#70240223Monday, June 18, 2012 10:48 PM GMT

[KK. >:D] ----------------------------------------------------- The Noob's Pranks A normal day in ROBLOXia, or so we think. A prankster was going around. He was hiding in closets, putting frogs in bowls. Everyone wanted him DE@D! So they sent out the ROBLOXian Army to go and take him down. Oddly enough, they failed. Even with all their guns, and swords, and rocket launchers. How weird is that? The pranking noob, had broken all the weapons. Replaced them with toys actually. Not much BREAKING was done. The noob would just laugh and giggle when the army failed. That made them send out even more after him. All tries failed. None worked. Can you guess why? Our prankster wouldn't stop. No way, no how! He made his pranks quicker, more surprising. ROBLOXians were scared to enter their homes. Afraid. Afraid the prankster was in their house. Now what would cause their fears? Such fear of a single ROBLOXian noob? His pranks. He'd put frogs in bowls, spiders on heads. Fake livers in the bathtub! Why, you may ask? Just for the pure joy of seeing fear. Hearing screams, and seeing eyes pop wide. Eventually, a long while after he'd began his pranking, he was brought down. It was sheer joy when the Pranking Noob was brought to the jail. Everybody was happy. EVERYBODY. END. ------------------------------
#70240697Monday, June 18, 2012 10:56 PM GMT

But the noob got out? Guess why? The bricks were actually fake, so he got out. Robloxia sended everything at the noob. National guard, army, MP, etc. The noob knew he couldn't do this alone. He made a group called. We Prank ROBLOXians (W.E.R) Very few people joined. There was only 4 people in the group (including noob) The noob's powers were even more prankstered than ever. Soon the group was brought down, and all of them went to banland for 5 years. The real END. -----------------------
#70241209Monday, June 18, 2012 11:06 PM GMT

No SeQuAls FoR mY sToRiEs!
#70247627Tuesday, June 19, 2012 12:52 AM GMT

Keep Em commin! jethro, I love your stories.
#70247956Tuesday, June 19, 2012 12:57 AM GMT

:D yay but I ran out of ideas. D:
#70248301Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:02 AM GMT

Noobs Lonley life. Noob sat in his house, crying. All he every wanted was a buddy, but never got one. If he ever did, he blew it by saying, "C@n I'z HAZ T1x Pl0x? And he would get kicked from the game. Noob was a bad little noob. He liked to delete, burn, and destory peoples hard work. Suddenly, he saw an explosion under him and he fell down. His seat had been dleted! Someone was after him!. Eventuraly his whole house was deleted! He was now homless, and wanted revenge on that person who deleted his house. He went to the guys house with a ip-ban deleter hammer. Then, it happened The guy came, hit the hammer out of noobs hand, and picked it up, and BLAMMED it onto noobs head, and noob was instantly ip'banned. His robloxian body lied there, on the floor. The guy carried it, and threw it off the baseplate. He watched it fall, and fall, untill it disapeared from height limit. The end.
#70251782Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:58 AM GMT

A Noob in the Quazar -------------- There was a noob in a space game. He was happy, hacking and messing the game up. Everybody hated him for it, though. He was sitting on the rocket, and he was yelling at another ROBLOXian. There were seconds until the blast off. Mission control was counting down. The rocket took off, and blasted into the ROBLOX Universe. The two ROBLXians were still fighting. They passed a quazar. It was bright purple, swirling with pink and black. There were stars and planets shifting into the quazar, and it looked spactacular. The other ROBLOXians on the ship suddenly had an idea. Since they hated the noob so, they thought they would throw him into the beautiful, yet killer quazar. The ROBLOXian astronaughts grabbed the noob. Everybody but the noob were in full suits. One went to the door, and opened it. Things were beginning to get sucked out and were dragged into the quazar. They threw the noob out, and he was sucked toward the quazar. To make it worse, he wasn't wearing a suit. He was sucked into the quazar, and the colours of it quickly changed. They went from swirling purple and pink, to swirling blue and green. It was beautiful. The other ROBLOXians quickly kicked the noob from the game, and closed the door. They went back to the ROBLOX planet, and landed safely. People began to ask why the noob wasn't there. They said they threw him into a quazar. Everybody was proud of the ROBLOXians. It was sheer joy. Everybody cheered and laughed and waved their hands in the air. What a day, what a party. Everybody was happy afterwards. No new noobs joined the game, and that one was gone. He was banned from the game later, and everybody was so happy. The party lasted a week, it was going on everywhere. Space, the city, the country side, the amish communities in ROBLOXia. EVERYWHERE. Everybody was happy, super happy to be specific. THE END. --------
#70342996Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:52 AM GMT

Keep em commin!
#70382755Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:28 PM GMT

The story about the newb. There once was a noob, but he had a hard time making friends. So then he went to a game called, "Find a friend!" He went on, and asked a guy and begged to be his friend. And he is the conversation: Key= G=Guy N= Newb N: Hi! Im new to roblox! G: oh thats cool! N: PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEE BEEE MWA FRWEID! G: Uhhh, Im never friends with beggars so, no. N: W-w-w-ww-WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA D'X G: Just stop following me! N: NO! G: *Slaps newb so hard that newbs face has a robloxian hand in blood red on his cheek* N: AAAAAWWWWW WHAT THA *Cencered* IN THE *Cencered* HEAD YOU MOTHER *Cencered* GO TO *Cencered* YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING PIECE OF *Cencered* WHAAAAAAAA *Gets banned forever* G: *Sigh* Idiots... THE END
#70862691Wednesday, June 27, 2012 3:30 AM GMT

^^^ Some noob doesn't deal well with rejections.XD
#70900617Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:38 PM GMT

#71120254Saturday, June 30, 2012 3:18 AM GMT

Should have put guest 1337
#71569601Thursday, July 05, 2012 5:13 PM GMT

Gimme an idea for a story!
#71570020Thursday, July 05, 2012 5:18 PM GMT

Where a guest becomes a samurai by Guest 1337
#71572249Thursday, July 05, 2012 5:49 PM GMT

Well, I noticed qasqzx5514 did a sequel to mine, but I'm considering doing an official sequel. Anyone want me to?
#71572848Thursday, July 05, 2012 5:57 PM GMT

#71573308Thursday, July 05, 2012 6:03 PM GMT

CHAPTER 1: THE BEGINING It was a beutiful shining summer day. The night before, Noob fell asleep reading "Diary of A Nooby Kid." Now he knows not to talk to strangers...ANYWAYS, he did not know the terror that would unfold. ----------------------------------- Noob waked up at his house, near others, on Noob avenue in Happy Home in Robloxia. He yawned, farted, and stood. He lumbered past the room that had his Gf...yes, Noob got a Gf somehow....since his capturing of all the Warrior Cats, he had a huge yard with the cats scampering. Garfeild sat on the chair. noob screamed, "G1T 0F MAH CHA1R Y3W HAX0R!!!11". Garfeild jumped down and left. Noob sat on the recliner, and flicked to OVA 9000 News, which has as the DBZ characters as news hosts...Noob thought ROBLOXIANS should be the news. ANYWAYS, they said that a new cold was identified, Noob ignored the waqrning, kicked open the door, and went for his friends to pick him up by boat to fish. --------------------------------------- Noob fished with Guest 1337, Redtalon65, and a group of unknown robloxians. The trip to the ocean was long and stormy, and one of the members became sick with the new cold. He stayed in the quarters, while the crew caught Trout,Salmon,Tuna,and Bloxfish. Noob even reeled in a shark, but it had to be killed or it would destroy the boat. The nexyt morning, the crew member stumbled into the deck. "H3Y ...GUYE, H0W Y3W F33L1N'?" Instead of answering, he vomite.d, and lunged for Noob. To be continued....
#71927980Monday, July 09, 2012 4:50 PM GMT

#71944219Monday, July 09, 2012 7:56 PM GMT

Make more stories jethro!
#71973179Tuesday, July 10, 2012 1:39 AM GMT

I don't have any ideas.... D':
#71976113Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:10 AM GMT

I gave you an idea
#71982753Tuesday, July 10, 2012 3:16 AM GMT

True...but I don't see me writing a story with that idea being epical. XD
#72018039Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:32 PM GMT

True, heres an idea: A noob who is in love with a guest.
#72018159Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:34 PM GMT

Samurai sounds better :3
#72039033Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:50 PM GMT

Make more stories! Anyone!