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#59469005Monday, December 12, 2011 5:49 PM GMT

Aeons ago, the Great Cataclysm destroyed the world and all that lived in it, save for the few who hid from the wrath of it. The land was covered in snow, but life always finds a way. Now, life has returned, in a way, however, animals are now savage and more deadly than they once were, and plants have grown large sharp thorns to survive. The snow is gone, giving way to a lush jungle, with giant plants and deadly predators. Strange things are happening across the land, sentient beings are attacking each other, people are disappearing, and turmoil is abound. Rules: I'll tell you when you can't do something, for I am the game-master. Otherwise just do what you think is best for each situation. Character Sheet: Name: Race:(Human, Elf, Dwarf, Demon(Read race description!), Wolfkin, Decay, Adaptor, Hive, Nucleus, Roachling) Appearance: (If you do not state female, I assume male) Skills: Items: Occupation: Bio: Other: Starting Location(Argoth, Halladia, Adipoia, Race-specific location, etc.) I'm going to post the races, places, monsters, etc. you don't have to read them(except maybe the demon) but I reccomend that you do.
#59469019Monday, December 12, 2011 5:50 PM GMT

Races: They: They are a race of multiple races, probably more of a cult. They have cancerous growths across they're bodies due to exposure to Cataclysmic Energies. They are the only ones who have both the access to and knowledge of the Remnants. (You cannot play as a They at the start, you can only be inducted into them) Not much is known about They or they're goals. Humans: It's amazing how humanity can still exist after all this time. Humans look like... well... Humans. Their ability to adapt is their greatest strength. Most Humans are either warriors or druids, and have an extreme hatred of those who wield the Remnants. Humans often forsake the history of the world, believing it to be a vile past, and that the future is what the races should think about. Elves: The fair Elves are frail and tall, and possess tapered ears. Elves have powerful pheromones, which are difficult to resist for a sentient being, and impossible to resist for an animal. Most Elves don't use Remnants, although they enjoy studying them. Elves are keepers of history, but only history of the events after the Great Cataclysm, as the records of beforehand were long since destroyed. Dwarves: The Dwarves are a reclusive species of short and stout miners, with the ability to operate with little air, and smell any metal from a short bit away. The Dwarves possess many Remnants, but know little about their workings. Dwarves have a strange affinity for the Giant Wasp Canary, probably dating back to before the Great Cataclysm. Dwarves are keepers of history, and know a lot about many events, including those that predate the Great Cataclysm. Wolfkin: A strange species of wolf creature which looks like a human(most do, anyways) in the daylight, and a wolf creature in the night. Wolfkin must learn to control their transformation or they will be shunned by the populace. Most families of Wolfkin teach their pups how to control transforming(Transforming is also very painful...). Wolfkin are indifferent about Remnants. Wolfkin tend not to care for history, instead they prefer to live in the moment. A Wolfkin can spread his abilities through a bite, although it is rare that a victim survives. Demons: Although not evil, Demons tend to shun outsiders, and stay near their underwater Leylines for heat. Demons are not harmed by Cataclysmic Energies due to their scales, and as such are safe near the Leylines. Demons are cold blooded and cannot survive away from a heat source such as a Leyline. Demons also can breathe underwater. Demons tend to enjoy the power that Remnants grant them, but usually fall to power's sweet embrace. Demons don't really care about history of other races, although they never forget a moment of Demon history. The Decay: The Decay are normal humans save for one thing: they constantly rot. The Decay rot because their bodies survived Cataclysmic Energies and destroyed the cancers that came about because of them, however, their bodies couldn't tell the difference between the cancers and the healthy flesh, and began destroying the healthy flesh. The only way for one of The Decay to survive for longer than a decade, is to eat the flesh of another being, usually a sentient being, as these have the nutrients to repairs their bodies fast enough to keep the rot away, however it doesn't last long, and eventually they start decaying again. The Decay pay little attention to Remnants or history, having to live in the moment to survive. The Decay are rare to see, and often misunderstood as "zombies". The Decay's condition cannot be spread without Cataclysmic Energy. Adaptors: Adaptors are anything that the situation warrants, however they aren't as powerful as the other races that they might transform into. Adaptors have the unique ability to transform into "runt versions" of any race that they need to be to survive. Adaptors pay as much attention to history and the Remnants as they need to, in order to stay disguised. The Hive: Members of The Hive resemble pre-Cataclysm fire ants, although many times larger and more intelligent than their extant counterparts. The Hive has a telepathic network with all of it's members, although all members are individuals. When the Queen issues an order, all members of The Hive must discuss it and vote whether or not to follow the order. Members of The Hive know little about history, or the Remnants, but have recently been actively looking for relics of the past... Nuclei: The Nuclei are a species of energy beings/dark matter beings. Nuclei have no visible body besides glowing orbs as eyes until they goes through their right of passage, in which the Nucleus(singular for Nuclei) finds an energy source which it prefers, and becomes that energy by absorbing it from the source. Nuclei reproduce by tearing another Nucleus from their body when they have enough energy, the Nucleus pulled from the parent shares the energy type of their parent, although they can change types by finding a new source. Roachlings: Roachlings are sentient cockroaches, and maintain the same size as pre-Cataclysm roaches, although they use machines similar to Remnants to communicate with larger races. It's rare to see a Roachling outside of an android. Non-Sentient Creatures: NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, assume creatures are carnivorous Giant Canary-Wasp: Giant Canary-Wasps aren't truly wasps or even related to wasps, but they have evolved a poison sack and a stinger which can disable prey, before they use their large fangs to drink the blood of their prey. Giant Canary-Wasps look something like a pre-Cataclysm canary with a stinger and fangs. They taste like pre-Cataclysm chicken. Crawlers: Crawlers resemble large, pre-Cataclysm black ants, although they have large, sharp claws, and can no longer scale walls. Crawler hives tend to be a huge problem, as they can weaken the structure of cities and villages. Crawlers are omnivorous and tend not to attack sentient beings. Crawler legs are known to be delicious, while the bodies make good fake yogurt. Shadow-Crawlers: Shadow Crawlers resemble normal Crawlers(and share the same eating habits), although they have a very unique ability that sets them apart from normal Crawlers: their skin can bend light around them, rendering them almost completely invisible. Keep this in mind when you find a Crawler hive that looks empty... Nerve-Bugs: These parasitic leeches crawl into dead bodies and take over the nervous system, thereby reanimating the host. They reproduce inside the host and spread themselves when the host dies or when they bite a living host. Nerve-Bugs do not actively attempt to enter a living being's body unless they have great numbers, or are leaving another host, keep this in mind when performing an autopsy on an infected corpse. Deceivers: Deceivers resemble nerve bugs in their youth, but are far more dangerous; Deceivers can mimic the abilities of anything they eat, for example: a drop of human blood will make a Deceiver grow in size slightly, and become more adaptable, while a drop of elven blood would make the Deceiver more alluring and interesting to other organic beings. Deceivers are not inherently sentient, but can become sentient by absorbing a sentient being. Leapers: De-evolved, mutated humans, who leap around on a hunchback. They tend to operate like pre-Cataclysm chimpanzees, and prefer to keep to themselves. They are omnivores and will not hesitate to eat a sentient being if sufficiently hungry. Flying Pigs: Flying Pigs resemble pre-Cataclysm boars, although somewhat smaller. Although they don't have wings like you'd expect, Flying Pigs do indeed have a unique power: they can control Kinetic Energy which allows them to fly, it also allows them to easily dispatch prey, despite their small size. The can also be milked, or killed and cooked as a delicious flying pork roast. Lead Wolves: Lead Wolves are larger than a pre-Cataclysm grey wolf, although they are otherwise the same, including eating habits and pack mentality. It was discovered later, after the wolves were provoked, that they have sub-dermal lead plating and their bones and teeth are lead. Where they obtain the lead to eat is still unknown, although it is believed that it is manufactured by their bodies, rather than found in an outside source. Leaper Slashers: Slashers resemble normal Leapers, although they've somehow lodged blades into their arm, and are outcasts from their pack. They have, for some reason, become entirely carnivorous, and attack sentient beings on sight. Titan: Titans resemble bi-pedal, pre-Cataclysm bears, although they have six fingers and sharper claws. Titans can easily wipe out an unguarded settlement, and are as intelligent as a sentient idiot. The best way to defeat a Titan is to outsmart him, although don't try word games, or he'll just kill you. Froogles: Froogles are quadri-pedal, three fingered, frog like herbivores, who produce purple milk through their mouth. The milk is known to be anti-bacterial, and can easily be turned into yogurt without being toxic. Froogles are described as being chewy, slimy, and gross when cooked as food. Froogles, unlike the other creatures, tend to only live in one climate: Swamps. Rabbit-Cows: Rabbit-Cows are omnivorous, bi-pedal, three fingered creatures which resemble pre-Cataclysm cows, although smaller, and they hop like a pre-Cataclysm rabbit. When running they convert to a quadri-pedal mode. Their milk has been described as beige, and tastes "oddly bitter, but kind of good." Rabbit cow meat is known to be fatty, but delicious. Plants: NOTE: Also assume carnivorous unless stated otherwise. Tendrils: A mass of pink tentacles that spray spores at nearby living creatures, which begin to grow into more tendrils(attached to the host), which attempt to convince the host that spreading the spores will lead to the host's greatest desires. When the host has spread enough tendrils, or failed to spread enough tendrils, the host will die and the tendrils will grow from their corpses. The tendrils are only sentient when in a sentient host. Hosts gain abilities from the tendrils that surpass those of normal members of their species. Remnants can be used to protect oneself from tendrils, after which they can be killed and cooked into great stew. Cocooners: Cocooners attempt to cocoon their prey in leaves, by luring them in with sweet smelling fruits. The cocooned victim is trapped and slowly digested by the plant. The best method to freeing a cocooned friend is to set fire to the Cocooner, which will cause it to open the cocoon. Cocooner fruits are a rare delicacy for making pies. Potatoes: These mutant plants are exactly the same as their pre-Cataclysm counterparts, save for the fact that the roots have an overpowering magnetic field, they can be eaten or used as power sources. They are not carnivorous and use their magnetic field as a defense against Lead Wolves and Leaper Slashers. Potatoes are great for stew, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and as power sources for Remnants. Fleshmelon: A soft orange fruit, with no skin, and it's fuzzy. It has no special defense or abilities, besides being sweet, delicious, and great with yogurt. Froogles and Rabbit-Cows are often seen eating them. Fleshmelons grow on green bushes, with rounded leaves. They are not carnivorous Spikefruit: Spikefruits resemble Fleshmelons, although their dangerous. As soon as motion is detected by the Spikefruit, it extends it's spikes. The fruit of the Spikefruit tastes and looks like a Fleshmelon, while the spikes are inedible and black, they make good daggers. Spikefruits grow on thick trees with hard red wood. Try not to sit under a Spikefruit tree when it ripens and the fruits start to fall. Spikefruits appear to gain sustenance through drinking the blood of the beings that attempt to eat them. Man-Trap: Man-Traps are similar to pre-Cataclysm Venus Fly Traps, although Man-Traps are large enough to eat a full grown Titan. The only way to escape a Man-Trap is to destroy it's head, as it will not open with any other method. Russel's Bananas: These resemble pre-Cataclysm Bananas, except that they transport to an alternate reality when a being reaches for them in an attempt to eat them, they lose the ability to do this once removed from the tree. The only way to get Russel's Bananas off of the tree without losing them, is to take them with an intent that does not directly involve eating them, such as the intent to sell or with the intent to give away. It appears as if Russel's Banana trees are semi-sentient and possess some form of telepathy. They are not carnivorous. Toll Vines: Toll Vines are vines which conveniently grow near pits and chasms. They are sentient and allow creatures to cross these obstacles, although they require adrenaline in return. It appears as if beings are unaware of the transaction, as they report no odd feelings besides calmness when swinging over a chasm that could lead to their death. Toll Vines and not carnivorous require no sustenance besides adrenaline, and are often seen shaking hands with sentient beings, or exchanging other friendly expressions. Corn-Roses: A corn rose is essentially a pre-Cataclysm rose, except with a backwards life cycle, and it eventually becomes corn. It starts fully bloomed, and then slowly curls in, when fully curled, after about 4 weeks, pre-Cataclysm corn kernels the color of the rose will be inside the bud. They are described as overly sweet, but good for pastries. They are non-carnivorous. Rose-Corns: Rose corns resemble pre-Cataclysm corn cobs, with various colors inside the red husk. When immature, Rose corns are harvested as food and have a flowery smell, and a delicious herbal taste. When mature, Rose corns become clusters of flowers, and the husk falls off, these flowers are used for potions and herbal remedies. They also contain caffeine, and make good tea. They are non-carnivorous Grapewheat: Grapewheat resembles pre-Cataclysm grapevines, but instead of growing grapes, it grows long wheat stems, with sweet tasting purple wheat kernels. The kernels make good wine and grape-juice, while the stems can make purple-bread. They are non-carnivorous Coffeemelons: Coffeemelons resemble pre-Cataclysm coconuts, although instead of having white flesh and juice, they have dark brown flesh and juice, which has been described as chocolatey tasting. Coffeemelons have a high caffeine content, and can be ground to make Coffee. They are non-carnivorous Whiteberries: White berries look like bushes with ivy-like leaves, and white berries. Whiteberry berries taste like pre-Cataclysm vanilla, and the leaves are acute poison, so no one has survived long enough to tell the taste. They are non-carnivorous. Applemons: Yellow apples that grow from purple flowers. They taste like pre-Cataclysm oranges, with a hint of apple. They were originally believed to be non-carnivorous, but recent disappearances of individuals who are known to pick Applemons says otherwise. Locations: Halladia: The largest city in the land, Halladia is the home to many sentient races, the only one that stay away are They. Halladia's south side tends to be safer than the north, as more guards are stationed there due to the constant invasions from that side. Halladia is the center of commerce and has a larger economy than the other cities. Castle Halladan: This is where King Halladan lives, it's also right between north and south Halladia. Behind King Halladan's Stove: Roachling hideout. King Halladan doesn't mind them in the slightest bit, Roachlings here are treated as royalty. The Crater: A crater with a door at the bottom in the north side of Halladia. The Crater only allows humans inside, and the residents of The Crater tend to hate other races. Applemon Farm: This is where old man McKinney grows his Applemons. His workers have been disappearing recently. West of Halladia. The Jungle: Home to the wild creatures of the land, The Jungle is hardly safe. Creatures attack from all sides, and even some of the plants want to eat you. South of Halladia The Elven Trees: The Elves live here and create beautiful woodworks. Often you can find something interesting to do here, and the Elves are always open to outsiders who bring peace. The Sea Lines: An ocean littered with Leylines, west of the Jungle. The Sea Lines are where Demons find their homes. South of the Jungle Argoth: A small settlement between the swamp and the jungle. It's fairly unguarded, save for the carnivorous plants at every entrance. The Swamp: Home to the Froogles, the Swamp tends to be safe, except for the occasional carnivorous plant. East of the Jungle The Decaying Monolith: An old rusty piece of metal, with some kind of seating inside. The Decay have built a town around this, sometimes called "The Necropolis" West of the Swamp The Wolf Den: A Wolfkin den in a cave which welcomes all Wolfkin, rather than just one family. East of the Swamp The Desert: Barren and empty, save for They and whatever happens to be living in The Scrapyard at the moment. There are craters from the Great Cataclysm here, and beneath them are Leylines. North of Halladia Nuclei Caves: These caves are often under Leylines. Nuclei prefer to live here because there are diverse energy sources. Dwarven Mines: Dwarves find their homes here, in the Dwarven mines. Often there are pleasant exchanges between Dwarves and Nuclei when they accidentally tunnel into each other's caves, but that has since changed, both factions have been being more and more aggressive The Scrapyard: The Scrapyard is filled with bits of pre-Cataclysm metal. Though there are few functional Remnants, adventurers always try to find working parts. Orthan and Dr. Red will pay high prices to anyone who can find functional Remnants there. Orthan's Inventions is west of The Scrapyard, while Dr. Red's Essentials for Survival is on the east of it. The Scrapyard is North of Halladia, in the Desert. The Compound: The only thing that lives here is They. Rumor has it that The Compound use to be a shelter from the Great Cataclysm, but it was never used so They moved in. Entrance is north of the scrapyard, it's unknown where the underground parts are. Adipoia: Adipoia is a large settlement east of The Compound, which is compeletely unguarded, however, most people stay away from it because of the Crawler activity in the area. Anthill: The Hive and crawlers live here, in the desert. The land here is dotted with mounds of sand which Crawlers and members of The Hive can be seen exiting. Far north of Halladia.
#59469680Monday, December 12, 2011 6:20 PM GMT

Name: Race:Wolfkin Appearence: Raggy brown clothing a chest rip near the right(the directiion right) rib the rags has several darker brown stains on the shirt and one on his left theigh No shoes brown eyes dark brown hair teeth are moderately dirty oddly he has two sets of canines 5'5 hair is moderately smooth when transformed he has dark grey fur yellow eyes he becomes 7'4 fingers turn into claws all teeth brake off and canines immeditly grow in replacement Skills: Farming Fighting Hunting Items:Brown rags for clothing a rake and a knife Occupation:Farmer Bio:Doesnt know much about his past all he knows is that hes an orphan and a couple from adipoia found him when fighting off crawlers he treats them like there actually his parents no one knows hes a wolfkin as he has never transformered before but that will alll change on his 16th birthday.....DUN DUN DUN Other:Wolfkin=Werewolf :D Starting Location:Adipoia
#59469709Monday, December 12, 2011 6:22 PM GMT

Ummm... no name?
#59469719Monday, December 12, 2011 6:22 PM GMT

Name: John Daimon
#59469736Monday, December 12, 2011 6:23 PM GMT

#59469810Monday, December 12, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

You're farming some plants in Adipoia when a bunch of people come to your farm. They want to buy it. You know that your farm is the livelyhood of your family, but these people are offering a lot of money, however, in the long run the farm is worth more. A man steps forward from the crowd. He's highly distinguished from the rest. He's wearing expensive clothing, A pair of blue denim pants, a white dress shirt, and a navy blue button-up vest. Also he has some sort of leather pouch attached to his belt. In it is a Remnant. He hands you a pen, and asks "Would you sign this? It would make you rich."
#59469877Monday, December 12, 2011 6:31 PM GMT

"Oh but sir...." I spoke out in a whimpering voice "My birthday is tommarow couldnt you come back tommarow afternoon? it would mean so much to my family if i could spend my 16thn birthday in this farm so that we can enjoy it one last time before we sell it to you"
#59469925Monday, December 12, 2011 6:34 PM GMT

"Umm... okay..." He says, as he puts the contract and pen in his pocket. Some civilians in the crowd recognize that he has a Remnant, and they stare at him in disdain. A few people in the back draw swords and try to attack him. He draws his Remnant and uses some kind of mechanism to propel pebbles at a deadly speed, towards his attackers.
#59469950Monday, December 12, 2011 6:35 PM GMT

I Began charging jumping infront of one of the strange metal pebbbles it hit me in my ribs hopefully everyone will stop fighting if they see that im hurt and they will leave that man alone!
#59470156Monday, December 12, 2011 6:44 PM GMT

The crowd gasps at such a noble sacrifice and moves towards you to help you. Stangely, the man with the Remnant did not, despite the sacrifice you made for him. Instead he discreetly left the scene. Everything goes black, and you wake up a few hours later on a bed, a doctor is standing over you, he says "Well, it seems that you've been interested in the wrong crowds." he grabs an object that looks like two silver sticks that are stuck together, and continues "You really shouldn't jump in front of something that came out of a Remnant, it could've been worse than this." The doctor grabs a vial of clear liquid and says "Drink this" as he pours it into your mouth. He then uses his mysterious stick device to pull the pebble out of your body. It strangely doesn't hurt, although you can feel your flesh tearing when the pebble is being ripped out. He closes the wound and sends you on your way. Outside the doctor's building are the crowd of people, one of the people who attacked the man with the Remnant steps forward and says "That was mighty kind of ya, sir. I can see that ya don't like fighting on your front lawn, so I'm gonna protect it. You saved my life, It's time for me to save yours."
#59470192Monday, December 12, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

"I Really should get to bed now" I Told the man "Its my birthday tommarow and i want to wake up early" I Then walked into my adoptive partents house and went to bed
#59470241Monday, December 12, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

You parents wish you a good night and you have a restful sleep. You awake in the early morning to the sound of screams. Your parent's screams. You're half-awake and aren't quite sure if it's real or not.
#59470279Monday, December 12, 2011 6:51 PM GMT

I Rush into my parents room to discover the man with the remenent is holding it to their heads! I Stare shocked as he begins to pull the trigger
#59470481Monday, December 12, 2011 6:59 PM GMT

Almost as if time had been slowed, you hear the mechanism in the Remnant as the trigger is pull, and then a loud bang, and a scraping noise following the small pebble enter your parents head, and then leaving and entering the other's head. The man with the Remnant takes a key from your parent's bodies, and then opens a safe. Inside the safe is the deed to the farm. Suddenly, he sees you and fires his gun at you. As the bullet hits you, the world fades to black. You wake up in your parents room. They're dead on the floor. The walls are covered in blood, and the floor is riddled with small metal pebbles. There's a severed arm in the corner, although you have all your arms and so do your dead parents. The severed arm seems to be wearing expensive clothing. There's no sign of the whereabouts of the man with the Remnant. You look around at yourself and you see that you're hairy, and have strange plating under your skin. You try to head to a mirror, but you find that you've grown in height and have to crouch under doors. You finally get to mirror and you look like a Wolfkin. You start to cry. You've heard stories about this from your parents. That once a man becomes a Wolfkin, he becomes a cannibalistic beast, who seeks nothing more than to eat humans. You think to yourself for a minute. It's his fault! The man with the Remnant! If he had never done this, you would have never transformed! You now seek revenge.
#59470546Monday, December 12, 2011 7:02 PM GMT

I Get angry smashing the mirror and destroy the doorways but then i look at the mans severed arm.....I Pick it up and sniff it and its like i can see his scent i then growl to my self in a deep monsterous tone "I've got your scent now...." As I smile and burst out the window into the wasteland
#59470635Monday, December 12, 2011 7:06 PM GMT

You can smell his scent on the wasteland, and through your hunting skills, you can read his tracks. It looks like he went south in a hurry, in the direction of Halladia. Nearby, you see a crawler scurry along the dunes, licking the trail of blood that the man's wound left behind.
#59473182Monday, December 12, 2011 8:39 PM GMT

OOC: Bump.
#59473283Monday, December 12, 2011 8:42 PM GMT

Not only do I follow his scent but now I begin folllowing his blood
#59473400Monday, December 12, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

Following his blood proves futile, as he stopped bleeding halfway there. Following his scent, you've gotten to North Halladia. The overpowering stench of vermin and cheap perfume is blocking your scent-tracking skills. In an alleyway you see a shady looking Demon selling some kind of powder.
#59475221Monday, December 12, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

OOC: Bomp
#59475487Monday, December 12, 2011 9:28 PM GMT

Name: Katianna "Kat" Lilac Mac'lynn Race: Elf Appearance: Kat is a female with long wavvy auburn hair down to her back. Her face has skattered freckles that are the same color as her hair, and she has emerald eyes. She's thin but strong, handling hardwork for her family sometimes. She's 15, and has some s.cars on her neck. Skills: Kat is a magnificent woodworking artist and a skilled archer. Items: A bow, quiver, arrows, and a small stone blade. Occupation: Kat doesn't truthfully have an occupation besides helping out on her family's property. Bio: Kat lives with her Mom, Dad, and brother. Kat helps out with chopping wood, gathering herbs and water, and teaching her brother archery. Other: Nope Starting Location: The Elven Trees Name: Thorn Rock Mac'lynn Race: Elf Appearance: Thorn has shaggy golden hair down to his neck and wide green eyes. He has tan skin, and some s.cars on his cheeks. He is thin and much stronger than Kat, but not a fast runner. He's male, and 16. Skills: Thorn is a great woodworker like Kat and highly intelligent, usually diving into books whenever he has the chance, and trying to mentor Kat like a teacher. Items: A small hand axe in a belt holster and a dagger. Occupation: Student/Woodworker Bio: Thorn tends to keep to himself, and is highly protective of Kat. Other: Nope Starting Location: The Elven Trees
#59475881Monday, December 12, 2011 9:36 PM GMT

OOC: Accepted In character: You and Thorn are wandering about the Elven Trees when you see an injured man walk by down below. He's missing an arm and seems to be victim of a Wolfkin attack. You can tell that he's got a lot of money by the fact that he's wearing expensive blue denim pants, a white dress shirt, and a navy blue button-up vest. It appears as if he's performed impromptu medical operations to stop himself from bleeding to death. Obstructing his path is a Cocooner, and he doesn't seem to notice it.
#59476055Monday, December 12, 2011 9:40 PM GMT

(NOTE: I may consider joining. If so, I don't know when I'll create a CS. I have two others I must do for one other, RP, as well. o.e)
#59476130Monday, December 12, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

OOC: OK, TaiWolf. That's fine by me.

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