#111765281Sunday, September 01, 2013 7:46 AM GMT

(Chiyoko will be killed at one point but not yet!)
#111802046Sunday, September 01, 2013 5:25 PM GMT

((I don't care about what happens to Chiyoko, I want to kill off my charries for real. Either Kate, Angel, or Aaliyah. If they get involved in something then Zoey will go. She's useless.)) Kate sat on the desk near him, chewing on the end of a pen while Angel tried to tug her over. "Come on, I'm gonna go eat something and you're coming because you're doing nothing." She dragged her out of the room, Aaliyah bouncing after them. "Bye, bye, guys!"She shouted over her shoulder. Zoey got up as well, grabbing the back of Raine's shirt. "Come on, smartie pants. If we stay, he'll win. Also, I want to go hunt now." So, all of them but Anna, whom smiled to Extem. Standing up, she beckoned him to come to her. "Come on, the fights done, sweetie."
#111849199Monday, September 02, 2013 12:15 AM GMT

Extem "Aww, I was having fun" I sighed, not coming over yet. I waited until everyone else left the room befor ecoming over.
#111915321Monday, September 02, 2013 2:52 PM GMT

I'm just posting this to tell everbody i'm 100 Legit.
#112082875Wednesday, September 04, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

((You mean, you wish you were?)) Anna rolled her eyes. "Well, ((AAANND NOW IT'S SUDDENLY DINNER TIME X3)) they probably wanna eat." She herself was slightly hungry. But she, of course, wouldn't just make him eat for her sake. She needed to see *him* afterwards anyways. But, what if Extem gets upset about her leaving him? Well, she can't leave at night, she'll get sleep deprived and he wants to sleep as well. During the day was all the time she could give her brother and she did wish to see him. Before breakfast? No, because she goes to wake up Extem. The only good time would be her free time at lunch or after dinner. After dinner would be a litter more accurate, but what about Extem... Thunder jolted as it hit the ground outside. It was raining. No, wait, storming. Zoey took a deep sigh and burrowed herself in the trees, warming herself in her fur coat. She snarled as water dripped from each of stitch of fur she had. She shook her skin, trying to shake away the water as more came rushing down like a water fall. She hated it when her coat was soaked. Personally, human form was a bit easier to rid of water. Shifting into her human body, she took a sigh and pushed herself deeper into the tree. She was there to wait for her friend, Aaliyah, as she made sure the animals were safe from lightning. Sheesh, this was troubling. "Done yet?" Zoey shouted through the trees, waiting for Aaliyah's answer. "Not yet! The squirrels won't go!" Kate giggled from the office chair, bouncing up and down casually as she sang a song about rain. Over and over again. Angel wished she would shut up, this was annoying her enough. The principal wished to speak to them at this time, so where was he? Goodness, if you plan, plan right. Raine had decided she'd join, but she was practicing spells on a pear in front of her, casting all kinds of magic. She was not focused on anything else, her smarts were taking over. Such a good child she was. But what a smartie pants she was. Angel hated them both for having something to do. All she wanted to go. So when would they be able to?!
#112083804Wednesday, September 04, 2013 12:45 AM GMT

Extem I looked at Anna, wondering what she was thinking about. "We'll, I'm a bit hungry too. Lets go eat" I suggested.
#112085228Wednesday, September 04, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

Anna jumped when he spoke up, but forced a smile and nodded as she began to follow him. She was worried. What if.. What if he got mad at her? What if, uh, hit.. her? Or beat her? Would he get so mad that he'd do that? What if he.. broke her heart? Or worse... cut her? Anna tucked her arms at her chest, her pupils growing tiny with fear. She stared at the floor, remembering the knives that broke skin and drowned themselves in her cherry-colored blood. The hands that collided into the side of her face. The feet that repeatedly swung into her stomach till her vision gone wary. The day-on shaking tears that always screamed to runaway from a beating. The pleas.. the begs.. Anna chugged her heart into her throat, protecting it from pain, and swallowed the rock that blocked it's passage. She wanted to cry. But this time, the tears were too afraid to fall.
#112085563Wednesday, September 04, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

Extem "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at her, concerned. "Are you ok?"
#112086240Wednesday, September 04, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

Anna didn't look up. His voice... was it wobbly? Did he walk ahead of her? No... She could clearly see his feet not barely any inches away. Then why... Anna knew this feeling. When she wanted to something to not hurt her, her imagination would make them far away. But they wouldn't go far away because the pain would still come. It'd repeat. Wait a minute... Was she accusing Extem of going-to-be hurting her? Anna grew stiff, head lowered as she jumbled through her thoughts with confusion. Extem would never touch her in an angered manner! Never in his life! She knew Extem and the ways of his world, so why was she doubting him? Anna didn't know why, but she wished hadn't because her mind was starting to betray her. It yelled at her, accused her, brutally shouted insults.. No.. This was her mental pain striking back.
#112087125Wednesday, September 04, 2013 1:10 AM GMT

Extem "Hello? Anna..." I tried getting her attention, still wondering what was wrong.
#112098458Wednesday, September 04, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

Anna ceased her thoughts, taking a deep breathe. It was one moment where she was calm, but then it all crushed her. She looked at Extem in fear, her entire person shivering in petrified fear. She regained her civil and calm mind, blinking as she regained focus and sealed away dark thoughts. They always ended in fear of physical pain. But she cleared her throbbing throat and rose her eyebrows. "Y... Yeah?" She was timid, like she could help it. Her adopted father always pretended to pity her before laughing and knocking her off her feet with a bad hit. Her mind was pulling her strings, with made her afraid as she remembered mother allowing her brother to pull her down the hall by her hair. Usually they did that when she tried to run away from the window. Then senseless beatings. Anna batted her lashes, blocking tears of fear from exploding. Her body shook still, like she'd locked in an icebox for a day. Even her pupils shivered. One of her hands slowly went up to hide her hair as she tried to look okay.
#112099661Wednesday, September 04, 2013 2:57 AM GMT

Extem "Are you okay, is something wrong?" I repeated
#112101956Wednesday, September 04, 2013 3:56 AM GMT

Anna shook her head, lying. "Everything is fine, Extem." She worried. Her worries led her to fear. Her fear led to accusation. Accusation led to mental pain. Mental pain gets locked away. Worries get released in doing so. She didn't know what to do, but she did know what would happen if she started crying. He'd know. Then he'd hurt Extem because he'd think he hurt her. Anna sighed deeply, grabbing Extem's wrist and pulling him to the cafeteria. She'd need to get away after dinner, which meant leaving Extem. All she wanted was for Extem to understand. She doesn't wanna hurt him, but she does have to leave him at one point. Anna gritted her teeth. This was frustrating. Her stomach made a noise, begging for food as she tugged him along. Maybe she'll get that stuff done after she eats.
#112102163Wednesday, September 04, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

Extem "Are you sure?" I asked, while being pulled towards the cafeteria.
#112102579Wednesday, September 04, 2013 4:08 AM GMT

Anna nodded quickly, pushing away her worries. Food is what she needed to focus on. It would... clear her mind? No, just get one out of the way. Tomorrow, brother. She'd visit him tomorrow, because a good night's sleep is what she needed ((Me too. ;-;)) to clear her mind. She walked into the cafeteria, releasing Extem as she sighed. She went to get food, thinking hard over everything that tried to jumble around. Memories, worries, thoughts, everything that could scare her. But she couldn't hear them scream and shout. She'd blocked them.
#112102811Wednesday, September 04, 2013 4:12 AM GMT

(Me three :p) Extem I followed her still concerned, and started to put food on my plate. I could tell something was wrong, but what? I wondered.
#112112150Wednesday, September 04, 2013 10:58 AM GMT

Anna was faster to the table than to the food, seating herself somewhere of comfortable existence. She busied herself with eating, speaking would not be one of her wishes at the moment.
#112112639Wednesday, September 04, 2013 11:16 AM GMT

Extem I quickly followed her to a table and sat down across from her, eating.
#113226370Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:48 AM GMT

Anna continued to eat, straight-faced as she focused on her traveling thoughts. She'd wince very now and then as memories repeated themselves, but she never spoke. Not once.
#113226664Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:51 AM GMT

Extem I finished eating and waited for her to finish. What is wrong with her? I wondered nervously.
#113228771Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:10 AM GMT

Anna occupied her mouth with the rest of her food. It wasn't too much, that would be quite hard to chew, but at least she did have food. She cleared her throat after swallowing and blinked as she stared at her tray. She finally got up and cleaned up, then stood by the doors to wait for Extem. But she seemed just slightly lost in her thoughts as she reviewed everything. Goodness, her resolution just wouldn't come!
#113229031Tuesday, September 17, 2013 2:13 AM GMT

Extem I got up and walked over towards Anna, not saying a word.
#113726634Monday, September 23, 2013 1:18 AM GMT

Someone should make a revised version of this, it was really good. Do it or I will in honor of puppys :)
#113762443Monday, September 23, 2013 5:41 PM GMT

(revised version?)
#113765638Monday, September 23, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

(Like, maybe someone could change it a little because we can't still have puppys' character because she's gone, and maybe revised some of the time periods like when gym is and stuff like that)