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#57359060Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:32 PM GMT

Alteney finally managed to coordinate his feet and steer himself towards a shady, poorly-lighted tavern, bursting through the rotted wood door and slumping across the counter, murmuring drunkenly to the tavern-keeper. "Whassha bodysh gotta do here for ale, eh? Gim... Gimme a drink..." (He's pretty drunk.)
#57359176Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:34 PM GMT

(I am not fond of this new Character Sheet either. Most of it is fine, but this Bio about working beside the King... I don't know...)
#57359653Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

~Draxle I eventually figure out in what rough direction the 'castle' may be, from some odd vagabond on the street. He stared at me awkwardly (I think it was a male) as I hurried up the street, reminding myself that punctuality was formality... or whatever. I ought to improve that saying, it doesn't make a whole load of sense but... KEEP FOCUSED. Alright, the castle, the castle, a big stone building... probably.
#57360377Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:49 PM GMT

The 'Tavern Keeper' stared at Alteney, looking to each side, before raising his hands defensively. "Uh, look mate, I ain't actually in charge here, everyone's away up at the Castle. I'm just sneakin' in a few free drinks..." he hissed, backing away slowly. "Oh, is this because I'm Human?" Joachim snapped at Melina, who scoffed again. "No, it's because you're a Ranger. Fools who try and devote themselves to everything. I'll tell you now, there are only two kinds of people who can do that properly, Archmages, and the Undead. You are neither. You are a Fool to think you can do what they do, for it is only the exceptionally long-lived who can do so."
#57360615Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:52 PM GMT

"Awl, ain't that nishe of you? Shtealin' a drink from poor folkssh like me? Why dun you hand myshelf a bottle o' the good shtuff before you get hurt...?"
#57361072Tuesday, November 01, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

~Draxle I took a wrong turn. No way is the castle located in the slums... or the poor sector or something. The entire place is covered in some creepy mist that probably rolled in from the nearby docks, and there isn't a sould in sight, unless you count the forelorn shadows that dart just out of sight. I slowly back away, and search for a tavern/inn where I may find help again, maybe a guide.

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