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#56681429Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:49 PM GMT

I get the whole BC places thing to help prevent newbs from annoying people, but it gets kind of dumb after a while. A lot of the games I wanna play are BC only, now I know what you gonna say. "Buy BC." Why would I waste the money? I only got it once, and probably never again. What should be BC only. 1: A BC only forum thread, so BCers don't have to listen to noobs or newbs beg for stuff. 2: A BC only feature that would allow them to get around 5 more robux, so all the poor BCers don't say "I poor." as often. I read that almost everyday. 3: BC players would get 1 more place. What shouldn't be BC only. 1: NBCers should be able to make T-Shirts, never Shirts or Pants, for there are copiers. 2: NBCers should get like a couple of extra tickets a day instead of just 10 a day, cause the NBC doesn't get robux, therefore, 5 extra tix would be more then enough, since NBC doesn't get robux, they won't be able to trade for tix. 3: NBC should be able to make a group, stupid thing I know.
#56681498Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:57 PM GMT

1. How sterotypical. We don't need to seperate the community more than roblox has already done. Also, what would be the purpose of this forum? OT? RT? Or just a forum JUST TO BE BC only? Because if it's a forum made just to be BC only, then it shouldn't exist, since it has no real purpose. 2.You mean like BC Loyalty? It's their own falt if they can't save money. 3. There is no reason for this. Ah yes, I have 10 places, but I want 11! Ah yes, I have 25 places, but I want 26! Ah yes, I have 100 places (And most of them don't have anything in them) But I want 101! :D 4.(1b) We can make T-Shirts, we just can't sell them. 5.(2b) There is a program for NBCers to get up to 20 tix a day. A smart NBCers will either make a nice place, or TC for money (OR BOTH!) And by TC for money, I mean playing the market to make a profit. 6.(3b) Making a group should be BC only :3 Even though only 5% of NBCers have enough money to make a group.
#56681511Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:58 PM GMT

I wanted criticism, not just plain out rudeness of proof.
#56681571Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:04 PM GMT

This "rudeness" is criticism.
#56681580Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:05 PM GMT

It is Criticism. I didn't like your idea, I explained why in few words, and then I left. It is what happens when you post 6 ideas at once. I have seen them all before, and every one of them has been denied by the community time and time again.
#56681595Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:05 PM GMT

See Row? If I had known that, then I wouldn't have done this. Who reads the News anymore?
#56681615Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:07 PM GMT

Haha, don't worry about it. I have just seen them in S&I quite a bit. They have never been in the news. :3 Of course, people get annoyed by this, and a lot of the time they'll reply with just "Oversuggested" Which is even more annoying.
#56681631Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:08 PM GMT

I don't really come here much, so I don't see what you guys see.

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