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#55390988Monday, September 26, 2011 1:38 AM GMT

"What will it be?" A wizard growled in a raspy tone, his fists clenched, anticipating an answer, and quickly. His name was Lokor. He was a ruthless, deceiving wizard who desired superiority over the vast lands. He had freed the trolls, and, in return, the trolls had granted him the gift of ascendancy over them. Lokor was tall and slim, like most wizards, but his breath reeked of onions. He had the talons of an eagle, and the claws of a lion. His teeth were keen, and jagged. His skin was rough, pale, and crinkled. His back arched forward at an odd angle. His ragged, tangled grey hair reached beyond his shoulders. His eyes looked as if they were pearls alone- He had lost his sight. Despite his unpleasant appearance, he was powerful, wise, and crafty. A much younger wizard spoke next: "Lokor, I'm not so sure..." He had a smooth, firm voice. His fluent, glistening jet black hair also reached below his shoulders, but his was a much more pleasant sight. He stood tall, and stiff, with a robe that nearly reached the floor. He, too, had pale skin. He had soft, dark green eyes that glinted in the daylight. He wore much makeup, most of which beings dark, shadowed colors. On his forehead laid a long, jagged scar running from the top of his left eye to the top of his forehead on the opposite end of his face. His name was Atticus. He was the overseer of the dragons. "But you must!" Lokor hissed. "With your dominant, fearful dragons, and my wise, enduring trolls, we are capable of ruling the land!" "As tempting as your offer may be, Lokor, I must decline it. I have already attempted this once before, and lost many of my strongest warriors. If we attempt it again-" Lokor's hand shot forward; he wrapped his claw-like nails around Atticus' neck. "If we attempt it again..." Lokor echoed. "Then we will be successful, and auspicious. Now, don't be a fool. I don't need your perspective in my plot. I was just showing courtesy. Now, from this point on, your dragons are under my clout. Now, lock this foolish excuse for a wizard in the dungeons!" ___________________________________________________________________________ You are a barbarian in the Meladorn Village. You and four others have gone hunting one afternoon in search of an abundant amount of food to feed your village. While hunting, you came across five dragons lying motionless on the ground. Had they fallen from the sky? It was about that time of day when dragons would scout around the lands in search of any villages to burn, and leave the survivors to the trolls and Lokor. You and the others decided to take in custody of these dragons. However, they must be kept a secret from your village, for dragons are forbidden from the village. It is your job to train the dragon to grow fond of you, and, perhaps, feel pure hatred towards Lokor and his army. In the future, you will have to make a hefty decision- Will you ride into battle and attack Lokor's kingdom, or will you turn in the dragon to your village to receive the title of a hero? Whichever choice you make, affliction will come with it. Which are you- A dragon rider, or slayer? ___________________________________________________________________________ --Character Sheet Rules-- -You need to be VERY descriptive -"To be revealed" is not acceptable! -"My robloxian" is not acceptable in 'Appearance' -Use grammar -You must be accepted to begin -You may have only ONE main character --Roleplaying Rules-- -Use grammar, and be descriptive -Please mention your character's name in every post -Story mode, please -Keep romance at a minimum -Keep curse words at a minimum -You may NOT control Lokor, Atticus, or anyone's characters [You may control enemies, but not an entire army {I'm talking, 500 footsoldiers}. Also, don't have them raid the village and burn every living creature there -NPCs are acceptable -Be realistic please -Try not to acknowledge EVERY post {Say, someone had a thought. You can't acknowledge that, because you can't read thoughts} -No instant teleportation {Don't suddenly teleport from one place to another. Explain how you arrived at that place, and what obsticals you had to pass through} -No instant-killing, and godmodding. Your dragon- and your character - are NOT invinsible. In fact, I'd advise you to have one of them severely injured for the drama :D -Put "Dragon's Eye" beneath your CS --Other Rules-- -Please, don't spam the thread with off topic conversations -No trolling, flaming, or criticism {It will result in an instant report} -Try to keep OOC {Out of Character} conversations on parties, please, unless you have a question or nobody's online, or something along those lines ___________________________________________________________________________ --Character Sheet-- Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: {No modern day clothing. Barbarian clothing, please- Oh, by the way, they're barefoot most of the time :P} Weapon: {Mace, sword, bow, dagger(s), knife(knives), spear} Personality: Biography: Dragon's Name: Dragon's Description: {Appearance, traits, etc.}
#55391062Monday, September 26, 2011 1:39 AM GMT

#55391138Monday, September 26, 2011 1:40 AM GMT

(Alright, Candy. :P)
#55391247Monday, September 26, 2011 1:42 AM GMT

I'll join.
#55391322Monday, September 26, 2011 1:43 AM GMT

(AS DO I.)
#55391504Monday, September 26, 2011 1:45 AM GMT

(Alright. There is one spot opened.)
#55391666Monday, September 26, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

Name: Thomas Lawthorn A.ge: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Thomas wears a ragged pair of brown cloth trousers, with the same type of shirt, and a raggedy old hunting vest on top, also made of cloth. He wears a brown tattered hat, is barefoot and has a bit of a goatee coming in on his chin. He has jet-black hair that comes to the bottom of his head, and green eyes. Weapon: Bow and arrows, duh. And a knife. Personality: The guy who will be funny, but then serious, on the flip of a dime. Biography: Thomas grew up in the village, and hated the smallness of it. He wanted to move to the kingdom, and become a knight for the king. But of course this changed when he found the dragon. Dragon's Name: Anarchy Dragon's Description: The dragon is red-orange, with a black stripe going down his back, and black stripes on his wings. The dragon is ferocious at first, but once it is trained, it can be friendly to its owner.
#55391886Monday, September 26, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

(Mmm, alright, accepted Sarg. :P)
#55392065Monday, September 26, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

Name: Pierre Tarrek A.ge: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'2, 213 lbs, wild black hair, dull green eyes. full beard, and a bit of freckles here and there. Tattered leather rags wrapped around most of his body. Rough cloth wrist bands, and cloth footing ( They had some type of cloth shoes right? ) Weapon: Arrow-head spear with many tibal feathers hanging off of it. Personality: Likes to charge head in to deal with his problems. Conflict is almost always in his nature. Other than that he is Strong silent type, loves all types of animals and will never let teamates down. Biography: Grew up in a poor village not to far from the village he lives in now. His mother died at birth and his father raised him to be a powerful warrior maybe for one of the major armies one day. Two years after his father died Mauraders had killed his entire village. He had managed to escape from them after they had captured him to use him as a slave. He slaughtered every single one of them and continued walking. Soon he came to his village he lives in today... Dragon's Name: Seji Dragon's Description: Jet black with piercing green eyes like his own. Two ridges perched atop his head for easy flight. Huge curled claws with dried blood on them, spiked tail for combat. Seji loves to fight any chance he gets. Pierre practices his combat with Seji every day. :D
#55392097Monday, September 26, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

(OH, on second thought, you're not accepted Sarg. Review the rules... :3)
#55392214Monday, September 26, 2011 1:55 AM GMT

Name:Zoey Saphfire A.ge:14 Gender:♀ Appearance:Long brown hair that usaully covers one eye,purple eyes,tall and slender.Usaully wears a long,white robe with a deep purple gem on the chest. Weapon:http://www.roblox.com/Staff-of-Crimson-Chaos-Fire-item?id=32858741 (Also can preform basic magic without staff) Personality:Brave and loyal.Loves to make jokes and is honest.Loud and easily get's mad. Biography:Raised at a small town near Meladorn Village.Goblins then burned down the small town then forced to live in Meladorn town.Spent most of the day training to become a Mage at Wizard's and Witch's School.Mother died in fire and father left her at 9. Dragon's Name:BlackThorn. Dragon's Description:A black dragon with purple,cat-like eyes.Can breathe blue fire,and has dark purple claws and spines it's back.Alert and may be stubborn at certain points at the story.
#55392215Monday, September 26, 2011 1:55 AM GMT

Oh and Dragons EYe
#55392249Monday, September 26, 2011 1:55 AM GMT

(@Red, Well, they may have shoes, as far as I know... If you'd like shoes, you may have them. :P Also, Red, you're missing something... Review the rules. Your spot -As well as Sarg's- is reserved.)
#55392310Monday, September 26, 2011 1:56 AM GMT

(My CS took a while to do,that made me forgot to put "Dragon's Eye".I might be leaving soon,I will continue this tomorrow.Some people have to sleep.)
#55392396Monday, September 26, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

(Late post. Ninja, you're missing something. Red, you're accepted. WE'RE ALL FULL. THE THREE REMAINING SPOTS ARE RESERVED FOR SARG, CANDY, AND NINJA.)
#55392443Monday, September 26, 2011 1:58 AM GMT

(Forgot; Dragon's eye.)
#55392447Monday, September 26, 2011 1:58 AM GMT

Name: Velvon. A.ge: 7 Gender: M Appearance: (I don't add the clothing to my appearances :P) Velvon is pretty weak looking. He has a scar over his left eye, and scars over his right arm. He has red eyes and longish white hair. Velvon has pale skin. Velvon is albino in case you didn't realize :P Weapon: {Mace, sword, bow, dagger(s), knife(knives), spear} Duel knives. Personality: Easy going. Biography: No to be revealed? Fine, But I won't reveal all of it. Velvon grew up quite happily on a farm. His parents died in some way. But he hasn't told anyone how. Velvon has been attacking weird ever since. Dragon's Na.me: Irrack. Dragon's Description: {Appearance, traits, etc.} Irrack is quite fast, but can't breath fire. She has razor sharp wings that can cut through most anything. Irrack is black and white. (not like a zebra) Irrack is white but the bottom of her wings and the back of her legs are black.
#55392471Monday, September 26, 2011 1:58 AM GMT

#55392486Monday, September 26, 2011 1:58 AM GMT

(Dragon's eye.)
#55392490Monday, September 26, 2011 1:58 AM GMT

(*Facepalm* Yet, another late post. Accepted Ninja. Sarg, add the remaining requirement, and you will be accepted. I am awaiting a CS from Candy.)
#55392525Monday, September 26, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

(When I go to 'sleep' in the story,that means I will log out.)
#55392613Monday, September 26, 2011 2:00 AM GMT

(....T~T My third late post. And, Zalak, I'll accept you since you may have been busy on a CS when I said we were full. BUT NO MORE. Still awaiting a CS from Candy.)
#55392673Monday, September 26, 2011 2:01 AM GMT

(That's why I hate Floodcheck)
#55392786Monday, September 26, 2011 2:03 AM GMT

[T_T How do you type so so fast...]
#55392842Monday, September 26, 2011 2:03 AM GMT

(Wait, Zalak, could you actually raise your age? I honestly don't believe a 7 year old is capable of training a fully-grown dragon. ._.)

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