN 30 SECONDS!" We quickly ran out of the way and watched it explode. I then noticed that the RPGs in the Marine convoy were gone. I pulled out my radio again and quickly sent the air support order. The Apache went over to the scene of the attack.
#57428736Thursday, November 03, 2011 1:55 PM GMT

King 4 move into postion near the road and takes down what evers left. King 4: "Targets destroyed." Meanwhile, the Rangers take FOB Nixion. Horne: "Rangers, secure a permiter." "I'll radio command we took the airfield."
#57429670Thursday, November 03, 2011 3:05 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#57430797Thursday, November 03, 2011 4:09 PM GMT

WTH!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS "Russia is teh bad guwyZ lawl!!!11!!!1!" WHY ARE WE ALWAYS THE BADGUYS!? YOU FRIGGIN' NATIONALISTS! I can handle Russia being the bad guys in CoD. Because Communists take over/rule Russia in MW series and BO but seriously when it's modern day Russian Federation. I have had it. I cannot stand the way you Westerner portray us. We aren't old Russia. We're NEW Russia. We work our rear ends off to work better on our relationship with the West and yet you always portray us as the badguys. Well you know what? How would you guys like being portrayed as the bad guys huh? I bet you wouldn't. Well neither do we. - A VERY angry Russian.
#57432048Thursday, November 03, 2011 5:15 PM GMT

(Dude i know!Im not russian but why are russia always the bad guys.I know because of the cold war!)
#57438652Thursday, November 03, 2011 8:37 PM GMT

( Your saying that loor just died..? And here is the post that i read.."Set up a defendable position! Loor!" you yelled that..
#57438788Thursday, November 03, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

("Omg loor just die!"
#57439553Thursday, November 03, 2011 8:54 PM GMT

[@giuguletzu *mega facepalm* We have had to remind several people about an issue with ranks. Please change yours so that it is an enlisted rank but is below the highest enlisted rank for whatever country you are fighting for. Also, you listed your weapons in the wrong area, and at that you put down 5 primaries and 3 secondaries. Also, you didn't fill out your side, unit, or bio. On a side note, I am pretty sure most military forces around the world whose job is to destroy all threats to a nation using any type of method to do so wouldn't recruit a 17 year old girl. Just read the first post completely and copy it accordingly. oh and just in case, use real life units, most all of us do I beleive.]
#57440026Thursday, November 03, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

[@Fin WTF are you talking about? Listen, Ssgt. Mickenly gave the order for Loor to be on the middle of the ridge and set up his LMG. I wrote in parentheses that if he didn't have an LMG that we could pretend Mickenly ordered him to the back with his rocket launcher and wait for enemy vehicles. that way if a tank came, we wouldn't die. you listed him as the heavy weapons expert of the squad so I'm assuming he has an LMG or rocket launcher so he can fit that title. It would make more sense though for a squad that is scouting to have an LMG heavy weapons expert rather than an explosives heavy weapons expert. anyways, after that a small squad of troops came out of hiding. My character had shot 1 really early, so Loor had time to use his LMG to "wipe the floor with them" before they got under the ridge and out of loor's line of fire. If they did they would've flanked us, but as I said I shot early and so Loor killed them all.]
#57440962Thursday, November 03, 2011 9:17 PM GMT

[@fin point is, LOOR:OK, JUST KILLED 4 ENEMIES. YOUR CHARACTER: OK MICKENLY: OK AND GIVING ORDERS BECUASE HE'S THE HIGHEST RANK ME: OBLIGING AND JUST HELPED LOOR BY KILLING 1 ENEMY.] [@TheRussianFox Just because we're using you as the enemy, doesn't mean we beleive it. About half of the people I know are aware that russia isn't an enemy. They're an ally, that has nukes, so we want to lower their supply, and we almost fought them, which would've been catastrophic, and our current enemies in the middle east are guirella fighters. a lot of people like large-scale fighting more. That's a lot more realistic if the U.S. fought russia. The U.S. isn't sure about russia. They still have nukes and a huge military. Trust me, we don't see russia as communist. Most of the stereotypes label you as people who drink, love guns, and have ugly women. That's about it. The whole war aspect is fake. Only the uneducated beleive that it could happen. P.S. I am part russian.]
#57445382Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:20 PM GMT

(UMG! Russia portrays us as evil constantly. I've had at least five call me an "American Pig", and a bunch more complaining the same thing you are. The Russians DO hate us. And how are they "Bad Guys"? In this they're doing what every country does.)
#57445645Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:24 PM GMT

#57445686Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:25 PM GMT

{A little side note. Um, Look at it from our perspective. We're all from the West or the 'New World' as some call it. We're not going to make a thread, that places us as Russians and fight America. No, that's just odd. Yes, Russia is basically the bully here, but We still put that side available for people to be. It'd be nice if our thread was equally Russian and Equally American, but that's just not how it is. Plus, Not to brag, but we can whip Russia three times over, and pimp slap them at the same time. Russia just isn't strong enough to win a war with us. I agree, they have a nice big army, but they lack Tactical strategies. Plus, the only way they could win a war against us is if they up their training program, making it more challenging. I'm afraid to be a legit Marine because they basically go through Hell and Back. Lol.. That entire thing was useless.. But Honestly, I freaking love russians. If I married a russian girl, i'd be the happiest guy in the world. I love their accents and their jokes on drinking and such. I honestly don't see the US and Russia fighting again. We're unsure of them, because of the nukes and all, but we're still a growing ally.. ish (Even though OBAMA wanted to be smart and give them 50% of our uranium supply... retard -.-) )
#57445872Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

(LOL you're only just realizing Obama's a bad prez? Man, the only reason he became prez is because he's BLACK. I don't mind a black guy becoming president, but when he only becomes a president because he's black, it's just wrong.)