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#55423444Monday, September 26, 2011 10:32 PM GMT

[ TABLE of CONTENTS ] Section 1 - Pangea, the History Section 2 - The Rules, Admins, etc. Section 3 - The Locations Section 4 - Sample Template Section 5 - CT [ Character Template ] ________________________________________________________________________ [ Pangea, the History ] Pangea, a world of all the seven continents coming together to form a super continent. Infact, it wasn't naturally this happened, man made this happen. They thought it would be a good idea, they were terribly wrong. It was a trick to North America, all of the other continents turned on them, and attacked, the war of all continents broke out, some say it will never end. I think otherwise, there is a secret rebellion underway, it has grown large in the past 3 years. But one of the Rebellion's troopers was working with the 6 Continent Army, now we are being hunted, as the war continues in North America. Ever since Pangea, the world has de-advanced, no more cars, we ride horses or carriages, only the richest gets cars, it's a Dystopia. The Rebellion may be the only chance to stop this war, but they will have to face billions of troopers to reach their goal, but they are up for the challenge, the question is... Are you? ________________________________________________________________________ [ Rules, Admins, etc. ] Alright, here's the rules to getting into this RP. You MUST have grammar, mmk? Obey me and the admins! No having weapons that can uber. Please do not flame or troll, I know this sucks, but I wanted to try this out. Yes, romance is allowed, please keep it PG-13. Whatever me and the admins say goes, alright? [ Admins, prepare for teh long list. ] Me IcyBlu Cooldudeadam Centauri07 TheDestroyer8918 Sahanke SachikoKana ix3Candy firekj RealLolCrab Assassin555 SakuTheMaid Escaro Ilovedogs2 Obey every single one of these people. [ Admin CAN-DO and NOT-ABLE ] -: Admins can ban, but they must vote with the other admins to do so. -: Admins can have up to 3 characters, normal people can only have up to 2. -: Admins can-NOT give strikes, if I see any strikes I'll make it backfire on who gave it. -: Admins can-NOT kill off anyone without the person's permission, same goes with normal people. -: More will be added. ________________________________________________________________________ [ Locations ] Motraek - The Mountain that connects all seven continents Loarzen Fountain - A legendary fountain located in Africa, legend says it can grant any wish Brark Forest - A long forest that's about half the size of the Sahara Desert, it's located in Asia The Sahara - It's the Sahara desert, but oddly, it's been being covered in stones that have been coming out of nowhere F.B.C Daneson - Fort Base Command Daneson, main base of the Rebellion, named after the Rebellion founder Jorge Daneson, died by a trooper in the 6 Continent Army. Osean of Decades - It's a gigantic ocean that goes all around the world, it takes a decade to leave from one side of Pangea, leave to the Osean and end up on the other side. That's all, more locations will be added later. ________________________________________________________________________ [ Sample Template ] Post this SEPERATELY From your CS Sample}: Here are the samples for the sides: North American Trooper/Soldier: You are fighting 1 on 3, against troopers from the 6 Continent Army. North American Citizen: Your school/work is being invaded by troopers from the 6 Continent Army. 6 C.A Trooper: You are fighting 1 on 3, against troopers from North America. 6 C.A Trooper: Your school/work is being invaded by troopers from North America Rebellion Warrior: You are cornered in an old warehouse, which is really a secret base of the 6 C.A, and it is heavily guarded, you have to get out but fight your way out. Rebellion Citizen: Your at a Rebellion base when it is being invaded by troopers from the 6 Continent Army. ________________________________________________________________________ [ CT (Character Template) ] Insert your information where it says. Name -- Age -- Appearance -- Bio -- Items/Weapons -- Side -- I know this is a short CS, but it is simple, but be as descriptive as you can. Mine: Khade Moore -- 16 -- PHYSICAL - Khade used to be very pale, until him and his dad went on a trip to Florida and now he is epicleh tan. He had brown hair, he dyed most of the top of it dirty blonde, but some of the brown hairs are visible. His eye color is quite unique, because it almost seems as if it changes all the time. he believes it is golden-brown color but he will never know for sure. He has a scar on his cheek, from an accident working in his father's hardware store. His hair has a cut on it, revealing a line of skin. That's a bald spot. His hair is usually messy, very messy. He rarely ever combs it. CLOTHING - He wears a brick-red sweatshirt his mother made for him. Their family was very poor and they had to make their own clothing. He also wears his dad's old brown coat that fits him almost perfectly, it's slightly bigger than his size. He wears dog-tags, one with his name on it, one with his father's name on it. He wears jeans that are very dirty and baggy, it's his only pair of jeans. It has a hole on the left knee, and a cut on the bottom of it. He also wears his dad's old boots he wears when he hunts. It's very comfortable. He also wears his father's broken lense glasses, it's all he has left of him. -- He was a very happy kid until his 15th birthday, his father was working on a surprise for him at his hardware store when a fire started while he was working, Khade managed to get out before it spread but his father wasn't so lucky. He died in the fire. The fire department came right after his father died, the body was retrieved and buried. His mother is now a very sad woman, she mostly lies in her bed all the time since Khade's father died. Khade has been trying his best to get her back to her normal life, but it's no use, she might live out the rest of her days in bed. Khade goes hunting occasionally, he uses an old rugged blade he found in the burnt debris of the hardware store. When he's in his best mood he catches a deer, at least he can barely catch a bunny. Although with the glasses with a blurry sight, it's hard to hunt with them, but Khade vowed to never take them off. When Khade brings game his mother refuses to eat whatever he prepares, it's a struggle to feed her. Khade's family is VERY poor, they must make their own clothing. Their house is the size of a regular school classroom, it's made of wood and mud bricks. They used to own a farm, until they went broke. That's when Khade's father opened a hardware store to make some extra money. Ever since it burned down, the family is desperately in need of some money to pay off their small house and the hardware store. Or else they'll get sued. Khade joined the Rebellion, he was tired of war, so he joined to attempt to end this once and for all, but he's struggling to survive as he is being hunted. -- A rugged blade he found in the rubble of his dad's hardware store. A hexagon wooden shield he found aswell. -- Rebellion Warrior -- Yes, it's descriptive, but you don't have to be this descriptive, just do the best you can. I worked hard on this, even though it sucks. Have fun! ________________________________________________________________________ - Moltak118 P.S This is Moltak118 :3
#55423754Monday, September 26, 2011 10:37 PM GMT

Anyone gonna make a CS? 3:
#55424495Monday, September 26, 2011 10:48 PM GMT

Imma be makin' a CS in a minute. Have some other RPS to attend to. >.<
#55424574Monday, September 26, 2011 10:49 PM GMT

(i just learned of Pangaea in school.... the super continent.... O.O)
#55428812Monday, September 26, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

[ Walks around -Bump- Oops, sorry, I bumped ya. :3 ]
#55429143Monday, September 26, 2011 11:55 PM GMT

(I'm REALLY tired...Can I say I posted a CS, and just tell you her name? xD)
#55429178Monday, September 26, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

[ Lol, sure. Since you be an admin. But you have to post the rest of your CS sometime you know? ]
#55429529Tuesday, September 27, 2011 12:01 AM GMT

(Ok... Name: ??? (She was hit by something, lost her memory :3)

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