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#55405583Monday, September 26, 2011 3:13 PM GMT

A man drives to a government facility. He has authorization to be there and drives into the parking garage. He parks his vehicle and goes to the elevator. He goes to the ground level to meet his boss. "Hey, boss!" He yelled to Stephen Harvet, owner of the facility. "So, Steve, what do you think of the report on the construction?" "The report?" Asked Steve. "Remember?" Replied the man. "I handed it in yesterday." "Oh yes, that report. Man, it was so terrible even the janitor disagreed!" "You mean... Everyone who works here hated it?" "No, not everyone. Only the janitor had enough guts to tell me how bad it was. Everyone thought I wrote it." "So, you're telling me a janitor has a better opinion then I do?" "Basically. In fact, I don't see why I shouldn't just fire you and promote the janitor to your place right now!" "But you don't even know his name!" "So? I don't know YOUR Name do I?" "Well, no. You're too busy to know everyone's name." "Then it's settled. You're fired. He's promoted. I'm happy. Now get outta my sight! You don't work here so I can arrest you right now for being here!" "Yes sir..." "JANITOR!" Yelled the boss. "Yes, sir?" Asked the janitor. "You've been promoted to repertor #74" "Thank you, sir! I've never been happier in my life! So, when do I get my own office?" "About five minutes ago! It's on the sixth floor. Good luck!" The new reporter #74 ran to the elevator. He was almost jumping for joy. The elevator opened and he walked in. He noticed the old reporter #74 looking quite depressed. "Cheer up! It's the best day ever!" The old reporter #74 looked at him, the punched him in the face with one clean stroke. "How about now mister 'best day ever'?" The elevator door opened and someone walked over to help the new reporter #74. The old reporter #74 walked up to the glass railing "A good idea..." He said. "Are you okay?" Asked the worker that helped the new reporter #74 "A minor nosebleed." said the new reporter #74 "Nothing can ruin this day!" The old reporter just store at him. Eventually he jumped over the railing and fell to his doom. Workers tat were around the scene said various phrases, "OH MY GOD!" "DID YOU SEE THAT?" "HE'S FREAKING DEAD!" "AHHHHHHH!" The boss walked up to his body and said, "You've had better ideas, but this was a good one." Parts: (One part) Man - (One part) Boss - (One part) Janitor - (Five parts) Extras - (One part) Guy that helped new reporter #74
#55418203Monday, September 26, 2011 9:19 PM GMT

Begging will get you no where.
#55418546Monday, September 26, 2011 9:24 PM GMT

Please shorten.
#62377629Saturday, February 04, 2012 3:58 AM GMT

Do not post. I quit roblox. Movie canceled. Farewell.

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