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#56638137Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1:50 PM GMT

If you have a hat that you own, you can buy something called a spray, the spray will let you pick a decal from free decals, you can also pick your decals, but you can only retexture hats that arent already have a few of themselves like all the "hair" hats or the domino crown
#56638300Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:01 PM GMT

Even MORE ways to customize your avatar and socialize; whilst still ignoring the entire point of Roblox's creation: to create, build, and explore. No support. Bad idea anyway. -Lcke-
#56638333Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:03 PM GMT

Sounds like it would be cool theres a certain hat I have that I made a retexture for :D
#56638601Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:26 PM GMT

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#56640056Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:03 PM GMT

First. Retexture our hats is a misleading title due to the fact that you can already retexture hats. But only as models. This can Lead up to people spamming hats constantly, not only that mods will have to review. I mean, there isn't already enough mods. If they were to hire even more roblox loses profit concluding to this thread being a failed idea. Coutinue to try though. But think more carefully of the problems caused by this.
#56640161Wednesday, October 19, 2011 4:10 PM GMT

Oh yes, that would be greeeeat. I could totally then take a fedora, get the TextureID os a Sparkle Time fedora, and then make it look like I have one! Isn't that amaaaaaaaziiiiinnng!? Please note that I am being totally sarcastic.... No support for this idea at all.
#56641468Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:35 PM GMT

No way this is gonna happen. Then ROBLOX wouldnt even need to sell hats. There are some hats with the same meshes. Take a fedora for example. You can turn it into a Sparkletime Fedora wich is pretty rare and pretty expensive. Or, a Purple Sparkletime Fedora. I think somebodys already said this. Sorry, but no support. -Ima Troll
#56678157Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:09 AM GMT

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#56678224Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:17 AM GMT

sorry, but this is abusable, even for BC. you can get a hat, get the texture of a similar (but limited or otherwise expensive) hat and paste to your needs to make it look like you got the black knight helm when you only bought the regular knight helm. Even though I do have some retexts that kick butt, the abusability of this feature prevents me from supporting. In an attempt to fix this up, when uploading a hat template image, the image mods shouldnt let you unless you changed the whole hat template.
#56679149Thursday, October 20, 2011 8:50 AM GMT

No. I think we should be able to have a retexture section for BC and ROBLOX takes these and chooses some if any.

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