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#59134023Monday, December 05, 2011 2:22 PM GMT

There is a kingdom in the sky... Farther up than any could see. Elves, humans, ogres, undead. There is a corrupt king. It is unknown who he truly is, what he is, what his intentions are...You don't know, either. As you attempt to get back to the inn, guards of the kingdom get you. They put you, with the rest of your team in one large cell. They knock you out. You later awaken, at the first meal. They later release you. Your team has pretended to go away, but they are still there..You know that the king is dark, evil. You have seen him at work with his dark magic and necromancy.....He is planning to take over completely. Darkness is rising, my friend. ~RULES~ No godmodding. Romance is allowed, but keep it PG. No perfect characters. All the rest of the usual rules. Put "Zombies" in the Other section. CS: Name: A.ge: Species: Weapon(s): With the king or with the rebels: Appearance: Bio: (OPTIONAL) Appearance: (Pictures are allowed.) Other: (Note: The castle and such are on a cluster of floating islands connected by bridges.) "A weapon has no power if the wielder does not." - Unknown
#59134328Monday, December 05, 2011 3:00 PM GMT

CS: Name:Nick Hoganson A.ge:21 Species:Human Weapon:Revolver and a small dagger. With the king or with the rebels:Rebels Appearance: Black shaggy hair that falls in my eyes. Tan skin, and sea green eyes. Bio: (OPTIONAL) Clothing: Black suit and a cloak. Other:Zombies (You put two appearences dude)
#59148523Monday, December 05, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

(Change the revolver to something less modern. This kingdom isn't very advanced. Pretty much medieval.) "A weapon has no power if the wielder does not." - Unknown
#59152665Tuesday, December 06, 2011 12:04 AM GMT

Name: Kassandra A.ge: 20 Species: Her mother was Elven, her father was an alchemist (human) Weapon(s): Her sword, made of silver, with a large ruby (gift from the King) inlaid at its hilt. She also keeps a (hidden) dagger on her at all times With the king or with the rebels: King Bio: Her mother ran away from the elves with her father (who was loyal to the King), who she lived with until she died in childbirth with Kassandra. When Kassandra was only three, her father was sent out to stop riots going on in some farther regions, and was never seen again. Kassandra is close to the King, and he believes that she will be able to help him gain power once and for all. She will never turn her back on him, and in her eyes everything he's doing makes sense. She hates the rebels for killing her father. Appearance: Like Ashley Greene, it won't let me post a specific image.
#59214070Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:34 AM GMT

(Not to be rude, but you could just make the pic a decal, or just don't be lazy, and describe it.) "A weapon has no power if the wielder does not." - Unknown
#59214145Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:37 AM GMT

(Also, before you insist on being with the king: The king is a dark archmage that guards the lands with demons and the undead, and refuse to give food and water. When he does, he'll have you about a quarter of an ounce of each, and the ENTIRE kingdom, consisting of thousands of people, have to share out?) "A weapon has no power if the wielder does not." - Unknown
#59218944Wednesday, December 07, 2011 2:17 PM GMT

(How about a crossbow?)
#59221012Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:45 PM GMT

(I am debating wether or not to join... I am in a few roleplays at the moment...) (If any die ill join this)
#59221453Wednesday, December 07, 2011 5:12 PM GMT

Name: Gro'bokk A.ge: 36 Species: Orc (If Orc isn't allowed, I will switch it to Ogre.) Weapon(s): Double-sided Battle-Axe. With the king or with the rebels: Rebels Appearance: Gro'Bokk has a light green skin color, he stands at 6'7 and weighs 296 pounds, almost all of it in muscle. He has a dramatic underbite, and his bottom teeth extend past his top lip. He has one eye that works, the other is blind (Right eye works). He has no hair, except for a barbarically long beard (Black beard). His eye color for his eye that doesn't work is white, the other is yellow (the iris is yellow). His nose is not pointy, it doesn't extend much from his face, but it is wide. His face is scarred from all the battles he has been in, Bio: (It will all be explained.) Other: Gro'bokk has a gruff, deep voice. And is not the friendly type. He often acts irrationally. Although if you get on his good side, he might crack a few jokes now and again.
#59221480Wednesday, December 07, 2011 5:13 PM GMT

Name: Gro'bokk A.ge: 36 Species: Orc (If Orc isn't allowed, I will switch it to Ogre.) Weapon(s): Double-sided Battle-Axe. With the king or with the rebels: Rebels Appearance: Gro'Bokk has a light green skin color, he stands at 6'7 and weighs 296 pounds, almost all of it in muscle. He has a dramatic underbite, and his bottom teeth extend past his top lip. He has one eye that works, the other is blind (Right eye works). He has no hair, except for a barbarically long beard (Black beard). His eye color for his eye that doesn't work is white, the other is yellow (the iris is yellow). His nose is not pointy, it doesn't extend much from his face, but it is wide. His face is scarred from all the battles he has been in, Bio: (It will all be explained.) Other: Gro'bokk has a gruff, deep voice. And is not the friendly type. He often acts irrationally. Although if you get on his good side, he might crack a few jokes now and again. Zombies... (I just forgot to put it the first time.)
#59244921Thursday, December 08, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

(Anna, you forgot something. Also, everyone accepted. The kid that said revolver, yes, can have the bow.) "A weapon has no power if the wielder does not." - Unknown
#74001694Monday, July 30, 2012 4:23 AM GMT

Le bump
#74043047Monday, July 30, 2012 5:45 PM GMT

Le bump, of bumperness
#74044307Monday, July 30, 2012 5:59 PM GMT

~Thoughts~ Clever idea, but plot was placed lazily and kind of slumped together. You should work on separating ideas better and making things a bigger deal. The plot was also a bit short, but that doesn't really matter. ~Overall~ Work on separating ideas and emphasizing them. ~Rating~ 6/10
#74045065Monday, July 30, 2012 6:07 PM GMT

Name:Mick Foley A.ge:15 Species:Human Weapon(s):Hand crafted long bow made by his father. Small rusted dagger. With the king or with the rebels:King Appearance: Dark short hair, brown eyes, Long jacket that covers clothes of a peasant. Bio: Mick was living in the kingdom before the king went bad, his father taught him the art of archery and gave him a master long bow.His father died when mick turned 13 leaving him alone to learn the skills to survive, being recruited by the king. He is on King's side but wished to be a rebel! Appearance: (Pictures are allowed.) Other:
#74196410Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:54 AM GMT

You guys LOVED this thread. Bump.
#74208720Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:42 AM GMT

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#74209012Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:53 AM GMT

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#74209025Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:54 AM GMT

but then i came in on my flyin pony and i kild u all u lose wher is my mettle?
#74209091Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:57 AM GMT

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#74209110Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:57 AM GMT

nop i kild u al remembr?
#74209133Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:59 AM GMT

lol remmembr arbitr?
#74313369Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:57 PM GMT

(Minotaurs are OP as well as extinct. Pick another species.)
#74313408Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:58 PM GMT

(Also, mick, appearance is mandatory.)
#74313601Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:01 PM GMT

Name: King Rames A.ge: ??? Species: Vampire, however unknown to everyone but him and his closest guards. Weapon(s): Multipurpose staff. With the king or with the rebels: I AM le king. Appearance: His true appearance is unknown, but he wears a black cloak and a hood that conceals his face. Bio: (OPTIONAL) ??? Other:

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