#59111749Sunday, December 04, 2011 11:42 PM GMT

@Pancake G. T. F. O
#59114719Monday, December 05, 2011 12:30 AM GMT

Support. -PB-
#59131302Monday, December 05, 2011 8:16 AM GMT

:D Bawmp!
#59140088Monday, December 05, 2011 8:18 PM GMT

Well they he has a point u know didnt they make that turbin muslim thingy.
#59141411Monday, December 05, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

only 2 australian items i mad :( LOL UMAD BRO? :/ green and purple green and purple :/
#59145357Monday, December 05, 2011 10:08 PM GMT

they made Turbans, African Head Dresses, but Chanukkah time!
#59148769Monday, December 05, 2011 11:07 PM GMT

No support.
#59148924Monday, December 05, 2011 11:09 PM GMT

@bananaman65 You see the players on ROBLOX tend to be anti-religious so not the best idea -iVaughn
#59151753Monday, December 05, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

support, im not jewish though. ~Howed i get here?
#59152202Monday, December 05, 2011 11:57 PM GMT

There are no Jewish items? Dang.
#59154401Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

Describe this "Chanukkah" holiday. Support. ~~The Official Pie Loving Secret Service Agent of S&I~~
#59154621Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:30 AM GMT

its weird it can be spelled like: Chanukkah Hannakah Hannaqua Channaqua and many others
#59154688Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:31 AM GMT

its weird THAT it*
#59173800Tuesday, December 06, 2011 7:43 AM GMT

Anti relgious? roblox is used as a gathering point for religious kids. Get real.
#59173820Tuesday, December 06, 2011 7:45 AM GMT

Chanukkah is our festival of light, When the Israelites where traveling in a war, they had little supplies, so they Gambled with Draedles. we use Draedles but with Chocolate coins. Then, when it was a cold dark night, there was enough oil for one candle on the unusual eight candle menorah, but, the oil mannaged to get round to all and the candles burnt bright, and it was a mirical. Nao we eat oily food and get presents on each night because it was :3
#59173830Tuesday, December 06, 2011 7:46 AM GMT

If you where to literally translate it it would be Chanuka. Remember, 'Ch' means 'h' but in the back of the throat.
#59174315Tuesday, December 06, 2011 9:34 AM GMT

Omg go away No Support x1000
#59174819Tuesday, December 06, 2011 11:37 AM GMT

Shoo, vermin. Stop hatting on us Jews :o
#59178435Tuesday, December 06, 2011 4:27 PM GMT

Yes Grimy, Shoo Idiotic Antisemites!
#59180543Tuesday, December 06, 2011 6:25 PM GMT

Nien, juden.
#59185435Tuesday, December 06, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

Seems we got a Jealous buttcrack, here. I got a mansion, you got a shack. I have hope, you have death. I have victory, you have defeat. I have friends, you have enemies. I have a well paid job, you have a few complaints to spend your time. How me, Jewish compares to a Neo.
#59187592Tuesday, December 06, 2011 9:44 PM GMT

support ~prettyjackie I ♥ ♫~
#59188564Tuesday, December 06, 2011 10:01 PM GMT

It would be asking to much to bring a few Christian items into it, wouldn't it?
#59189419Tuesday, December 06, 2011 10:15 PM GMT

Yeah seriously.. Not everyone is Christian.
#59189535Tuesday, December 06, 2011 10:17 PM GMT

Not everyone is Jewish.