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#55653659Saturday, October 01, 2011 5:50 PM GMT

julianna:goes to sleep..... In the dream there was a very pailed face girl she said "Hey you should not've came here this is a evel place she said. the girl:why the pailed face girl:this place is full of ghosts-and vanished o.O the girl:*WAKES UP WITH A SUPRISE ATTACK!!!!* thegirl:oh god that was scary ...goes to washroom ...comes out *goes back to sleep then the dream was like this she was playing roblox LOL an the computer shutdown she said:"WHAT THE HECK I WAS MAKING A FOURM *goes angry geman kid* so she reeboted it and there was a error "Please buy the latest antu virus program* and shutdown* she said:where the flip do i get the antivirus thing so she walked to the store she opend the door right when she opend it the door closed and pushed her in the store then the lights whent out then she found a flash light she was going to pick it up *picks up flashlight* *flashlight starts moving* *catches on fire* the girl:"aAHHHHHHHHH *Then she woke up* it was the morning and then she went to a.....doctor the doctor said:"whell maybe its a thing that happend to you in real life.the girl said:"no i dont remember anything like this???? the doctor said:"hmmmmmmmmm............HERE YOU GO take this pill the girl said:"Why am i going to die she said.the doctor said:"no your not". the girl siad:"k" she walked home she went to bed again she was in a dream she was at sword fights on the hieghts there were ghosts everywhere she was scared all the ghost pulled out swords and she died and she never woke up ever since..... the end That was my first roleplay fourm very creepy pm me about it -xBlackShadowsx--
#55653730Saturday, October 01, 2011 5:51 PM GMT

(( Pokerface Pokerface No just no.))
#55653855Saturday, October 01, 2011 5:53 PM GMT

Then she died in her sleep.................
#55656362Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

*Brings her to hospital*
#55656494Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:29 PM GMT

WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY oh no is she ok?????
#55656888Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:35 PM GMT

i smell alts.... this story also sucks,EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE!
#55657814Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

Top 25 Poster
#55658030Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:53 PM GMT

#55658066Saturday, October 01, 2011 6:53 PM GMT

Get out. NOW.

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