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#58637543Saturday, November 26, 2011 3:28 PM GMT

Please answer 1 or more of these questions, I really need help. 1. How do you make a bar at the top that says what you want it to say? 2. What is a Humaniod? 3. How do you create GUI 4. How do you put things into Starter Pack? 5. How do you make a brick have words of your choice above it?
#58638060Saturday, November 26, 2011 3:37 PM GMT

I can only help you with one.. 2. A humaniod is your Robloxian or anything else under humaniod. You can have cloths on it, hats, and weapons. It is usually used to make a GUI text bubble over it but it has many other uses.
#58640770Saturday, November 26, 2011 4:19 PM GMT

1. How do you make a bar at the top that says what you want it to say? 2. What is a Humaniod? 3. How do you create GUI 4. How do you put things into Starter Pack? 5. How do you make a brick have words of your choice above it? 1)Insert textlabel at player gui -> screengui. If it dont have one, insert one. 2)A humanoid is a system, which makes something alive. Humanoids can hold weapons, walk to the point, wear clothes. They also have Health and MaxHealth and Walkspeed. All Humanoids need connected Head and Torso to live. 3)1st 4)Open explorer and drag things in starter pack 5)Make a humanoid with 0 max health OR *theres something with guys, what you can insert in part*
#58647083Saturday, November 26, 2011 5:40 PM GMT

1) An easy way is to just insert a hint, and then type what you want in the hint, which is in workspace 5) Make a brick titled head. Insert a model, put the head in the model. Insert a humanoid into the head, make it's health + maxhealth 0 name the model.

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