#76161005Monday, August 20, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

(Woops sorry >.<) Claire "You will sooooo regret that." I say in a hiss when the guard snapps my bow & arrow. I kick at him.
#76162080Monday, August 20, 2012 10:24 PM GMT

Koren "I didn't do anything.."
#76177720Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:57 AM GMT

The guards laughed, "You're a suspect, mister. And she definately did SOMETHING. Assult on an officer, is what she's lookin' at. You're a suspect to the murder and robbery scene. We'll explained it in trial." The guard that snapped her bow and arrow just moved away when she tried to kick him. (I hope you guys don't take anything offensively or badly, it's just that I thought you would like a good rp :3)
#76207864Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:32 PM GMT

(Nope, I'm enjoying this :D) Claire "What the hell?!" I yell trying to break frree of the guards. "You let go of me this instant!" I kick again.
#76243354Tuesday, August 21, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

The guard threw up his hand, ready to smack her. He did so, and it left a red mark, which could lead into a bruise(Only if you want to, not trying to be a god-modder). He laughed.
#76255287Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

(Whatevs xD) Claire My cheek stang with pain as I glared at the guard. "Your days are numbered." I say in all seriousness.
#76313453Wednesday, August 22, 2012 7:41 PM GMT

Koren "You need to stop saying things."
#76313542Wednesday, August 22, 2012 7:42 PM GMT

Claire "Hey, I just tried to help you." I say, but knwoing deep down I really should shut up.
#76333158Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:26 PM GMT

The guard who slapped her laughed again, "She wants another slap!" The other guard's laughter echoed, as though it seemed they had been drinking too much. Finally, they reached the castle, passing the crowds of people. They finally reached a long hallway to where stairs lead into a darkened direction. Dim tourches lit the sides of the wall. One guard grabbed one and started up the stairs.
#76333363Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:29 PM GMT

Koren "Why am i a suspect? Is it because i said i dont like the king?"
#76373991Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:09 PM GMT

Claire I felt like hitting my head against a wall "You really shouldn't have said that."
#76374761Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:27 PM GMT

~Human CS~ Name:Jonhy Dark Looks:Him have a type of a black robe and a mask,everyone that seen his face,is dead now. Gender:M Evil or Good:Evil Bio:Him a murderer/assasin,and when everyone is sleepin,its when him assasinate ppl. Where do you live:Town Where are you currently:Town (Idk if we can make characters now,and i tryied to make a good bio :l)
#76407849Thursday, August 23, 2012 9:44 PM GMT

(That's fine. I just have small issuses with your grammar. It's he not "him". Mkay? Oh, and it's fine if you join now. We're just starting to rp, really. Accepted.) The guard looked back at Koren, "Like that matters. He's dead! You're a suspect of the robbery and murder, like we said. We are not sure what the murderer/robber looks like, so we take in anyone people say they saw rob or murder. You're a suspect. Do you really want me to repeat this?" His voice was a hiss, trailing down into long tunnels. He walked into a dark room, holding up a torch. He opened two jail-cells and the other guards shoved Clarie and Koren in. "Here you can languish. Now, you'll be served gruel and, since I'm being nice, I'll put two torches on the walls so you can see." Finally, the guards left, but not without taking everything they had in their pockets, or their items.
#76408702Thursday, August 23, 2012 9:54 PM GMT

Claire "I try to do something nice for once and I end up here?!" I kick the cell door. I look around for anything to help get out of the cell.
#76492127Friday, August 24, 2012 9:06 PM GMT

(I would add a twist, but I think it's too early to call for that. If you would stay in the cells for a while, you will find out my twist :3) An old man in the back of the cell looked at Clarie, "Such a pretty face. So young, too. It's a shame to see one like that in a cell. What ya in for, girlie? Did the queen put you in here? THERE'S BEEN ROUMORS ABOUT HER. If you've heard one, it's true!"He laughed, which sounded more like a cat screaming(No offense to Koren XD), and you could see rotten teeth. He rubbed his long, yellow and dirty, finger nails together.
#76499204Friday, August 24, 2012 10:23 PM GMT

Koren "I shouldve ran."
#76544899Saturday, August 25, 2012 9:12 AM GMT

(I did not like that holiday. My stepbrother acts like Dudley Dursley, and is twice as obnoxious. Then add in the car journeys with him (14 hours!) Shudder. My only holiday in eight years, ruined. >.<) (Where's Grey?)
#76547458Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:52 AM GMT

~Adventurer CS~ Name: Victoria Teralis Power(if you have one): Non Race: Human Class(like warrior, ect.): Warrior Looks: 6'9, Wavy blonde hair roughly chest length. Big baby blue eyes, Lucious red lips, sparkling white teeth. Gorgeously tanned skin. She almost always wears a green robes with a leaf broche. She never wears shoes and rarely ever shows her face. Gender: Female Bio: NA Where do you live: Home Where are you currently: The evergreen forest
#76547541Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:55 AM GMT

(Edit: Class is Archer)
#76585906Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:08 PM GMT

(Grey is with Fang and Lexy at Lexy's hut.) Claire I shudder at the sight of the man. I saw his dirty rotten finger. As llong as he kept his hands to himself they stay attched to his hands. Actually, I might be doing him a favor. "I'm in here for helping this guy." I point to Koren with an expressionless face. I stand as far from the both of the as I can.
#76594217Saturday, August 25, 2012 9:36 PM GMT

(Accepted, sorry.) Fang He looked back at Grey, "Can we eat now?" He didn't bother to try to say "please". The Old Man He looked at Korren, "You tried to save him? Why would you do that? A pretty girlie like ya shouldn't be goin' 'round HELPIN' people. That's no good! Ya gotta save yourself."
#76597283Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

Claire "Don't worry, it's not something I normaly do." I say with a sigh resting my forehead against tthe cold metal cell door.
#76597840Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

Koren "If i break out of here i will do anything for you.Anything,i just wanna get out of here!"
#76611652Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

The old man laughed, "You better say that 'if' loud and clear, son! I've been tryin' to break outta this cell for 'bout...a year or so?" A guard laughed quietly, "The man is going batty, he's only been in there for about an hour."
#76623616Sunday, August 26, 2012 2:49 AM GMT

Claire I wanted out so bad. Now. "Hey, you." I looked at the guard. "When are you going to let me out?"