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#58034414Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:55 AM GMT

Before you begin, you are required to read ALL of this. Please read this all, as I will get tired of repeating it to everyone that doesn't read. And this RP has NOTHING to do with Forgotten Realms or D&D. _________________________________________________________________________ I've been wanting to try my hand at making a roleplay thread for awhile. So, here goes. :Plot: In a world of Swords ad Sorcery, there is a group of Demons slowly tearing the world apart, lead by the strongest demon, "The Ravenwing". The Demon Hunter, Kale Farthendae, continues to search for Ravenwing, and refuses to stop until he has felled him. Among his travels, he meets a large variety of individuals, and the Half-Elf must choose to remain alone in his hunt, or accept their help. ___________________________________________________________________________ :RP Rules: There will be future rules. What I say goes, so do not attempt to say "It's not in the rules". Do not complain about how the setting is, such as "No guns, no machines, nothing modern period." If you are kicked out of the RP, there's a reason, do not complain. I will not allow relationships that go beyond really good friends. Above all other rules, HAVE FUN! There will be more soon, so keep an eye out. ___________________________________________________________________________ :Char Rules: First, the names must be exotic. I'd rather not see someone say, my name is "Ben Jones"...... I'd like to see people be creative, and make up names that are special. Example: "My name is "Garion Tysanade"." For Elves, the name needs to be VERY special indeed; although if your having trouble thinking of a name, you can simply name your Elf char "Leaf", or "Moon". Please, be creative, and do not take character ideas from things like Star Wars or something. Second, your char sheet must be detailed, nothing like "Ben Jones: Has an old outfit on, and has a shortsword." please. ___________________________________________________________________________ :Race Rules: Each Race is special, and has it's on unique traits. Most races have Sub-Races, such as Elves. No making up your own race please. Here is a list of the races. Those with a :, have sub-races. Races that have a *, have to use a special weapon. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Human. Elf: Wood-Elf(Fall-Elf), Moon Elf, Drow(Dark Elf), Water Elf, Imperial Elf. Dwarf: Path Dwarf(Normal), Mountain Dwarf, Subterra Dwarf(underground Dwarf). Gnome. *Hobbit: Town Hobbit(Normal), Cave Hobbit, Shinning Hobbit(Platinum Hobbit). Moonfang: Grey Wolf(Normal), Black Wolf, Timberwolf. Rakasha: Tiger, Panther, Cougar, Lion, Cheetah, Leopard. Agni: Newt(Normal), Monitor, Komodo. *Kitsune:(Nine Tailed Dancing Fox) Red Fox(Normal), Grey Fox(Abnormal). Orc: Mountain Orc(Normal), Orc of the West, Tribal Orc. *Minotaur: Brown(Normal), Black, Red, White, Brown/White, White/Black. Half-Elf: Wood-Elf(Fall-Elf), Moon Elf, Drow(Dark Elf), Water Elf, Imperial Elf. Half-Orc: Mountain Orc(Normal), Orc of the West, Tribal Orc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hobbit. Must use small weapons, such as knives or darts. Kitsune. Must use weapons such as Fans or Whips, their dancing skills help in battle. Minotaur. Must use very large weapons such as Great War Axes, Great Claymores, or Great War hammers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :Afflictions: Afflictions, are things that poison or disease your character. Alaron-Poison: A poison that takes at least a year or two to finish a person off. A cure is VERY hard to find. Does not affect Elves. Vampirism: Unlike most Vampires, Fantasy Gaiden Vampires, can go into the sun, without burning or sparkling. The way to tell a vampire from a human, is their pale white skin and hair, red or silver eyes, gothic attire, or their unautral aura of evil. Does not affect Elves. Lycanthropy: Change into a werewolf without pain. Forced to painfuly change during a full moon, inable to change during the Harvest moon. Does not affect Elves. Bonded: Bonded with a ceartain Creature called a "Pact Partner". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :Race Advantages: Elves and Half-Elves, are immune to all forms of disease and poison. Minotaurs are immune to most diseases. Kitsune are immune to all forms of disease and poison. ___________________________________________________________________________ :Pact Partners: Pact Partners, are Mythical Creatures who have bonded with a players character. Creature types are. Dragon: If you don't know what this is, then why are you here?(Just kidding.) Pegasus: A winged horse, it's feathers are said to bring good luck. Unicorn: A Magical Horse with a horn on it's forhead. Even seeing a single strand of hair from one, gives you VERY good luck. Lylacorn: Rather then Silver and white, these are Gold and Black Unicorns, said to bring bad luck. Wyvern: Like a dragon, but with a barbed tail, two legs, and two wings. Can't breathe fire. Chimera: A Biblical creature, it looks like a normal Lion, until you see it's goat head protuding from it's side and it's snake tail. Can breathe fire. Pheonix: A magical fire bird, with flames almost as hot as a Dragons. Gryphon: A creature with the front half of an eagle, and the back half of a lion. Griffin: A creature with the front half of a lion, and the back half of an eagle. Fairy: A small magical person with wings. It's not a bug. ___________________________________________________________________________ :Classes/Factions: Classes and factions affect your character, choose wisely. Classes: Warrior. Can only use melee weapons. Hunter: Can only use ranged weapons. Thief: Can use short/small melee and short/small ranged weapons. White Sage: Can only use recovery weapons and magic. Must wear White. Black Sage: Can only use destructive weapons and magic. Must wear Black. Redsage: Can use Blades and both forms of magic. Must wear Red. Beserker: Can only use large weapons. Sniper: Can use Ballistas.(VERY big crossbow mechanisms.) Assassin: Can use Bockul Knives. Ranger: Can use many forms of weapons, is effecient with one over all though. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Factions. (Not needed to join, but makes it fun.) Fighters Guild: Guild of fighters that deal with bandits and such. Rangers Guild: Hunters worldwide gather here. Thieves Guild: Calling all scoundrels and pickpockets! Come to us! Mages Guild: Alchemy! Spellcasting!! Setting teachers hair on fire!!! Assassin Sanctuary: A santuary, hidden underneath an old bridge...We pay well. Town Militia: Choose any town to gaurd in the RP! Dragon Knights: The mighty Dragon Riders of Archannia! Must have a dragon. Demon Hunters: A group of ruthless warriors and other individuals, who hunt and slay every demon they can find, Kale has become top dog in this organization. ___________________________________________________________________________ :Char Sheet:(Finally.) Name:(First and last name required.) @ge:(NO unknown @ge!) Race:(Remember, choose one of the above races.) Sub-Race:(same as with race.) Class:(Refer to the area above.) Faction:(Refer to the area above.) Eye color:(No pure black, pure white, pure red, or all that.) Hair length, style, and color.(No mowhawks, afros etc. Or bright colors please.) Appearance:(Be detailed please.) Weapon:(If any.) Magic of Choice:(If any.) Pact Partner:(If any.) Description:(Be detailed please.) Where you were before the events of the RP:(Here you can be plain, and say something like "On another island".) ___________________________________________________________________________ If you made it this far, congrats. Just to let you know, I am the only admin of the thread, unless I allow someone else to be.
#58034550Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:10 AM GMT

Name:Kale Farthendae. @ge: 25 Race: Half-Elf. Sub-Race: Fall-Elf. Class: Ranger. Faction: Demon Hunter. Eye color: Fall leaf Brown. Hair length, style, and color: Long hair, done in a ponytail, spiked bangs stop just above his eyes. Hair is Fall leaf Brown. Appearance: Has a scar going from above his right eyebrow, to the side of his left cheek. Wears Fall-leaf colored armor, and has a ragged brown cloak/cape. Has a stern expression, and a look like he's seen it all. Weapon: A large brown-leather hilted and dull grey Flamebarge, strapped to his belt.(Sorcus' sword of Judgement is a Flamebarge shaped sword, so, you get the design.) Magic of Choice: Fire Magic. Pact Partner: None. Description: Kale, is a Half-Elven warrior that has a strong hatred for demons. He has been in the Demon Hunter organization for over fifteen years, and has become the greatest Demon Hunter alive. His former companions, have left him to travel alone on his orders. He would rather work alone, and has a past with the Ravenwing, making an air of suspicion around him. A mighty Demon Hunter all the same, Kale is swift enough to leave afterimages of himself that can attack demons, and strong enough to defeat a minotaur without need of weapons. He has a strong sense of duty and justice, as well as a caring side. Where you were before the events of the RP: Fighting the Ravenwing, who escaped with near fatal injuries.
#58034562Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:11 AM GMT

WOW that's good. But most half-creatures are half-human. :P I think you should have more non-elf bonuses, such as Orcs have incredible tracking skills, or something similar. And maybe some kind of Elder Human, should be a playable race. Also, maybe dwarves get a heat immunity, or something similar. And humans should have a unique, but not overpowered, ability.
#58034593Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:12 AM GMT

(Wow. I love the fact that Kitsune is an option. I just LOVE Kitsunes. The plot seems a bit short bit I may join.)
#58034625Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:15 AM GMT

Thank you, I plan to add more soon, but figuring out what most races are immune to, good at and all can be difficult when your tired. lol Good ideas, will probably add them when my mind doesn't feel like a fluffed up pillow. lol
#58034633Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:15 AM GMT

Hmm... Also, can Undead be someplace in this? And Elves should be able to become vampires and werewolves, while say... minotaurs can't. Also, hobbits should get an everything resistance, while having an attacking disadvantage, too.
#58034678Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:18 AM GMT

(Actually, Kitsunes are not always nine-tailed. Every 100 years they live, they grow another tail. Nine tailed ones are very wise and strong and often appear in stories and shows. Will all Kitsunes have nine tails in this RP? If so, I am fine with that.)
#58034684Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:18 AM GMT

@Ab: Yeah, the plot needed more writing, but I didn't want to go into the looooooong Fantasy Gaiden storyline I have.(Might post it later) It was a Manga/Anime I had wanted to make, but seeing as how my Manga and Anime artwork isn't as realistic as it needed to be, I had to drop my efforts until I got better. Thank you for positive feedback. Also, sorry if it came off that I wanna be the top dog char kind of guy. Kale is Fantasy Gaiden's mascot to put it bluntly, and the Kitsune Dancer, Kimiko, was more of a main character.
#58034705Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:21 AM GMT

Afflictions... Basic poison. Easily curable, but fast-acting. Demon mark- the demon who marked you can see what you see and do. Disappears when you or the demon is killed. Spirit Bond- You and an ally are in a symbiotic relationship, gaining strength when another gains, but you must stay in close contact, and are weaker to psychic attacks. Possession- You're possessed by a spirit. Period. Undead- Cannot feel pain, but are more weak to certain attacks. Skeleton-physical, Zombie-burning, Lich-cannot heal.
#58034730Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:22 AM GMT

(I am thinking of making a Kitsune named Sachiko for this RP. She would only be 11 so is that alright?)
#58034740Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:22 AM GMT

@Ab: Well, not exactly all Kitsunes will have nine tails. I was thinking of Kimiko when I described them. She's 900 yrs old in Human standards, but still like a 19 yr old teenager in Kitsune standards. I made them a bit different then normal kitsunes, such as they can die by normal weapons and such, but only ceartain materials work, such as Oni metal, or Kitsune weapons.
#58034754Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:23 AM GMT

Rashaka should get psychic attacks, or a magic bonus. Maybe Orcs would be disease resistant, too. Wolves should be carriers. Also, there should be spirits/ghosts that can possess, help, or bother you.
#58034775Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:24 AM GMT

I'm just rolling off suggestions. :P
#58034778Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:24 AM GMT

@Exo: Very good ideas. @Ab: Sure, that's okay.
#58034801Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:26 AM GMT

(Btw, I know some weaknesses of Kitsune: •They are terrified by dogs. •Onis and Dragons are the only creatures able to digest a Kitsune. •Kitsune can NEVER break a promise not sure which class Sachiko should be in...)
#58034815Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:28 AM GMT

Hmm... Maybe certain creatures can only be killed by certain weapons, Humans cannot be killed by spirit weapons, Minotaurs must be killed by... maybe disembowelment? Also, maybe you should add trolls... as a special kind of Orc, maybe. (NOT forum trolls.)
#58034844Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:29 AM GMT

@Ab: There was also the stealing the item their soul is incased in. (Japanese lore intruges me. I don't know why since I'm Irish, lol, it just does.) @Exo: XD, will do.
#58034856Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:31 AM GMT

Also, can you loosen up the class structure? All people should be able to use any weapon, just not well. (Warrior+Mage staff=Boom) Also, certain species should have class restrictions. (e.g. Minotaur cannot be a sage) And... we should have necromancers.
#58034908Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:35 AM GMT

@Exo: Yeah, was thinking about that, but then got a brief image of a Hobbit Beserker with a Claymore and Battleaxe.....Honestly, it scared me. I'll see what I can do. And Necromancer I'll have to be careful with, I don't want it turning into a medieval style zombie apocolypse. XD Black mage can kind of be considered a Necromancer as well, in the storyline, the Vampire Prince Clouse, used to be a bit of a Black Mage, but then dabbled too far into it, and caused himself to become the first Vampire.
#58034972Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:42 AM GMT

Zombies should be non-infective. Just deadly. Class structure should be a bonus-based system, e.g. Minotaur gets a big berserker bonus, as opposed to Hobbits can't be berserkers. (Hobbits should be able to, but just with normal sized weapons. It's probably not very effective.)
#58035021Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:48 AM GMT

Also, the zombies have intelligence proportionate to the number of zombies, e.g. One zombie under the control of a necromancer would be of average intelligence, while one million zombies would basically just take up space.
#58035031Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:49 AM GMT

@Exo: Yeah. Hobbits and claymores just don't work. lol I probably have to log soon, so, I'll see where tomorrow takes this. :D What I do know is, characters bitten by a gaunt and dry mouthed werewolf won't turn into one. I have this theory, that it's not the bite of a werewolf that changes a human, but that it's the saliva, because if they bite a human on the arm, then the arm will have holes in it, which means the werewolf DNA goes into them, because the saliva mingles with the blood. ...Sometimes I creep myself out. >.>
#58035049Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:50 AM GMT

That should be the same with vampires. Or maybe, it's the creature's venom.
#58035050Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:50 AM GMT

@Exo: True. And headles zombies will NOT be able to see, that is so annoying in the elder scrolls IV. Me: Sneak attack! *Headles Zombie turns and zones in on me like it has a GPS system* Me: Uh oh.
#58035053Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:51 AM GMT


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