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#60934489Wednesday, January 04, 2012 1:03 PM GMT

Hai thar, I would like to have Chat in Singleplayer test so I can test my chat stuff ._. I hate that I always need to Play and I can't find the error. Please?
#60934743Wednesday, January 04, 2012 1:15 PM GMT

I remember suggesting this before. I think I suggested it three times. xD But that was a long time ago. I don't post multiple copies of the same idea anymore. ;P But yeah, I do support. ~That awkward when you said moment in your head~
#60934778Wednesday, January 04, 2012 1:17 PM GMT

Support :)
#60936259Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:28 PM GMT

Tools test start server Tools test start player Command bar in the server Game.Workspace.Player:SetSuperSafeChat(false) I think thats it.
#60936298Wednesday, January 04, 2012 2:30 PM GMT

support because you can't see the chat bar or the safe chat thing.
#60936839Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:02 PM GMT

There's no network to chat to, it's solo mode.
#60936926Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:07 PM GMT

#60936985Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:09 PM GMT

It would be realy usefull Support
#60937778Wednesday, January 04, 2012 3:43 PM GMT

You need a network to chat to. This won't be possible...
#60938200Wednesday, January 04, 2012 4:00 PM GMT

support if this happens i can make scripting videos :D -nautae est gallia villa (trying out a new latin sig)

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