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#14650951Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:17 PM GMT

(All of the Vastro Lordes are dead apart from Nexo who manages to sneak away) Nexo (1): and so it begins..... *Laughs*
#14722165Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:28 PM GMT

wolf: names wolf how do i get back to the shinigami realm
#14751826Monday, September 28, 2009 6:10 PM GMT

RAAM: there isnt a way back the only way out was that gate that just closed well there is a way out but.... you wouldnt want to take it it doesnt take you to the shinigami realm!
#14751882Monday, September 28, 2009 6:11 PM GMT

*a Kantox jump out of the tree's and looks at RAAM and Wolf* Kantox: *Laugh's crazily* GRRRRAAAAAGGGHH!!!! *Runs at RAAM*
#14751937Monday, September 28, 2009 6:14 PM GMT

RAAM: Look out!! *Cut's the Kantox with blade then looks at wolf* You better watch out for these things
#14751962Monday, September 28, 2009 6:15 PM GMT

Kantox: GGRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! *Shatter's then turn's into Black and Purple Spiritual energy that then fades away*
#14752126Monday, September 28, 2009 6:23 PM GMT

RAAM: Those things they are called Kantox's they are made from Chaorupted Spiritual Energy and they feed on Not Chaorupted Spirit Energy as i was saying earlier before we were Interupted *Put's Blade Away* The only way of escape is going through the Dark Dimension but you wouldnt want to go there. there are VERY Powerful and Strange Creatures! Stronger than the ones here! That are made of pure Dark Spiritual Energy! The ones here are Dark and Chaorupted which makes them weaker it is impossible for Chaorupted to survive if it didnt have the Dark in it if they were Pure Dark they would be very Powerful most people get Shadow and Dark mixed up but Dark is a lot more powerful than Shadow. ????: GRRRAAAAGGHH *Churning* GRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGH *Churning More* RAAM: Something is happening with the Kantox's lately.... there is that churning noise and they are getting stronger... tell me something... What has happened in the shinigami realm? ????: GGGGGGGRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHH *Churning even more*
#14924424Saturday, October 03, 2009 11:02 AM GMT

Nexo: *Watching the Kantox* Kantox's: *Crazy Laugh* the Vastro Lordes are here!! Nexo: hehehe.... *500 million blade's fly at the kantox* Nexo: *Steps out* I am Nexo leader and the last of the Vastro Lordes Kantox leader: what the!?!?! who do you think you are slaughtering my army like that! *50 Blades stab the Kantox Leader* Nexo: as i told you i am the leader and the last of the Vastro Lordes! You will surrender or be destroyed! *The Kantox army surrender to Nexo* Nexo: No man starts in Heaven but that throne will soon be my place! Kantox: Lord Nexo!! you were followed here by another! and it seems RAAM saved him! Nexo: I do not care it is impossible for them to kill me anyway! Begin opening the Gateway to the Dimension of Darkness! Kantox: Yes sir!! *Runs off*
#14924444Saturday, October 03, 2009 11:04 AM GMT

RAAM: I sence a very high spiritual energy.... it is the Dark Gateway! someone is opening it! ok wolf we better go! follow me! *Slices up 2 Kantox's then runs off*
#15377720Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:00 PM GMT

*folos him*
#16982756Monday, November 23, 2009 5:31 PM GMT

RAAM: *Slaughtering Kantox's while running* Nexo (1): oh i dont think so!! *The Kantox's are all revived* RAAM: What the!? Nexo (1): *Sends 5 blast waves of pure darkness at RAAM* RAAM: URK! *Dodges and then jumps up into a tree*

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