#58726624Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:56 PM GMT

(Anyone near Tatooine?)
#58773438Monday, November 28, 2011 3:49 AM GMT

(Wow, I didnt miss much)
#58775006Monday, November 28, 2011 4:19 AM GMT

Name: Ren Ion Force Sensitive: Yes, Highly force sensitive. Force powers: Force lightning, force choke, force speed, mind trick, force fears, force glide (can fly) Gender: Male Appearance: A mixture of recreated Darth Nihilus and Darth Revan's robes, with a recreated Darth Nihilus mask. Under the mask he has excessively pale skin, with one cyborg eye. He has a cyborg arm and leg as well, and a quarter of his chest is robotic. Good or Evil %: 95% Evil, 5% Good Weapons: One normal saber with red crystal, double-saber with black crystal, blaster pistol, thermal detonators Bio: Ren Ion is an unknown sith lord. He was born, and raised on the sith planet of Korriban. He learned the dark side and of the sith, and when he was 20 he designed Revan and Nihilus' robes mixed together. A few years later he found a skull in the valley of the sith lords, which he made into a copied mask of Darth Nihilus. He is now a dark agent for the Galactic Empire, and does his job well, and with pride. Home planet: Korriban @ge: 37
#58788695Monday, November 28, 2011 6:30 PM GMT

#58789877Monday, November 28, 2011 7:16 PM GMT

(Man, my roblox is really messing up.)
#58800992Monday, November 28, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

I am in the dreadnaught with my squad.
#58810904Tuesday, November 29, 2011 12:54 AM GMT

*I stood still, in the middle of the bridge of the constructing Eclipse (Super weapon and Super star Destroyer which is the biggest known super star destroyer, and I am commander of it, okay?). Then an imperial officer with a middle class ranking strolled in. "Lord Ion, we have indicated a unaccounted for imperial shuttle, with the ID 33-13x9. "Open up communications with it, if it doesn't respond, or seems aggressive... Blow it into oblivion." I snapped, quickly. "But sir..." "THERE ARE NO BUTS, NOW GO AND DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!" I said, frustrated, feeling lightning starting to spark from my finger tips. The imperial officer's fright fed me, though, and he ran out quickly... I laughed evilly and returned glaring out into the empty vacuum of space.*
#58811452Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

"Eh, anywhere beats this dump you call a base," I say.
#58876536Wednesday, November 30, 2011 12:44 PM GMT

* I march my troops to their quarters. I order them to sleep. Then I march up towards the bridge, to get the latest progress report. It is delivered to me by a mouse droid. I am satisfied to see that the fleet has been supplied with the goods and weapons we needed. I go back to my quarters in the barracks and sleep heavily.*
#58888957Wednesday, November 30, 2011 9:30 PM GMT

(Just outa curiousity, why are you starting and ending your posts with *?)
#58889035Wednesday, November 30, 2011 9:31 PM GMT

(Copilot wanna rp?)
#58917799Thursday, December 01, 2011 7:40 AM GMT

(*[Insert sentence here]* means an action -.-) *The imperial shuttle did not answer, so i gave the order. The imperial shuttle stunningly dodged before the auto turrets fired at it. Hmmm... Force sensitives on the ship? I got out my two normal sabers and marched to the hanger they were heading toward, I would need to fight them myself*
#58917838Thursday, December 01, 2011 7:46 AM GMT

(Its story mode so like this: I walked down the street and saw a chicken."Here chicken"I taunt.)
#59037287Saturday, December 03, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

"Capatin come, I think I have a assignment better then this planet." I say entering my shuttle and getting it ready to leave
#59076800Sunday, December 04, 2011 11:33 AM GMT

"Get ready troopers," I say to my troops as they finish practicing their skills that night. "Tomorrow we will be very near the distress call, and I have a hunch it won't be anything easy..." *I go eat dinner at the high-ranks' mess hall as my men go back to the ship's barracks.
#59082009Sunday, December 04, 2011 3:01 PM GMT

Name; Darth Vlaudus Force Sensitive; Extremely Gender; Male Appearence; What my character looks like in regular ROBLOX Good or Evil Percentage; 100% Evil 0% Good Weapons; Two double-bladed lightsabers with mysterious Sith inscriptions on the white blade of light (ryhmes XD) Bio; Somehow survived through the Old Republic, was thought to be dead over the thousands of years until found by Darth Vader on Endor, dying from serious burns inside an Old Republic cruiser. Home Planet; Lehon @ge; Unknown
#59082201Sunday, December 04, 2011 3:05 PM GMT

As I slowly land on Felucia, I watch as the Storm Troopers salute as they see my Sith markings on the ship. As I slowly walk onto the landing dock, a trooper comes up to me. Storm Trooper: Sir, we are honored by your visit. Me: Yes yes, have any prisoners escaped? Storm Trooper: One sir. Me: Who? Storm Trooper: Han Solo (if its OK, if not it will be some force sensitive child) Me: Send Omega Squad out to capture him, I need to speak with who evers in charge around here.
#59094667Sunday, December 04, 2011 7:05 PM GMT

Don't start RPing until you've been accepted.
#59095912Sunday, December 04, 2011 7:22 PM GMT

(Everyone is coming to my outpost of Felucia Dx And no prisoners escaped. Only maybe 2 remain alive. The rest were killed by a firing team)
#59102446Sunday, December 04, 2011 9:07 PM GMT

(lol, accepted) "Captain, I think you are needed else where. Not much left for you here"I say
#59350761Saturday, December 10, 2011 4:39 PM GMT

Once I figure out the 'person in charge- isn't on Felucia, I get back in my ship and lift off. I prepare for hyper drive to the Death Star. As I'm on my way, I hear someone speak to me from inside my head. "Vlaudus, turn around. Go back to Felucia." said the strange voice in my head.
#59351252Saturday, December 10, 2011 4:49 PM GMT

You copied Ravenclaw808 you N00B!
#59361927Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:59 PM GMT

(IDK who ravenclaw is and who copyed him....Me? Or one of the RPers...If it was the RP idea this is original and came from another RP of mine that was trolled and died, this one just takes place a little furver in time and because n00bs didn't read what I posted I made the rebels fall somewhere else. So if you are talking tme then be sure this is original and be gone!)
#59398055Sunday, December 11, 2011 5:35 AM GMT

#59423615Sunday, December 11, 2011 6:54 PM GMT

YOU copied his thread. YOU as in calxllum2