#60752807Sunday, January 01, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

Thanks very much for your e mail and your valuable feedback. We took a look at your forum post and think your idea is very clever and appreciate you helping to make the site even better! Your e mail will be shared with the te am. Thanks again for writing in! ^ I e mailed the ROBLOX te am and got this response. I really hope it's not an automatic response! :D
#60766692Monday, January 02, 2012 1:55 AM GMT

^ Sorry about that weirdly spaced post, but for some reason ROBLOX thought that "email" and "team" were offensive words. :P
#60767173Monday, January 02, 2012 2:01 AM GMT

#60768870Monday, January 02, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

#60769209Monday, January 02, 2012 2:27 AM GMT

they wont add this but if so full support
#60772332Monday, January 02, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

I shall force them to add this!! :P C'mon ROBLOX, lots of people support ! :3
#60772461Monday, January 02, 2012 3:06 AM GMT

I just skipped to the tl:dr version. If there was a support button, i would be clicking it right about now!
#60773474Monday, January 02, 2012 3:20 AM GMT

#60781104Monday, January 02, 2012 5:05 AM GMT

#60781564Monday, January 02, 2012 5:12 AM GMT

Yeah, okay. Fine. Support. ;3
#60781880Monday, January 02, 2012 5:17 AM GMT

Support because i'm sick of floods of "Support." It floods the pages. ~Live to Win. Live To Die.
#60782697Monday, January 02, 2012 5:30 AM GMT

^ Ooh, another good reason for it. Spam-killer >:D
#60804985Monday, January 02, 2012 4:32 PM GMT

#60815517Monday, January 02, 2012 7:06 PM GMT

#60855852Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:22 AM GMT

Thou shall not die. :U
#60856143Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:26 AM GMT

SUPPORT! But, in-order for it to be non-alt-abusable, then it should be one support for 1 I-P address for one thread Free Fireworks!
#60860366Tuesday, January 03, 2012 4:56 AM GMT

^ yeah, that could work too
#60861047Tuesday, January 03, 2012 5:21 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#60940096Wednesday, January 04, 2012 5:04 PM GMT

Thanks for the support <3
#60982728Thursday, January 05, 2012 3:59 AM GMT

Derpy bump ._________.
#60983040Thursday, January 05, 2012 4:06 AM GMT

"If someone wants to take a week to make 1,000 accounts to give support to their thread, I think they deserve it! :P" - That's not a very good solution to alt abuse. Good idea, but I'm putting this out bluntly. 1.) It's not hard to say "Support!" 2.) Saying, "Support" already bumps the thread, giving it attention. 3.) Alts could abuse by supporting, trolls could troll by disliking. 4.) Other than S&I, how is the button useful for any other topic? If there's going to be an update on just ONE forum topic, they should make other updates to the other topics. 5.) I don't understand how a support button is better for everyone. I think it's highly annoying how people support/not support without reason. 6.) People begin lazier. Instead of actually getting posts, you just get people pressing buttons. That's all. Good day.
#60983558Thursday, January 05, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

Hey, you are just like me! I always put a TL;DR version at the bottom (only if my post is 3+ paragraphs) SUPPORT!! xD I would so click the support button right now if it was here!
#60984447Thursday, January 05, 2012 4:45 AM GMT

@Summer: About the alt abuse, it was solved by other people - make it must be so-and-so amount of days old and have so-and-so amount of posts. Also, concerning what I say, for alt abuse to really make a difference in # of supports you'd need many alts. 1) Contradicts statement "#5" - you think it's annoying when people just say "support" without reason. With this button, you could see it in number how many people support, and then go and look at people's opinions. 2) The support button being pressed could act the same way. Besides, the creator of thread can still bump it, along with people who want it noticed. 3) Can't you already do that by saying "support" or "no support"? Just because it also makes it easier for trolls, doesn't mean we shouldn't add a feature. As I said, easier for everyone. 4) It was made clear this was only for S&I. If you think there should be updates for all forums, please share. I don't believe that one part of ROBLOX should be held back and not updated because they think that whole section as a whole must be updated. In the 'Catalog' they don't balance how many hats with how many packages/bodies they add. 5) Please explain why you don't think it's better for everyone. It would be better for you, also, with your dislike of posts with no reason behind them. Those short posts wouldn't spam, while you can read through the posts with explanations. 6) Begin "getting" lazier? Lazier? I don't think transferring from typing a handful of letters to clicking a button could be considered getting lazier. Besides, with that state of mind, we wouldn't be having all this advanced technology because it aids us to decrease manual labor - bye bye cars, for example! That's all. Good... evening. (:
#60985018Thursday, January 05, 2012 5:03 AM GMT

About the alt abuse, it was solved by other people - make it must be so-and-so amount of days old and have so-and-so amount of posts. Also, concerning what I say, for alt abuse to really make a difference in # of supports you'd need many alts. - I don't care. It's still alt-abusable. If you can bypass the alt abuse by saying, "You need to have at least 500 posts" then I'd actually be convinced this is not a bad idea. 1) Contradicts statement "#5" - you think it's annoying when people just say "support" without reason. With this button, you could see it in number how many people support, and then go and look at people's opinions. - You can already do that by posting, darling. Because pressing a button and typing 7 letters is such a huge difference? 2) The support button being pressed could act the same way. Besides, the creator of thread can still bump it, along with people who want it noticed. - That's what I said. You can bump it, and if your idea is good people look at it more and help you bump it. I don't see what pressing a button makes a difference. 3) Can't you already do that by saying "support" or "no support"? Just because it also makes it easier for trolls, doesn't mean we shouldn't add a feature. As I said, easier for everyone. - Easier for everyone? Because typing 7 words to make the word, "Support" is just SO hard, isn't it? Also, if it's easier for trolls, tells me you haven't thought out the idea carefully. 4) It was made clear this was only for S&I. If you think there should be updates for all forums, please share. I don't believe that one part of ROBLOX should be held back and not updated because they think that whole section as a whole must be updated. In the 'Catalog' they don't balance how many hats with how many packages/bodies they add. - My point was that, if they update S&I, they should at least make some updates to other topics, too. Not at the same time, but eventually they should get at every topic. S&I doesn't even need this "support button" But all of a sudden pressing a button makes it "better for everyone" 5) Please explain why you don't think it's better for everyone. It would be better for you, also, with your dislike of posts with no reason behind them. Those short posts wouldn't spam, while you can read through the posts with explanations. - Like I said, pressing a button and explaining your reasoning has barely any difference from TYPING support, and on that same post, you explain why. Explain how that is hard. 6) Begin "getting" lazier? Lazier? I don't think transferring from typing a handful of letters to clicking a button could be considered getting lazier. Besides, with that state of mind, we wouldn't be having all this advanced technology because it aids us to decrease manual labor - bye bye cars, for example! - Handful of letters? IT'S JUST 7 LETTERS. Then you have to explain your reasoning, just like you would have to explain your reasoning with the button, too. It's no difference. Cars? Obviously you don't get what I'm trying to get at. Cars were made for faster transportation, because walking a few miles was hard. They didn't have buses or trains, so they made cars. They invented all these gadgets because it was super hard back then. But, right now... we're talking about the difference between typing 7 letters, and pressing a button. A few milliseconds apart from how long it takes. And in your mind, you think pressing a button is easier than typing 7 letters? Final paragraph. My final point is, It's not getting any easier or harder. Because typing support and pressing a button both just take less than a couple seconds. Meaning typing support isn't hard, and there shouldn't be an easier way because it's already easy the way it is. End of discussion. Good night!
#60985907Thursday, January 05, 2012 5:32 AM GMT

First, generally a handful = 4 - 10 Also, you were going in circles there. I will just get to the point; in one aspect it makes it easier for those who wish only to post their side and not an explanation; They click simply a button and move on. In other aspects it helps others; for example, one of my previous points was that it makes it easier for people who want to view which threads have the most support, like admins. "Obviously you don't get what I'm trying to get at." Though the differences were vastly varying, the message and purpose were the same "It's not getting any easier or harder." Perhaps it's only getting slightly easier for those who want to simply state whether they support/don't support. There are other reasons it makes it easier. "My point was that, if they update S&I, they should at least make some updates to other topics, too. Not at the same time, but eventually they should get at every topic." Um...ok? That's great... Not really relevant, though. If you believe there are other updates fit for the other forums, you should create a thread to get your ideas out there. If not, there will always be updates. "End of discussion." I guess it's not worth my time anyways, because by that statement I'm guessing you're always going to go with your opinion no matter how much sense mine makes.