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#58023192Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

Let's break this down. Occupy Wallstreet (Hence OWS) is the current "grassroots" movement that despises corporate influence in the government. Fair enough. Unelected authority unfairly influence a republic is objectionable. But they should be angry at the government, not the corporations. Let's think of an allegory: You are a shepherd on a hill. Below you is a big green pasture filled with lots of sheep. You and a dozen other shepherds keep the grass grown at a certain cost, and keep the sheep healthy, etc. They in turn 'give' you wool. they will eat whatever comes in sight and will wander off if you're not careful. That's why you have your guard dog and a small fence, which keeps things in line. WHat happens though, if the shepherds get a guard dog that allows sheep to go wherever they want? Oh, no! The sheep have eaten your previous cabbages and run amok. Tragic. Now, who do we blame: the shepherds who refuse to get rid of the guard dog, the guard dog for being stupid, or the sheep for doing what comes naturally? If you answered sheep, you're an idiot. You're also probably and OWS protestor. Here's why: The shepherds are the consumers and voters in a democracy who can chose which government they want and how to set the limits of the sheep. The sheep are corporations, entities that intake money and output a product (that's a gross oversimplification of what corporations can do, but you get the point) The guard dog, finally, is the government that regulates the sheep, and the fence is the consumer will - i.e., once the sheep cross that line people get angry. Current voters have allowed fiscally statist politicians to endorse subsidies, bailouts, etc - that give sheep means to jump right over guard dogs, and send a message to the guard dog in general not to care. The shepherds are to blame, though, because they keep re-electing the same stupid government. When shed are allowed to roam free without any boundaries, bad things happen. IN truth, though, all you really need is a fence - a public conscious that knows what it will and will not tolerate from corporations. The sheep know once they cross this theoretical fence they die. Thus, they wouldn't do so. Protesting sheep for doing what comes naturally to them is an asinine way of approaching things. Voting market liberal is the best way to reverse this trend. Consumers have power, and the power of the market is ultimately in their hands. Stop blaming governments or corporations - stop blaming the guard dogs you bought or the sheep that you use.
#58023358Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:36 AM GMT

Welcome back! Are you still active on Debate dawt org? We missed you.
#58023492Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:38 AM GMT

The wall street protestors are butthurt about being unsuccessful. Considering they made crude bombs.
#58024014Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:44 AM GMT

Oh, and XieXie, I have recently become a Ron Paul supporter and I need to ask you your take on the intervention in Libya and the Arab Spring as general, as well as the Obama administrations move on deploying soldiers to Uganda. PS: You still gaga for Gaga?
#58024180Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:47 AM GMT

hmm i dont know you but i like your hat so im gonna pretend i do.
#58024646Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

^ behold the cancer of wwc
#58024950Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

WOO IVE GOTTEN A TITLE btw i was jking im DemonicBladex my main got banned and here i am
#58027666Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:36 AM GMT

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#58027960Tuesday, November 15, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

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#58030633Tuesday, November 15, 2011 3:20 AM GMT

Doesn't have much to do with terrorism but okay.
#58031079Tuesday, November 15, 2011 3:29 AM GMT

//That's a terrible analogy, and you know it. I can't stand it when people reduce complex, human, concepts to animals. It simply doesn't work that way. You're excusing the acts of the corporations simply because "Oh, well they're just big, dumb, ol' corporations! Ya can't blame 'em for being destructive!"// No. Corporations are mindless automatons. The need to give them a mind and make them culpable stems from the discomfort people have when they realize they've made massive mistakes. I am NOT excusing corporations, but yelling at them will only get you so far until you have to deal with the hole in the fence that let them run loose in the first place. Oversimplifying an oversimplification isn't convincing. //It wasn't the consumer, by the way, who voted for the bailout. Most politicians were tricked, by the banks, to think that, without bailouts, we would have been met with complete collapse of the financial sector.// They did when they voted for President Obama. This article is from October of 2008, a month before the elections. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/14/us/politics/14campaign.html?_r=1&oref=slogin He advocated: "... to double, to $50 billion, the government’s loan guarantees for automakers." "Obama advisers put the cost of Mr. Obama’s full economic stimulus plan at $175 billion, including $60 billion for the steps announced Monday." Additionally, he was critical of NAFTA and as a senator in 2008 voted for the $700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.
#58035841Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:19 AM GMT

The protesters should be complaining at both.
#58036242Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:02 AM GMT

No. Corporations are mindless automatons. _________________________ No. Just no.
#58036895Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:05 PM GMT

>The wall street protestors are butthurt about being unsuccessful. Considering they made crude bombs. When Alexander Berkman tried to kill Henry Clay Frick, it wasn't because he was trying to bring attention to his cause, but because he was jealous of Frick's wealth! _______________________________________________________________ Unsuccesful, or just always let down? The rich will always be rich, the poor will always be poor. That is what they are trying to change. They are some good, hardworking libertarians who are trying to end this madness, and there are people who use this as an excuse to attack others.
#58036940Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:09 PM GMT

>Considering they made crude bombs A FEW DO NOT DEFINE THE WHOLE MOVEMENT!
#58044267Tuesday, November 15, 2011 7:37 PM GMT

A FEW DO NOT DEFINE THE WHOLE MOVEMENT! ___ No kidding. But the movement clearly attracts a good deal of fringe leftists. Have you heard about the series of r4pes that have been going on around the country?
#58045046Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:05 PM GMT

"Have you heard about the series of r4pes that have been going on around the country?" No Sh. 1t, what do you think most New Yorkers get up to?
#58045098Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:07 PM GMT

"get up" to
#58045188Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:10 PM GMT

Oh god, this is the start of something nasty...
#58048423Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

Bio you used the same argument against the Tea Party and GOP.
#58050890Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:02 PM GMT

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#58050953Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

The rich will always be rich, the poor will always be poor ___ I disagree. Social mobility is the most important component of capitalism.
#58154740Friday, November 18, 2011 3:29 AM GMT

//Unsuccesful, or just always let down? The rich will always be rich, the poor will always be poor. That is what they are trying to change. They are some good, hardworking libertarians who are trying to end this madness, and there are people who use this as an excuse to attack others.// that prosperity is static among classes is the antithesis of Libertarianism. Products and services can be created by any individual, albeit with greater or lesser capacity than others. Insofar as 80% of todays US millionaires did not inherit their wealth, it is empirically observe that wealth comes to those who are talented and work hard. People who have skills and hard work generally go far; those who do not, will not. No one except the unmotivated are poor, because even someone with little means has the opportunity ti advance, however slowly, up the economic ladder.
#58162716Friday, November 18, 2011 1:50 PM GMT

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#58169453Friday, November 18, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

Depends on the good or service. Modern production heavily relies on conglomerations of workers. ___ In other words, this revolutionary concept known as "creating jobs." You're right. The capitalist, who does little to no productive work, takes from the workers who do all to almost all of the work. ___ In other words, this revolutionary concept known as "creating jobs."

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