#7627692Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:19 AM GMT

*russian dude shows up* RD: SOVIET FTW!
#7628633Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:42 AM GMT

Me: *Pwns*
#7633689Saturday, April 18, 2009 7:39 AM GMT

joshi and fake joshi : we done our vacation but were bored now joshi : btw what are we doing?
#7636667Saturday, April 18, 2009 12:45 PM GMT

Irockz: *sees broken cage* Wh-- BN leader: Hah. Helda: Prepare to die. Fake Joshi: *Grabs joshi and throws away then skids over to the other bad guys* We are.... Enemies: THE EVIL RIVALS! BN leader: Irockz, you better remember me! Helda: Alex, Im an en-em-ee! Fake Joshi: I'm ready to fight... Helda: You better worry-cuz we DO bite!
#7642495Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:48 PM GMT

*crazed manic Tal runs behind Helda* Helda: What the? *gets mauled by Tal and the Bavy (bloxxer navy)* Helda: *pulled to jail* I WILL NOT FORGET THIS! I WILL NOT!!! Tal: Shut up, Helda: NO!!! Tal: We will gib you! Helda: *whimper* please no........ Tal: Need help Irockz?
#7646478Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:19 PM GMT

Irockz: *jumping away from bombs* Naw, I'm alright. You go see if you can find your rival. *jumps up and cuts the rope of a cage which captures Bombernoob leader* Now, *pulls out enemy dex* time to register you, Helda. Helda This girl is one baddie! She hates Alex and will do anything to kill him. Alex: No chance, Helda. *puts Helda in Bombernoob's cage* Helda: YOU HAVENT HEARD THE LAST OF ME! Irockz: Look at Bombernoob leader. He's only here because I cant afford to loose his life. BN Leader: GRRR! Bombernoobs: SIIIIR! *run around crying* Irockz: Oh good lord, these guys are my pearsonal noob enemies?
#7646908Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:29 PM GMT

me: eh? dark yayforkirby: so. it appears we meet. me: oh, it's on! *we lock swords*
#7647030Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:33 PM GMT

BG12: *Clones itself* Mimic used on BG12.
#7647534Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:44 PM GMT

Irockz: Yay, dont kill him. He could be vital for research. *charges at dark yay and smashes him into wall* HAH. dark yay: Ooooh ow.... Irockz: *throws him in cage with 2 other rivals* OK, now only for the last one...
#7647796Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:50 PM GMT

BG12/2: Who is the real BG? BG12: Me! *Takes out banhammer and bans BG12/2*
#7648728Saturday, April 18, 2009 6:16 PM GMT

Helda: FAKE JOSHI! HELP! F Joshi: OK OK... *opens gate* Bombernoob leader: I AM FREEEEEE!
#7650369Saturday, April 18, 2009 6:52 PM GMT

Dont quit ur dayjob Helda, *throws F Joshi at one million miles per hour in the cage with Helda and throws them into the lava*
#7656828Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:38 PM GMT

Irockz: *grabs cage* N-- *is pulled down with the cage* AAARGH! *5 DAYS LATER* Irockz: *lieing in a bed with Helda, Bombernoobleader and F. Joshi staring at him* WHAT THE **** AM I DOING HERE? *tries to get up but is chained down* Helda: Simple. *pulls out blood extractor* The lava was fake. We made it out, and brought you. Since you're the ultimatum... Irockz: What? Im just a lucario! Helda: It's in this book. anyway... *takes some blood* Irockz: OW! Helda: *takes another extraction of blood out with bombernoob leader's blood* BN leader: I was gonna USE that blood... Irockz: ??? Helda: *inserts the BN leader blood in* Irockz: EEEW! BOMBERNOOB LEADER BLOOD! Helda: *pulls out gloves* Operation: G... F joshi: Wait, whats the G stand for? Helda: gross. *puts gloves on* Irockz: Uh oh... Helda: *cuts across Irockz's whole body* Irockz: AAAAAH! *is covered in blood*
Top 100 Poster
#7657113Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:44 PM GMT

Ohforf: Oh no Helda is murdering Irockz!
#7657194Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:46 PM GMT

#7657705Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:55 PM GMT

Irockz: So wait, where is this going? Helda: Yknow, I never thought about that. Ah well, we'll just slave you and use the blood to make the noob police my personal assistants! *puts chain on Irockz's neck* Irockz: Uh... Helda: *pulls egg offa Irockz* Irockz: AAAH! THE LIGHT! IM BLINDED! Helda: WTF? *puts the egg back on him* Irockz: Few--Wait, is someone stripping me--OH GOOD LORD NO! DONT PULL THEM DOWN! Oh dang, she did it. Helda: *gives him mouldy pants* Irockz: OK, Ill put them back on. *puts them on* eeeew, soggy. Helda: *laughs maniacally*
#7660407Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:54 PM GMT

I have no idea what you said but THIS IS AN OUNIN RING!
#7660496Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:57 PM GMT

BG12: I think I should pack with Melee and Physic defenses.....
#7660821Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:04 PM GMT

Irockz: *pulls timer out of nowhere* Helda: Was that stuck up your an-- *time goes back to when Irockz's blood was took* Irockz: GWAAR! And no, I wont be a slave. Helda: Fffff, he knows. oh well, we won't make him a slave. Irockz: *pulls out key from and gets free* Helda: Did that come out of your an- Irockz: YEZ. *hits all 3 into a cage*
#7661070Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:09 PM GMT

dark yay: *hacks the cage bars into tiny rips* me: *we clash swords again*
#7661347Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:15 PM GMT

BG12: *Sees BG12/2* Oooh crap. *INSERT CHICKEN FIGHT RIPOFF*
#7679487Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:25 AM GMT

Helda: The whole rival team has been formed... Irockz: Grrr... *INSERT SMRPG STYLE BATTLE HERE*
#7679519Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:27 AM GMT

Gold:Lets-a-go! Irockz Party: Irockz Gold
#7679569Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:31 AM GMT

PLAYER 1: GOLD P2: IROCKZ Irockz: Wait, who's your rival?
#7679585Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:33 AM GMT

Bronze:*appears in puff of smoke* Bronze:I AM! Gold:Lets do this! * plays*