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#60964971Wednesday, January 04, 2012 11:56 PM GMT

So,I made this for all who read the book.Never really saw a RP for this so decided to make one.So let's start,sha'll we? "Welcome to Hogwarts,First Years!"The gates of Dumbledore's arms stretch in greet in a room with all the students assigned to certain 4 tables and with the Sorting Hat out to you as you arrive."In line please,so the Sorting Hat may pick your house.Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw,and Slytherin are the houses!" Rules: -No spamming -No ubering -If your on the quidditch team for your house and your in a game,do not say "I caught the Quaffleball and scored,or caught the Snitch." I advise you wait until you win for your team. -You must be accepted -Listen to me and admins -You can be one of the characters from the book or movie,but check because once the character is taken you can't have it. -Only bad/evil people or Slytherins -Have up to 2 characters,admin can have 5 *CS* Name: A.ge (12 and up): Appearance: Teacher or Student: Desired House: Bio: Pet(toad,owl or cat with their name): Example: Name:Belle Anderson(first name pronounced bella) A.ge:13 Appearance:BRown hair with emerald green eyes and few brown freckles Teacher or Student:Student Desired House:Gryffindor Bio:PArents were a witch and wizard,they were both Gryffindors. Pet:Great Horned Owl named Oliver (a male) You will learn spells each class-Basics to advanced spells- This is exactly like the book I only am almost onto the 2nd I'm almost done with the first so don't blame me if I do something wrong. After 2-3 people join we may start as being sorted into or houses,I control Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat. Who joins and gets accepted start to being sorted to their house,if I'm not on the admins will do it for me and accept and decline CS's.I can unadmin you if you admin abuse and I can make new admins when I want.I takes a while to reach to 7 years and move on from Hogwarts as a teacher or just,I don't know...
#60965759Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

Also,the rules in Hogwarts in the book are here too,and naturals in the First Years like Potter can be in Quidditch group,7 players,once they are full I do not ask for more.1 seeker,3 Batters(or I think you say),3 chasers and 1 Keeper,first who joins the Quidditch team on their house gets to be a Keeper I or the teachers decide if you can join the Quidditch Team unless it's full.
#60968495Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:35 AM GMT

#60968952Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:41 AM GMT

Technically, the youngest you can be for first year is ten, although uncommon. Most first years are 11 and12.
#60969031Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:42 AM GMT

(OH well,I cant change it T_T)
#60969278Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

(What year is your character in? I may join this, but only for the sake of RPing. No offence, but try to use more grammar.)
#60969678Thursday, January 05, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

(WE all start in First Years,unless your a teacher and we cant start unless a second person joins,if you join you will be made admin and since you mentioned 10 and up for a student in Hogwarts Ill allow it,and I do use proper grammer >_<)
#60970706Thursday, January 05, 2012 1:03 AM GMT

(Well, commas.) Name: Jake Foresman A.ge (10 and up): 11 Appearance: Brown bangs, green yes, pale skin, 4'10, usually wears his blue/green sneakers and robes. Teacher or Student: Student Desired House: Gryffindor Bio: Jake is a half-blood Pet(toad,owl or cat with their name): Rex the Toad
#60976043Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:11 AM GMT

(Accepted,your an admin,wait for someone else to join the last person to join will be admin then we can start.)
#60976640Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:18 AM GMT

Name:fatty mc.burger A.ge (12 and up):fhat Appearance:greasy shirt, greasy pants,greasy everything Teacher or Student:weight loss instrucor Desired House:house of pancakes Bio:i eat lots of waffles :3 Pet(toad,owl or cat with their name):big mac
#60978166Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:40 AM GMT

(Ignore teh CS troll,what noob -_-)
#60978213Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:41 AM GMT

(GTG continue this tommorrow,got school and teh stuff to do..)
#60981176Thursday, January 05, 2012 3:29 AM GMT

(was just having fun)
#60984885Thursday, January 05, 2012 4:59 AM GMT

A.ge 10 Appearance: Beach Blonde long wavy hair, with freckles on her cheeks, blue eyes, is about 4'8 Teacher or Student: Student Desired House: Griffondor Bio:At the age of two, Young Breanna had learned that she could levitate items. Her parents weren't freaked out, they had once learned those powers as well. her mother and father were purebred Griffondors, and they were proud of Breanna for studying at such a young age. She was just accepted a couple of days ago, and cannot wait. Pet: Sam the Owl (girl, snow white with blue eyes)
#61012578Thursday, January 05, 2012 10:57 PM GMT

(UPDATING MY CS! I think we should add personality to help with the sorting.) Name: Jake Foresman A.ge (10 and up): 11 Appearance: Brown bangs, greene yes, pale skin, 4'10, usually wears his blue/green sneakers and robes. Teacher or Student: Student Desired House: Gryffindor Personality: Although Jake is a little timid, he is very adventourous and would jump off a roof of a building into a pool any chance he got, and curious. He is also very helpful, kind, and nice to others. Bio: Jake is a half-blood wizard. His mom was the wizard, and Jake never knew his father. His mother dissapeared after an accident concerning a wolf of sorts. His mother never came back, and as she said it would only take a short time to deal with this 'errand,' Jake was left in his 3-story house with his younger sister, Samantha and older brother, Derek. Jake, having secluded himself from the rest of the family in his room playing video games and practicing magic, had no idea what his siblings were up to. Withought anyone too take care of them, Jake didn't really care as he had rules to break since no parent was with them. His sister kept bugging him about playing some stupid game, and Derek was off on some adventure probbaly getting his uncle to take care of them. With his uncle coming to take care of them, Jake hurried up and went to the roof to jump off and land in the pool and other banned things in his house. Now, 3 years later, Jake, now just realising his grandmother was part of the Ministry of Magic, had been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Pet(toad,owl or cat with their name): Rex the Toad P.S. His younger sister is 9, meaning she'll join Hogwarts when everyone's in the third year, and his older brother already graduated Hogwarts.
#61030749Friday, January 06, 2012 2:58 AM GMT

#61035100Friday, January 06, 2012 4:14 AM GMT

...I like turtles.
#61035540Friday, January 06, 2012 4:27 AM GMT

#61035566Friday, January 06, 2012 4:27 AM GMT

(fatty eats a burger) (another)
#61054961Friday, January 06, 2012 8:39 PM GMT

Ignore the trolls,Im back.
#61055192Friday, January 06, 2012 8:44 PM GMT

(Yay, but breannabot is offline. Do we start without her?)
#61055276Friday, January 06, 2012 8:45 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#61055456Friday, January 06, 2012 8:49 PM GMT

Name: Bill A.ge (12 and up): 13 Appearance: Green eyes black hair blue jeans black boots green coat white shirt Teacher or Student: Student Desired House: Gryffindor Bio: Mother was Muggle, Father was wizard. Pet(toad,owl or cat with their name): Corne, an owl
#61055759Friday, January 06, 2012 8:56 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#61055969Friday, January 06, 2012 9:00 PM GMT

(IF Breanna is not active as admin,since she is now,she will be unadminned,now we start.I finished the 1st Harry book today!:3) Belle walked down in the entrance hallway,shuffling in the line she was.First years.The first time in Hogwarts,her family told her so much about it she probably knew where she was going.In front of her was Albus Dumbldore,leading the First Years into a room filled with students at a certain table.Dumbleore stood next to the Sorting Hat and clasped his hands."IN a line,no cutting,you willbe picked for your houses,First Years." he said loudly.Belle decided to make herself worthy as the last.

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