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#60702198Sunday, January 01, 2012 6:43 AM GMT

First the weapons: Club: The most simple tool in the game,you can make it at the start.Now very good for fighting though cause there pretty weak.I would suggest making an axe or knife instead because there easy to get to, do more damage and have other abilitys. Recipe:Bush Trunk Stone Pick:A simple fighing tool,not to good in fights but oaky for hunting. These can also be used to pick iron ore from the vine isle. Recipe:Rock Stone Knife: These were one of the best hunting/fighting tools befor bows came into the game. Still usefull though if you want to put welds on bricks. For putting welds on bricks,the knife will break after 1 welded brick :(. to fix it though you just put it back and take it out again. Recipe:Leaves+Rock Stone Axe: These are good hunting tools because they do a good ammount of damage.Now that the bow came into the picture though,there not as usefull.They still do a big part in the game though, u can use them to get greatfruit,large trunks and large leaves.This is one of the best tools you can get so make these every time you play this game! Recipe:Bush Trunk+rock Bow:The best fighting tool you can get.Its ranged so you can kill noobs stealing your stuff with less work. They require alot of stuff to make though,so it takes awhile to make these. Because there ranged you can shoot stuff on cliffs instead of having to climb up.I would suggest all hunters have one. Recipe:Bush Trunk+String Thats all of the current war tools so ill start with the others... Bucket: A good tool if your out to sea or on an island with only a spring or dirty water. These are good if your a real adventurer cause you can use these for a...well,ill explane later... To use these step into a spring or pool and click into the water.To drink from it press Q with it selected. Recipe:Vine+Bush Trunk Build Boat:Thses only take you off the main isle,no other functions. If you put it to close to the shore, it will get stuck.To fix that glitch you can start them befor you turn of put them far out and use bricks to get out to it.Very slow,but needed to move around. Recipe:Small Trunk X2 Build Large Boat:Just A bigger version of the boat,has the same glitch. You can use it to let people ride on or you can design on it. Recipe:Large Trunk X2 Sail Boat:A very quick boat,faster to get around then normal.Has a sail on it which takes up some space.I wouldnt suggest letting people ride on it cause they will just,fall off XD. Recipe:Large Trunk+Sail Flint:An important tool to stay healthy.If you click on a peice of wood with it out it will burn,which will let you cook food(more info on cooking page.) Recipe:Rock X2 Rod:A tool to let you get fish in any water.Important on Thunder Peak because theres no animals to hunt or fruit to eat.Pretty simple,click into water,the tools name will change to casting.Then it will change again.When the name of it is BITE! press Q to get it in. If sucessful its name will be Nice Catch!. If fails it will be It Got Away!. Recipe:Small Trunk

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