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#56446298Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:17 PM GMT

( Read it, I know it's alot.. Sorry! It will pay off! ) It is a bright sunny day, The day is calm. People are happy, and everyone is nice to each other. Except the mutants. They have killed all of the mutants. It is time to fight back. ( My first roleplay.. Did i do good?? ) Theme: I don't care what you do. ________________________________________________________________________ RULES: No Gmodding/Ubering No Trolling Not to much Romance Limited Swearing ________________________________________________________________________ RACES: Garen ( G-ha-ren ) Appearance- White or Black hair, Any length. Golden eyes. Pale or Beige skin. Avg. Weight- (F) 100lbs (M) 110lbs Avg. Height- (F) 4ft 6' (M) 5ft 4' Lifespan- 120 Years Personality- Nice most of the time. Other- The have bat-like wings, That allow them to fly. ( Can't fly when wet. ) Reptilius ( R-ep-ti-le-us ) Apperance- No hair. Green or orange eyes. Green scaley skin. Avg. Weight- (M) 130lbs. (F) 126lbs. Avg. Height- 5ft 2'( Female and Male ) Lifespan- 210 Years Personality- Mean and Defensive. Other- They have scales along their back and have sharp canine teeth. Aarak ( A-rak ) ( The Double A is silent. ) Apperance- Any color hair, Long or Short hair. Black, Gold or purple eyes. Pale skin or tan skin. Avg. Weight- 100lbs ( Female and Male ) Avg. Height- (F) 4ft 3' (M) 5ft 6' Lifespan- 300 years Personality- Calm and protective. Other- They have white feathered wings, Can be shown or not shown. ( Put show wings or not in your Apperance ) Kiranik ( K-ai-ran-eek ) ( Sounds kinda funny.. Hehe :3 ) Apperance- Golden or Silver hair, Any length. Any colored eyes. Pale skin. Avg. Weight- (F) 90lbs (M) 100lbs Avg. Height- 5ft 0' ( Male and Female ) Lifespan- 500-600 years Personality- Nice and protective. Other- They are most powerful in forests. Dracon ( D-rai-con ) Apperance- Black or gold hair, Any length. Green or Blue eyes. Any skin color. Avg. Weight- 100lbs ( F and M ) Avg. Height- 5ft 5' ( F and M ) Lifespan- 1,000 Years ( Because of being a dragon.. ) Personality- Not rude but not nice. Other- They can transform into dragons. ( You can choose what type of dragon you are. ) They can fly for large time periods. ( Any color dragon.. ) ________________________________________________________________________ OCCUPATIONS: Blacksmith- Creates weapons for any race. Merchant- Sells items. Guard- Defends a city or town's walls. Mage- Studies magic of all kinds, including necromancy. Highest rank. Archer- Uses a bow and arrow. Excellent hunters. Executioner- Executes criminals. Priest/Priestess- Normally healers, but some run churches. Warrior- Uses any weapon next to the bow and arrow. Assassin- Must I explain? Engineer- Creates items. Farmer- Provides food. Fisherman/woman- Sells fresh fish to merchants. Bard- A musician/singer who performs in public or in private. Writer- Writes plays and scrolls for entertainment. Gamekeeper- Owns a patch of forest for hunting. Scribe- Writes down history. Scholar- Teaches others. Astronomer- Works with a scribe or scholar to make calendars. Craftsman/woman- Makes items for merchants. Thief- I think you know what this is ________________________________________________________________________ WEAPONS- Staff- Blunt weapon, not very popular. Mage's Orb- Mage only, unless stolen. Holds powerful elemental magic. Club- A length of heavy wood; blunt weapon. Dagger- A short, slim blade attached to a leather-bound hilt. Favored weapon of thieves. Shortsword- Slightly shorter than a longsword, lighter. Longsword- Longer than the shortsword/dagger, more effective. Broadsword- Heavy sword with a rounded tip, though lighter than a greatsword. Greatsword- A large two-handed sword, powerful. Claymore- A very long blade, normally is carried in a scabbard across the back. Spear- A shaft of wood with a pointed steel, wood or other material head. Pike- A long spear measuring around 18 feet. Glaive- Broad-bladed, single-edged polearm. Halberd- An axe head mounted on a pole. Hammer- A two, blunt-headed weapon with a spike on the top. Warhammer- A hammer head on one side, a spike on the other. Scimitar- A curved sword blade mounted on a light hilt. Bow- A curved piece of wood with a string of animal sinews connecting the ends; used for shooting arrows. Garrote: A length of fabric or metal twisted into a cord; used for strangulation. ________________________________________________________________________ The common currency is Gold and silver. There is TONS of Wildelife rivers, oceans, lakes, etc. in this world. CS Name: Gender: Race: Appearance: Years: Personality: Height: Weight: Companion: (Optional) Occupation(s): Weapon(s): ( If it's not here then give me a link of what it looks like or explain. ) Armor/clothing: Other: (Anything I didn't get) Bio: (Optional)
#56446945Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:27 PM GMT

( I must except your CS!) MY CS Name: Angel " Wistearia" Orchid. Gender: F Race: Dracon Appearance: Gold hair. Blue eyes, Pale skin. Years: 200 Personality: Peaceful anf Nice. Height: 5ft 1' Weight: 95lbs Companion: (Optional) Small dragon Whelpling. Occupation(s): Archer Weapon(s): (If it's not on here, explain what it is or give a link!) Bow Armor/clothing: Black tank top, black skinny jeans and black leather boots. Other: (Anything I didn't get, put here) I am a wind dragon Bio: (Optional) ( We can communicate with black bracelets ) ( Also Dracon don't actually change apperance after they hit 20. )
#56447662Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:37 PM GMT

( Please join! )
#56447945Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

( Post that you are reading if you are. I wanna make sure how many people are joining.. )
#56449030Saturday, October 15, 2011 11:00 PM GMT

( No one? Really? Please? I just want to make one..)
#56449108Saturday, October 15, 2011 11:01 PM GMT

Pretty good.
#56449165Saturday, October 15, 2011 11:02 PM GMT

( Are you gonna make a CS?? )
#56462830Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:22 AM GMT

No one.. I hate my life.
#56463167Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:27 AM GMT

I will
#56464693Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

Name: Kara Gender: Female Race: Kiranik Appearance: silver long wavy hair, purple eyes and very pale skin. Years: 519 Personality: cheerful and sweet but sometimes pushy Height: 5ft 3' Weight: 88lbs Weapon(s): staff Armor/clothing: purple dress
#56465516Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:56 AM GMT

( Accepted! )
#56465585Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:57 AM GMT

( I will start when 2 more people atleast join)
#56465778Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

Name: Sydney White Gender: Female Race: Dracon Appearance: Tall and athletic. Has emerald green eyes, always with a glint in them. Is slender and athletic. Years: 75 (YOUNG) Personality: Can be kind, funny, clever, and thoughtful, but has a bad side, too, that sometimes comes out. Height: 5'6 Weight: 100 lbs Companion: Not yet Occupation(s): Warrior Weapon(s): Bow and Arrow, and a sword made of pure emerald. Armor/clothing: Wears usually a deep green cotton t-shirt and black leggings. Has simple, fitted steel armor when is fighting as a human. Other: Is a warrior, but also makes stuff out of gold, emerald, sapphire, diamond, and other stuff like that with my fire as a dragon. Bio: TBR
#56465829Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:01 AM GMT

(Its your lucky day :D I'm here!!!)
#56466004Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:03 AM GMT

#56466147Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:05 AM GMT

( One more, And Accepted )
#56466241Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:06 AM GMT

im being as patient as I can :D
#56466249Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:06 AM GMT

( Well kinda Accepted.. You didn't say eye color, hair and skin.. )
#56466320Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

( And it's my first RP.. What does TBR mean?
#56466330Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

dun dun duuuuuunnnn
#56466351Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

I said eye color. An emerald green. And skin is pale, hair is a light brown.
#56466362Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

( Well you got the eyes.. Sorry! )
#56466386Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:09 AM GMT

im posting to fast so it got jammed :3
#56466398Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:09 AM GMT

( K. Accepted )
#56466449Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:10 AM GMT

i wonder if we'll ever get a 4th person D;

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