#57988913Monday, November 14, 2011 3:34 AM GMT

(Edd, your character freaks me out incredibly.) Krystal I looked at the window, got my backpack, and started shoveling my stuff into it. "There." I said, then I walked over to the window and opened it up, throwing my backpack down. I then looked under my bed, found the rope I kept under there, and tied it to one of the bedposts, making sure it was secure. I threw the rope out the window and climbed down, then started running down the street.
#57988930Monday, November 14, 2011 3:35 AM GMT

[Blair] "....I don't think he's normal." I mutter. Although, I'm a bit interested if he lives in the sewer. It would make more sense. I then notice a girl who must've been listening to ourr conversation. "Hi there." I wave. I figured she'd be embarrassed or something, but I was still dying of boredom.
#57988993Monday, November 14, 2011 3:36 AM GMT

:P-Roxas-:P "Now... how do I scare two teenage girls?" I think, back at my house. "Oh I can put scary messages all over their house!" I quickly write "trIck oR treaT" on some pieces of papers. I return to their house, out of breath, but still trying hard not to be seen.
#57989025Monday, November 14, 2011 3:36 AM GMT

Scott I walked around the streets, looking around, for nothing in particular. I whistled as I saw my apartment building. I sat down in front of it on an nearby bench and drew, or, technically, sketched whatever came out of my mind.
#57989080Monday, November 14, 2011 3:38 AM GMT

{Rain Lockheart} "Where is Blair...?" I ask myself, shaking my leg. I stop myself, stand up, and pace around, trying to spill out some anger. I shake my head and look frantically around for something to punch. That's one of my bad habits- I take out my anger by pain and destruction. I sprint to the backyard and start punching the nearest tree.
#57989098Monday, November 14, 2011 3:38 AM GMT

[~Nara~] I looked up at the girl, about my @ge, who seemed relatively normal compared to the boy that just hopped down into the sewer. I paused my music long enough to say hello back to her.
#57989120Monday, November 14, 2011 3:38 AM GMT

Krystal I noticed two girls standing nearby. I tried to walk to the side so they wouldn't see me, but I tripped and fell down, a few things spilling out of my backpack. "Ugh. So much for not bringing attention to myself." I said, hurrying to pick up my stuff.
#57989196Monday, November 14, 2011 3:40 AM GMT

:P-Roxas-:P I quickly jump onto the balcony and throw about fifty pieces of papers with "Trick or Treat" on them in creepy handwriting. Then I jump off and hide behind a bush.
#57989313Monday, November 14, 2011 3:43 AM GMT

[Blair] I smile back and notice a girl rushing to pick up some things she dropped. I bent down. "Do you need any help?" I smirk.
#57989409Monday, November 14, 2011 3:45 AM GMT Johnathan Sturmm (Nickname : Stormer) 29 Gender: Male Inventory: Some pictures of his wife and kids, military food rations, various licences (including one for firearms.) and a A-19 Combat Rifle. Appe.arance: Physical Johnathan has a semi muscular build. He's pretty much bald, but has a bit of hair. He has a short, cubish goatee. His eyes are a deep brown, and his eyebrows are small and barely noticable. Clotheing (My epic soldiering armour) The armour isn't bullet proof, but it's shock, fire, and bullet resistant. So it makes my char tougher but not invincible. Personality: Johnathan is cold and brutal, but fair when he's on duty. When among family and friends, he's kind but serious. Strengths: Johnathan is an excellent marksman, and is good at strategy/planning. Weaknesses: Johnathan can anger quickly, and when Bio: Johnathan was recruited for army service during Lumia's takeover of the world. He is married and has a son. His wife's name is Amelia, his son's name is Erik. He doesn't have too much money, but he's not poor. Extra: I'm not in the artists, suckerssss. Occupation: Lumian Anti-Riot Trooper (Like riot police but speciallll) Microchip: Johnathan's Microchip is on his right arm, underneath his shoulder. Lined Paper.
#57989452Monday, November 14, 2011 3:46 AM GMT

{Rain Lockheart} When I feel like I ripped off the skin on my knuckles, I stop and pant, sweat trickling down my forehead. Someone whistles behind me. "Well, someone wants to destroy the world," he says. I whip around and hold my fists up. "I TOLD YOU TO-" I pause, and then give the old man an irritated face. "Yea, I might end up doing that." Uncle Maxwell shakes his head. "Come in, Rain, and settle down," he says, reaching out and patting my shoulder. I stare at his hand and nod.
#57989502Monday, November 14, 2011 3:47 AM GMT

Krystal "Oh, er, thanks." I said, looking at her. I wasn't sure what else to say.
#57989910Monday, November 14, 2011 3:55 AM GMT

(Smartie and Sky left, so Imma assuming this is on hold now. Please call again or dial at another time. Leave a message after the beep. BEEP.)
#58026533Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:19 AM GMT

(You wanna beep at me? I'll beep back >:U BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!)
#58027836Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:39 AM GMT

#58031697Tuesday, November 15, 2011 3:43 AM GMT

(.____. Erm..I'm here. Caprex, j00r CS looks legit, so your accepted. o3o)
#58032985Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:17 AM GMT

(How should I join in?)
#58060828Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:32 AM GMT

(Randomly fly in on a purple speckled flying werepire snail. Duh.)
#58073036Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:24 AM GMT

(Lol X3) {Rain Lockheart} I follow Uncle Maxwell inside, glaring at the sun. He leads me to the living room and sits on the couch. Uncle Maxwell pats the seat next to him, gesturing for me to sit there, but I sit across from him instead. He snorts and rolls his eyes, stands up, and sits on a chair next to mine. "Let me see your hands," Uncle Maxwell says. I lean forward and stretch my hands out. I wince as he pulls my gloves off and inspects my scratched, bruised knuckles. He lets out another annoying whistle and chuckles. "What made you so angry that you nearly knocked down my tree?" he asks, leaving to find the First Aid kit. "It's nothing," I grumble, watching him rummage through the cabinet. His face brightens when he locates the box and he carries it over to me. "It's okay, Rain," he says, putting that stingy medicine on my knuckles, "-you can tell me. I watch him wrap gauze around my hands and secure it before I speak. "I'd rather not," I reply, my inner self shivering at the thought of that creepy freak. "Suit yourself then.~" >> "Whatever." I slip my gloves back on.
#58073450Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:32 AM GMT

:P-Roxas-:p "Okay time for Phase 2!" I put on a black robe with a hood and put on the hood. Next, I put on a creepy mask and hide behind a tree that seemed punched.
#58073763Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:37 AM GMT

{Rain Lockheart} I stand up and stride towards the front door. "Rain, where are you going? You just got back! Where's your sister?" Uncle Maxwell calls after me, appearing from the kitchen entrance. He has a pink, frilly apron that says "Pink is Awesome. K.iss the Awesome.", has a hair kerchief on, and he's holding a whisk. I inch towards the door. -.- "I don't know. Ask Blair. See you, old man," I reply, slipping out and walking to the side of the house. Where'd I put my bike?
#58073866Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:39 AM GMT

[Blair] I realize that I'd been keeping Rain waiting. I shake my head and apologize, then run towards home. I bang on the door happily.
#58074236Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:45 AM GMT

[~Nara~] After glancing around a few moments more, I continued walking, and turned my music up to almost full volume. People were odd these days. I considered opening my Notebook up, but decided against it considering it was so public to use it while roaming the streets.
#58074544Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:51 AM GMT

{Rain Lockheart} I hear loud banging noises and glance up. Blair is pounding against the door. Soon, the door creaks open, and I hear the old man's voice, "Oh, there you are! Now what has YOU so angry that you're about to crack my door?"
#58074578Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:51 AM GMT

:P-Roxas-:P I quickly but quietly stalk the girl, hiding behind trees, cars, and trash cans along the way.