#57835523Friday, November 11, 2011 6:56 PM GMT

/Parkson/ As he is walking to the counter, he encounters a ghost. "Oh, Dios mío!" He said out of fear and surprise. /The ghost/ "Get out of here, if you value your life." It faintly says. It then disappears. /Parkson/ He stood confused. He then walked behind the counter, in search of food.
#57835822Friday, November 11, 2011 7:03 PM GMT

Hokia I stay by the door just in case.
#57836158Friday, November 11, 2011 7:10 PM GMT

/Parkson/ He finds pasta in the kitchen. "Ooh, pasta! A fave in my country!" A severed hand then floats up to the top of the pasta. He then gets so disgusted that he wants to barf. "I'll be in here for while. ULFH!" He says with a tainted voice. Then foul sounds could be heard from the kitchen. /The ghost/ It then appears behind Hokia, without him noticing. It puts it's hands on his shoulders. "I need to tell you a secret." It whispered into Hokia's ear.
#57836759Friday, November 11, 2011 7:22 PM GMT

(I need to let people know when I gotta leave...D:) ~Wysti~ I continue on walking, seeing Cecelia there. ~Cecelia~ I look up at her, her neck wound showing, "I...I'm sorry." I say. Giving a "will-you-forgive-me" smile. ~Wysti~ "I am very sorry." I say, to her, nodding my head in forgiveness. ~Cecelia~ "Y-your...Eye isn't covered." I say, questioning. ~Wysti~ "Oh...Yeah, I guess it isn't." I say, lifting my head up with an awkward laugh.
#57836788Friday, November 11, 2011 7:23 PM GMT

Hokia I turn around frightened, my heart pounding fast."whaa--"
#57837087Friday, November 11, 2011 7:30 PM GMT

/The ghost/ He continued whispering. "This place is cursed. On November 10, 1841, this was cursed by a mysterious, dark magic. Zombies began to roam the town, and monsters started spawning. The only way your gonna solve the mystery of Silent Hill and get out of this ghost town alive is with my help. trust me. I won't hurt you. My name is Blue, by the way." (I'll make his C.S. after this post.) Meanwhile, back at the other side of town. /Jacky/ "Dragon, for the last time, she needs some medical tests! That wasn't natural! And, I can trust you that she will be alright, and you can be with the whole time. Just make a lab coat, and wait for the lab to be built. Are you alright with that?"
#57837240Friday, November 11, 2011 7:34 PM GMT

Hokia I shiver uncontrollably, "O---ok...."
#57837311Friday, November 11, 2011 7:35 PM GMT

~Dragon~ I turned to Jacky, "Wysti isn't natural, you seen her. She had an addrenaline rush! She is fine!" I hiss at him, walking the way Wysti was going.
#57837697Friday, November 11, 2011 7:46 PM GMT

Name: Blue @ge: Deceased Item: Spiritblade Appearance: A cyan, transparent humanoid, with flawless, claw-shaped hands, white eyes, and bear feet, with a normal blue border, with three tilted spikes as hair. Personality: Melancholic, Phlegmatic, surprising, quiet, intelligent, endurant, strong Bio: Not much is known about him, but he knows much about Silent Hill. Other: Can make others invisible, with the same colors as Blue, being able to be dragged through solids, considered "his signature retreat". And, when he massages a living being, their active fears get soothed. /Blue/ "I can help soothe your fear." He starts massaging Hokia's shoulders.
#57837800Friday, November 11, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

Meanwhile, back at the other side of town... /Jacky/ He got frustrated. "HOW THE HECK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" He then grunts. "Are you still okay with getting a house here?"
#57837849Friday, November 11, 2011 7:49 PM GMT

~Dragon~ "Who said I was moving here?" I asked, curious. ~Wysti~ I sit down next to Cecelia in silence.
#57837871Friday, November 11, 2011 7:50 PM GMT

Hokia I feel somewhat relaxed but I move away, "I'm fine.... thank you..."
#57838158Friday, November 11, 2011 7:56 PM GMT

/Blue/ "Hm. Alright." /Parkson/ He exits the kitchen finally. "I'm alright now..." He then sees Blue. His fear and surprise emotions get triggered. He unsheathes his sword. "Mantente alejado de Hokia, alma FALTA!" /Blue/ He unsheathes his sword as well. "Por mucho que me quería ayudar a que los seres humanos perdidos y confusos, que no se puede confiar en mí, no puedo confiar en ti."
#57838314Friday, November 11, 2011 8:00 PM GMT

Hokia My jump away from both of them, "what the heck is going on?!?!"
#57840744Friday, November 11, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

/Parkson/ "Comment suis-je censé vous faire confiance RETOUR? Vous étiez sur le point de tuer Hokia!" /Blue/ "J'aidais à la fois de vous. Mais, vous êtes comme tous les autres. Effrayé à première vue de nous. Bien sûr, votre ami a été le même, mais il a réussi à me faire confiance." /Parkson/ "Faites confiance en une chose comme vous?! HA! C'est la meilleure blague que j'ai jamais entendu, vous menteur. Tous les morts-vivants ont la même volonté de mort cérébrale. Ils ont tous envie de tuer tout être vivant sur ​​la vue." /Blue/ "I, sont censés être attendus de mort cérébrale? Tous les autres sont incapables de parler, mais je peux parler dans toutes les langues connues de l'homme, et je suis toujours considéré comme mort cérébrale? Vous êtes écoeurant." (If your confused, look up Google Translate.)
#57841085Friday, November 11, 2011 8:58 PM GMT

(Wait a minute, that was all in french! Crud. One sec.)
#57842368Friday, November 11, 2011 9:21 PM GMT

Hokia "あなたの両方は、現在停止!これはです!.....私は誰を信頼できることがない理由です....彼らは常に戦いになるため....恐れまたは信頼していない...." I stay quiet for a moment, "...just like me..."
#57843360Friday, November 11, 2011 9:39 PM GMT

/Reznov/ "Pasta my Comrade? Its not my First choice But hey...Не задавайте вопросы ..." I Say Shrugging and Joining him at the Counter.
#57845752Friday, November 11, 2011 10:23 PM GMT

(Curse you Google Translate and Mozilla Firefox.) /Parkson/ "¿Cómo voy a confiar en usted BACK? Que estaban a punto de matar a Hokia!" /Blue/ "Me ayudó a los dos. Pero usted es como todos los demás. Miedo a primera vista de nosotros. Por supuesto, su amigo era el mismo, pero fue capaz de confiar en mí." /Parkson/ "Confiar en una cosa como usted? HA! Esta es la mejor broma que he escuchado, mentiroso. Todos los muertos tienen el mismo deseo de muerte cerebral. Todos quieren matar a todos los seres vivos a la vista." /Blue/ "I, se supone que se espera de muerte cerebral? Todos los demás son incapaces de hablar, pero puedo hablar en cualquier idioma conocido por el hombre, y estoy todavía se considera muerte cerebral? Usted es repugnante." (There, it's fixed.)
#57846318Friday, November 11, 2011 10:32 PM GMT

Hokia "あなたの両方は、現在停止!これはです!.....私は誰を信頼できることがない理由です....彼らは常に戦いになるため....恐れまたは信頼していない...." I stay quiet for a moment, "...just like me..." (re-posted :3)
#57846537Friday, November 11, 2011 10:36 PM GMT

(Uh, Parkson went away from the counter.) /Parkson/ He was silent for a second, but still frustrated. /Blue/ Same. /Parkson/ "Muy bien." /Blue/ "Pero no son iguales entre sí." /Parkson/ "Pero probablemente no entiende español." /Blue/ "Derecha." He cleared his throat. "I said that we still aren't equal with each other."
#57846908Friday, November 11, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

Hokia I look at both of them frustrated and confused.
#57848427Friday, November 11, 2011 11:05 PM GMT

/Parkson/ He still stood frustrated. "Your just lucky that I haven't found anything to eat yet." He walks back behind the counter, still looking for food. /Blue/ "Don't worry, Hokia. That's how men normally bond." (Maxiii360, your character is a male, but your making him act like a female. If you want him to change from male to female, it's alright.)
#57850047Friday, November 11, 2011 11:32 PM GMT

(wait what just happened................................ I blame my sister once more............... be right back... maybe............... I'm going to attack her............with my metal baseball bat.)(blarg!!) (For the last 3 hours or so...... i wasn't on........ I was doing chores, homework and was eating with the family -_-(some other things too)........ so I strongly blame my sister......... or my older brother...... >:( ....... why they hate me so much........) Hokia I say nothing
#57851401Friday, November 11, 2011 11:57 PM GMT

(back...... kinda....... I beat up my sister and made her cry........... I just realized she makes a really funny face when she cries...... also I got in trouble....... oh well....... but yes it was my sister............ >:/ first she switches my keys on my keyboard and then she posts on my comp and I think she took my money.......) (the last post I remember is the C.S. you made for blue...... after that was all my sisters work.....)