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Top 100 Poster
#558638Wednesday, March 05, 2008 2:29 AM GMT

Hey, i've just learned how to use functions. Can someone fix this script up and tell me whats wrong? function newmessage(text) local m = Instance.new("Hint") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = text wait(3) m:remove() end while true do wait(8) a = math.random(1,3) if a == 1 then text = "apple" elseif a == 2 then text = "blah" elseif a == 3 then text = "BAOMZ0R" newmessage(text) end end
Top 100 Poster
#558652Wednesday, March 05, 2008 2:32 AM GMT

I fixed it x3
#558692Wednesday, March 05, 2008 2:44 AM GMT

in the future, try this if math.random(1,2) == 1 then print("One") else print("Two") end

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