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#55828657Tuesday, October 04, 2011 3:24 PM GMT

I had this idea when a person asked if you could pay by phone. So here's how it would work, or the variation roblox would design. When you sign up for an account, or own one, you get a like 5 digit code that you use when calling roblox. 1. You call roblox, and follow the prompts on the phone to the buy obc section. When prompted, you enter your 5 digit code, along with the last 4 letters/numbers of your username (Just like a social security card, to prevent people from accessing other accounts without permission.) 2. When you reach your account settings on the phone, you press the number to purchase obc, and since your already in your account, it gives you the options available. 3. You press the number of the membership you wish to purchase, and key in your debit/credit card number into the phone, followed by saying the name of the owner of the card (To help prevent people from stealing debit/credit cards and using to buy bc.) 4. After entering the info, it asks you if this is what you wish to purchase, and it repeats back the information, along with the membership length. 5. You confirm it by pressing a number to confirm, and one to change your order. 6. When confirmed, it looks through the credit/debit card to verify that the name on the card matches, and then applies the membership to the account.

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