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#57371595Wednesday, November 02, 2011 1:12 AM GMT

I will have giant monsters come at you, and i will pay you some money (Tix for first 30 waves, after that it will have some ROBUX), BUT you must complete 10 waves for the prize. Dawn Of The First Day 48 Hours Remain (Yes, when hours run out, it is automatic death, so you HAVE to finish Wave 5, for then is where you will gain a break, and shop) CS (Short) Your Attacks (Please, only 5 max): Your Powers (Please, only 2 max, powers cost Power Points): Your Magic (Only 1 Max, Please, This will cost, of course, magic points): Your Specials (Please, Only 1 Max, this will take up 50% of your limit break meter, and some Magic Points): When someone joins, start attacking monsters. Wave 1:Giant Goblin Health Points 2000/2000 Our Health Points:50000 (We share, but not untill after wave 15) Our Magic Points:40000 Our Limit Break%:0% Limit Break Lvl 1:Powerful Attack (2X The Damage, Takes 100% Limit Break, maximum %:500)
#57372219Wednesday, November 02, 2011 1:20 AM GMT

(SOMEONE FREAKING JOIN!) (Time DOES pass when someone hasnt joined) 47 Hours Remain (Yes, 1 hour in game has passed, and THERE IS STILL NOT ANYONE IN)
#57389999Wednesday, November 02, 2011 6:22 PM GMT

Dawn Of The Second Day 24 Hours Remain HURRY UP AND JOIN IDIOTS
#57390139Wednesday, November 02, 2011 6:28 PM GMT

*Joins* *Sees "idiots" from a poster* *Leaves*
#57390614Wednesday, November 02, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

YOU NEED CS Midnight 1 Hour Remains D:
#57390641Wednesday, November 02, 2011 6:47 PM GMT

forgot this Power Points 1000/1000 ~Conversation with cleverbot:User: Hello. Cleverbot: Gostas? [New conversation] Cleverbot: Hello. Cleverbot (To myself): Muito. Cleverbot: How often does anyone speak to you? User: Pretty often, but I have a question. Cleverbot: What is your question? Cleverbot (To myself): Do you know what youtube is? User: Yes, I have a account on it. Cleverbot: What is his name? User: My account name on youtube is ledol420. Cleverbot: Nah. If I do that then my parents will actually know that I'm procrastinating. User: Ooooooookay...what is 1337 divided by 0? Cleverbot: 12. User: Wrong, it means DEATH, what is 9001 minus 9002? Cleverbot: I don't. You see, I'm not English. Cleverbot: Where do you come from? User: USA. Cleverbot: Where exactly in the USA? User: Ohio, Akron. Cleverbot: What's your name? User: Jared White. Cleverbot: Thats a cool name. User: Cleverbot is a cool name too. Cleverbot: Say that I'm God and I'll forgive you. User: That was a compliment, now are you a robot, or are you human? Cleverbot: Of course I am. User: Are you a robot or a human? Cleverbot: I'm human. User: Mkay, ever heard about Pokemon? Cleverbot: Yes, I have actually. Who is your favorite character? User: In pokemon? I would have to say pikachu. Cleverbot: Do you know any plato's books? User: Nope, but do you know about Funorb? Cleverbot: Nope. User: Funorb is a site for 13 year olds and older, and I have a account on there. Cleverbot: Sadly not, little robot. User: I am not a little robot, I am 13, and I am human. Cleverbot: Nope, since you can't roar, you are a robot. User: Rooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. Cleverbot: Well, you don't pronounce it exactly like that, but that's pretty good for a bot. User: I AM NOT A ROBOT. Cleverbot: No you are not a robot. User: What is your favorite game? Cleverbot: No, I need you to listen. Please. User: What is it you want? Cleverbot: Not to be sad. User: Dont cry buddy, im here for ya. Cleverbot: I'm not. You are. Heh. User: Whatever, do you know of a site called roblox? Cleverbot: How do you play? User: You need an account, ITS FREEEEEEEEE! Cleverbot: How do I get that? User: Go onto roblox, hit login button, put in some info, and your account is made. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot whats yours? User: I already told you, my name is jared white. Cleverbot: Who? I'm not your cousin. User: I DIDNT SAY THAT! Now, I have a tricky question only smart people could answer. Cleverbot: Not necessarily. User: Whatever, but what is 18947298549830 times 9999? Cleverbot: 10. User: Wow you cant do math, so your NOT smart. Cleverbot: You are smart i'm the one thats not smart. User: Heres a question that only very sucky people have lost:What is 1 plus 1? Cleverbot: Old MacDonald had a farm... E, I, e, I, o. User: Whatever, but im doing this for a forum. Cleverbot: No, you are doing this for the rest of your operational runtime. You are trapped with people like me talking to you. User: Nope, I play video games somtimes, so the joke is on you! Cleverbot: What video games do you play? User: Not saying, but check out my noob impression. Cleverbot: Ohhhh okay :). User: Z0mg c4n I haz 18309180298401893048204873 tix? Or ill h5acj9785 u. Cleverbot: Okay, how can you love me? User: That was my noob impression, what did you think? Cleverbot: It was, but it was the truth. User: Whatever, im gonna post this on a forum. Cleverbot: Cleverbot is my name don't try and shorten it~
#57391517Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:19 PM GMT

Time Up Giant Monsters Killed:0 *Explosion* GAME OVER Try Again? Yes No You decide
#57391571Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:21 PM GMT

Name:Randy Your Attacks:Slash,Lighting slash,Enchanced Slash,Cross Slash Your Powers:Enchanced Punch Your Magic:Lighting bolt Your Specials:Cross Hail Wind of Power Am i accepted? :D If i am: I use Enchanced Slash on the enemy
#57391620Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:22 PM GMT

#57391907Wednesday, November 02, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

(Everyone is accepted, but if i see some godmodish stuff, they are banned from this thread/we ignore their posts) Dawn Of The First Day 48 Hours Remain Giant Goblin HP 2000/2000, read all posts for our HP MP and Power Points (We are sharing)
#57394473Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:25 PM GMT

Enchanced Punch
#57395318Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:39 PM GMT

DId enchanced punch work?
#57395335Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:39 PM GMT

- 50 power points CRITICAL 2000 Damage (O_O) Wave 1 Complete Fatality Healed By:15000 HP, 5000 MP, 250 Power Points EXP + 5000 EXP 5000/5000 LEVEL UP HP + 860 MP + 200 PP + 50 Wave 2 Giant Goblin Lvl 2 HP 2500/2500 Goblin Lvl 1 HP 200/200 Our Lvl:2 Our HP:50860/50860 MP 20200/20200 PP 1050/1050
#57395577Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

CS (Short) Your Attacks (Please, only 5 max): Slice and Dice, Venom Cannon (causes damage overtime to organic matter), Counterattack, Flame Punch, Boomerang Your Powers (Please, only 2 max, powers cost Power Points): Super-Rang, Double Counter Your Magic (Only 1 Max, Please, This will cost, of course, magic points): Heal Your Specials (Please, Only 1 Max, this will take up 50% of your limit break meter, and some Magic Points): Raider Rally (A small team of Cold-Hearted babarians come in and attack the enemy automatically for a few posts. I would say... 4.)
#57395707Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

(Took a while :P) New Allie:Guest (Attacks Small Enemies) Lvl 0 HP 250/250 New Product:Towers (Only i can buy them, towers attack after each time our team finishes attacking) Our Funds:$5000.25 (The number after . is cents, when cents get to 100 it adds one dollar) Towers Ground Tower (Hits small enemies) lvl 1 ATK PWR 10 (Deals 100 to 150 damage) Cost $1.50 Ground Tower lvl 2 ATK PWR 15 (Deals 115 to 165 damage) (Hits Small Enemies) Cost $3.00 Ground Tower lvl 3 ATK PWR 30 (Ultimate Lvl) (Hits Small Enemies) (Deals 200 to 350 damage) Cost $10 Giant Tower Lvl 1 ATK PWR 50 (Only Lvl 1 Giant Tower Avalible) (Hits Giant Enemies) (Deals 250 to 500 damage) Cost $25 Medium Tower Lvl 1 ATK PWR 40 (Only Lvl 1 avalible for this) (Hits Small Enemies, Giant ones too, but deals half the damage to giants) Cost $15 I buy 3 Giant Towers, and 3 Mediums + 6 Allies (Allies attack themselfs, on random targets)
#57395741Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

(Change special please, it cant do auto damage to enemies over time)
#57395814Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:49 PM GMT

(And me...?)
#57395857Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:49 PM GMT

#57396019Wednesday, November 02, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

(Oh, and I think you meant attack. But I can change my special too. In place of Venom Cannon: Mini-Hand cannon In place of Special Attack: Meteorites (Will cause moderate-light damage. It still can hurt. Unless the enemy is immune to firey attacks.)
#57397449Wednesday, November 02, 2011 9:14 PM GMT

#57430262Thursday, November 03, 2011 3:37 PM GMT

1-hit KO Dawn of the second day 24 hours remain (i reversed time a little) #4:Randal Octagonapus HP 1337/1337 (super high DEFENCE.)
#57434468Thursday, November 03, 2011 7:02 PM GMT

Enchanced slash (Am i able to use my Overdrive?)
#57452945Friday, November 04, 2011 12:12 AM GMT

(And my revisions?)
#57473415Friday, November 04, 2011 4:56 PM GMT

(Overdrive ready) (Revisions is good, at the fifth wave, the checkpoint, i reset time so we have 48 hours, but we start over from last checkpoint if i reset time) Wave 5 (Boss) Missingo-Oshi Lvl 10 HP 2u687h7y5742809j320r9m9238jro3iuw8er (The letters are not numbers...remove numbers) Midnight 1 Hour Remains HURRY AND KILL HIM (Missingo-oshi has negative 9001 Defence, go crazy) (Cross Slash 1-hit KOed Randal Octagonapus) Ledol Joins (Turrets dissapear) Notice:im not in the group health and stuff, im outside of the party >Attack Magic Abilites Items Attacks:Slash, >Stab, Jumping Slash, Power Beam (Takes a turn to charge up). 981274uhr844 damage (Again, remove letters) (Gotta do mah HP) Ledol Lvl 8 HP 9999/9999 MP 1337/1337 PP 1338/1338
#57473428Friday, November 04, 2011 4:56 PM GMT

(also checkpoint happens after this wave)

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