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#56264216Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:12 PM GMT

Hello all ROBLOXians! I show you a sport created by DragonOfSun and me. You have to tumble your opponent without weapons from backpack. But I'm sure that your question is: How do I tumble my opponent without weapons? You haveto tumble spinning next to your opponent. But there are some rules: - Don't jump - Don't use Mouse-Lock - Use WASD or the arrow keys - Don't speedhack The story about this new sport: I was reading a shout in UAF that said: You can now earn medals! If you want to know go to Fort Patria (UAF's HQ (NOT RAIDABLE!)) I went there and read about the medals. And then I said: IMA A PWNING MACHINE!!!! and started to spin and DragonOfSun came to me and started to make the same as me next to me and I tumbled him (lol) and we did a lot of times and that's the way we created a sport. Punch-Out Boxing is a trademark of DragonOfSun and bocaymilan. If you want to take advantage of this sport must ask permission.
#56266339Wednesday, October 12, 2011 7:23 PM GMT

Come to my game to play hit the walls your out.

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