#56870245Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:31 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac "The only question is, is it Live," I think. "Maybe I know someone that knows..." ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56870369Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:33 PM GMT

Demon "Who?"
#56870594Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:35 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac "Uhm... Someone...", I say because I don't want to mention him."Well, I'm going there right now." I teleport and appear in Death's liar. "That'll be waiting again I say..." ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56870873Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:38 PM GMT

Demon "Where did he go to?" Devil: "I think to your father, but I'm not sure. Also have you told him already?" Demon: "Not yet. I also didn't see Death in this life..."
#56871170Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:42 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac "Welcome back....", Mirtefus came from nowhere again. "Hello, Mirtefus." "What brings you here?", His English really improved since last time... "A dissease..." "Death can't heal you, live can though..." "I know, that's why I'm here I want to ask were she is." "Hmmm... Live doesn't stay at one point, try Frougpond." "Wasn't that your home, before you became this." "Yes, but go fast now, you don't have much time..." "Ok..." ... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56871360Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:45 PM GMT

#56871651Sunday, October 23, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac Frougpond... Here Live should be, since lately Live's got a body, she didn't had much work since Death recycled souls. I look around searching from someone different then the Frougs...(Big frogs that walk on two legs) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56872959Sunday, October 23, 2011 7:06 PM GMT

[In the meanwhile] Rosa woke up."Rosa?", Jennifer said with red eyes full of tears. Rosa cought up some blood that hitted Jennifers face. She couldn't talk, but Jennifer didn't care, the only thing that matters to her was that Rosa was still alive... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56919335Monday, October 24, 2011 3:33 PM GMT

Demon "How is my dad anway?" Devil: "Depends on his mood..."
#56920394Monday, October 24, 2011 4:29 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac Where was Live? It could be that she wasn't here at all... There was only a small chance, but with all my experience I know that you need to take every chance you have... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56920537Monday, October 24, 2011 4:37 PM GMT

Demon "I have to go. I need to go to the academy." Devil: "I will tell them that Tooh-Wac is sick." I go to the academy, get on the toilet, and time-travel back in time. Teacher: "That took 10 minutes. What have you been eating?"
#56920813Monday, October 24, 2011 4:52 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac A young lady comes to me, probarly 21, 22. Her she got the lightest blonde hairs, she was pale and skinny, from her chest to her knees her body existed out of light. "You're searching me?", She asks attractive. "Depends? You are live?" I say. "That's correct," She giggles. "So you want me, if I'm correct, to repair your soul?" "And how do you know that." "I just know that..." "Hmmm, sure, but what do I need to do then?" "Let me think..." She looks into my eyes, or the eyes she can look into at least and starts to think... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56921490Monday, October 24, 2011 5:21 PM GMT

Name:Starr @ge:19 Species:Special Human Appearance: Black shirt, black jeans,and jeans Weapon(3 max.):Exploding katana,Magic Scrolls,Starr Blade Bio:A avid drawer and writer Extra:Pens,paper,custom scroll,and armour Gen.Der:Male
#56921543Monday, October 24, 2011 5:23 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac "Hmmm..." She thinks. I start feeling pretty uncomfortable, she licks her lips. "Anything I need to do," I ask. "Hold on, I'm thinking," She says. It becomes really uncomfortable... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56921556Monday, October 24, 2011 5:24 PM GMT

(More appearance...) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56921651Monday, October 24, 2011 5:28 PM GMT

Appearance: Black Jeans,a black shirt, a pendant of a star,and a starr blade holder on my back. Has a scar on his face. Has the sharingan.
#56921701Monday, October 24, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

(Body color, length, thick or thin or whatever, face details ...) ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#56965361Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:32 PM GMT

(Appearance, doesn't only goes about clothes, so tell more about your appearance, just like he said) Demon "Sorry." Teacher: "It doesn't realy matter. Alright, who of you has ever seen a war?" I was the only one raising my hand. Teacher: "Oh realy? And how close? Demon: "I fighted in 2 wars. But I think that this is before your time. How o.ld are you?" Teacher: "99, I will be 100 in 2 months. So you have been in 2 wars. Who were the leaders?" Demon: "I was one in the Apocalypse war. And Darkian was the one in the Rise Of The Demons war." The people around me start talking. Demon, to other demon: "He is a Warlord?" Demon, replying to the other demon: "No, I've heard about him, he is no Warlord yet."
#57011740Wednesday, October 26, 2011 11:55 AM GMT

Tooh-Wac She suddenly seemed to be sad for some reason. "Could you visit my home in like 3 days?" She asks. "I don't know where you live." "At the valley of Live of cours, from where you think they've got the name," It just was stupid, that I didn't know that. "Sure, in 3 days so?" "Yes, I'll be healing you and then I'll give your task," She did nothing, but I felt myself beeing healed, she teleported and so I would leave in 3 days to her home... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57016147Wednesday, October 26, 2011 3:48 PM GMT

[In the meanwhile] Rosa was back up and also hugged Jennifer, and started to cry. "Why are you here? You m..." "They caught me," Jennifer interupted Rosa. "It was terrible in here, Jennifer, they tortured me everyday for how long I have been here," Rosa cried, finally she could show feelings in all the time she was here, and ever since, she didn't let a word pass her lips. "You've been here over 1000 years, Rosa" Jennifer said. "How did you hold on?" "They didn't let me die, they would never they said," Rosa started to cry even harder, Jennifer knew that she couldn't help the girl, but it didn't matter how, she must and should get Rosa out of there, like she promised... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57020854Wednesday, October 26, 2011 7:25 PM GMT

Demon I stand there. I know that they are talking about me.
#57107200Friday, October 28, 2011 4:43 PM GMT

Tooh-Wac In three days I need to go to Live's house, I don't know what task I will get but I don't think it'll be easy, but I don't need to think about that yet. In three days, but now I need to make plans... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57107406Friday, October 28, 2011 4:51 PM GMT

Demon Teacher: "Well... I think it's best for you to leave. Only the basic things will be teached here, and you already know them." I walk out the academy. I started thinking if Tooh-Wac was healed by now....
#57107567Friday, October 28, 2011 4:58 PM GMT

[In the meanwhile] A demon comes to the jail. "Enjoying your time here?" Jennifer couldn't see the demon, but all demons are the same in her eyes. "What do you think yourself," She shouted offensive. "I was only asking," The demon said."If you just should tell what you know then..." "Then nothing would happen, they would get the rid of us!" Jennifer interupted him. "Well what does that matter, then everything would be over, Death gives you a new live and everything will be good." Jennifer wanted to say something, insult him, scream that he was lying. But she knew he was telling the truth, everything would be over, Death would give her a new live, then she should be gone of all the pain, maybe she should suffer in her next live too, but she at least would get out of here and if she came back as a demon.... ~This makes absolutely no sense~
#57107684Friday, October 28, 2011 5:02 PM GMT

Demon I walk to the park, where I looked to a tree...