#103547294Monday, July 01, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

CS Sheet- Name- Napoleon Bloxaparte Profession- Tactician, General, Fighting, Conquering Appearance- Short French guy dressed up in Early 19th century French Military Uniform. Gear- Musket, Sabre Personality- Like to conquer territories. Other - Napoleon Bloxaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars in Robloxia. Randomly woke up in the future. ( Tl;dr, Bolxaparte is based off of Bonaparte. ) If this doesn't work, I have another.
#103564026Monday, July 01, 2013 3:31 AM GMT

( Hi flamma )
#103799413Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:09 PM GMT

(Oh lol, more Time-travel shenanigans with Nepoleon. This'll be fun)
#103942497Wednesday, July 03, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

( I was planning on going with Caligula, but Napoleon had guillotines. And muskets. And didn't have a horse for a senator. ) The march home was pitiful. The cavalry troops were muttering random curses under their breath as the army marched through the cold winter snow. The Invasion of Russia failed. Napoleon heard word that the Germans, Austrians, Prussians, and Sweden were mobilizing an army to strike back. But the Emperor was determined to rebuild his army. Facing defeat was one thing, but crossing a mountain was just too much. He found a cave. He and his generals made a fire and discussed their next move. It was when they started talking about the British when Napoleon noticed strange markings on the wall. The markings depicted men falling through a hole. Specifically, being kicked into the hole ( 300 reference ). He looked into a massive ravine inside the cave. Before he could look closely, something thrust him foreword. Bloxaparte saw some blue spirals at the bottom but passed out before hitting the water. ( Well that's how he time traveled. )
#104772545Tuesday, July 09, 2013 5:21 PM GMT

( Bump. Dissappeared from My Forums. )
#104834929Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

(Also, Flamma, remember that Mr. Frenchie must have not only done a Timeflux-jump, but also a Dimensional warpilator [don't ask about the weird names, I just felt like making them wyrd] to get to the Robloxian world/dimension) "Ah the featureless Desert of sand and buttes, with the sun scorching our skin and our hair/bandages/whatever-the-hell-Murph-has flying in the burning breeze." Conner said as he drove down the long stretch of cracked road, passing all sorts of roadside oddities advertising such marvels as "The Tower of the Desert!" "See 'The Thing!" as well as one that said "Palace of Melting Chocolate" Of course, Conner ignored all these as the only place he had interest at stopping was at the end of the road. Or a restroom. Whichever came first. (Also, just gonna say it now so confusion doesn't strike later: The Al Hara Desert is basically if you took the Geographical features of the deserts of the western US and mix them with the sands of the Gobi. With Route 66 thrown in for good measure. Just to clear that up now)
#104845653Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

Murph quickly sat up. "Sorry about that. Solstices are always tough transitions. We got a ride, it seems. How long until we get to beat up a dragon?"
#104891633Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:51 PM GMT

"I'd say until tomorrow, maybe longer. It'll take at least six hours to reach the other end of the desert, then we'll need to catch a boat to the Island, and after that it's just a matter of making sure the teleportation works and we land where we need to" "Simple stuff, really"
#104942847Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

( Isnt the dragon in Gravelpit falls? Also, can you tell me some stuff about the ever tree? )
#104951109Wednesday, July 10, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

(Yes, and I assume by 'Ever Tree' you mean the Everfree. Ok, Explanation time, Kiddos, so sit down and hear a story...) (The Everfree Forest is one of the weirdest patches of nature on the Continent of Robloxia, once you step foot you are at risk of getting lost in it forever. However, a town has been able to be settled in it [Gravelpit Falls] yet the funny thing is: No one knows of it's location [except for those who do] making the task of just waltzing into the forest and searching for it near impossible in these circumstances. Which is why currently we are traversing across the desert. I don't want to spoil much but there's a convenient plot device at our current destination that will make finding Gravelpit easy as pumpkin pie!)
#105138219Friday, July 12, 2013 6:54 AM GMT

( Oh, It was Everfree. Guess I read it wrong. So the Forest is like the lost woods from LoZ OoT?)
#105157015Friday, July 12, 2013 1:08 PM GMT

#105472086Monday, July 15, 2013 12:10 AM GMT

(Okay, Hint, Murph, your turn to post now)
#105479932Monday, July 15, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

"Oh. Okay." (Where's my medal?)
#105484150Monday, July 15, 2013 1:51 AM GMT

(I've been busy, though. I have quite a few irons in the fire. As a matter if fact, I have all the irons in the fire. ALL OF THEM.)
#105721736Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

(Okay, since the rest of the trip would be nothing but vast desert and geological features as far as the eye can see. Let us slightly time-jump to the next day) The Jeepbuggie slowly comes to a stop at a small pass leading though two buttes that border a small tiered valley toward the ocean. "Guys, welcome to the little harbor known as Cool Ranch." Conner says as he shuts off the vehicle and heads toward the pass "Been a while since I've been here..."
#105722703Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:11 AM GMT

(Sorry, Conner. For the next week I'll be stranded on a boat without Internet connection. I can't post until after.)
#105724638Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

(May you rest in piec-have fun?)
#106635015Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:28 PM GMT

(Just to let everyone know: to better portray what the forest around Gravelpit Falls contains, it will be renamed to The EverDream) (Also, keep your eyes open later in the evening over on the Knowledger Page for some *Ahem* Breaking news right off the presses)
#106654488Tuesday, July 23, 2013 9:51 PM GMT

( Since you timejump, I timejump. ) Freeze's Oculus picked up a small GPS signal and a map of the Forest was opened. The general smiled and ran towards what looked like a clearing. His first step "Outside" resulted in him being surrounded by people in... Large black trench coats. "Stop right there fool! You are not permitted beyond this place! Turn back at once!" One guard commanded. " And what if I were to... " Freeze jabbed the liver of the largest Trenchie. sending him launching towards the floor. " Decline?" Freeze finished. The other two Trenchies got in a fighting stance. The general froze both of then and smashed them into each other. " Well that's the last of them.... hey what's this? " Freeze walked up too the Largest man and took the thing buzzing in his ear. He pressed a button and a small Microchip came out and the buzzing stopped. "Hmmm, this looks promising..." Freeze inserted the Microchip inside his oculus' first slot and opened the program by twitching his right eye. The buzzing became a small tune. Perhaps it led him to their workplace? He followed the song into the massive forest. ( Tell me if anything is wrong here. )
#106685580Wednesday, July 24, 2013 1:27 AM GMT

(No, nothing wrong. Kinda curious as to where you're going with this)
#106744478Wednesday, July 24, 2013 10:48 AM GMT

(Hi I'm back. The Equator is colder than my house -_- )
#106884807Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:07 AM GMT

(Basically, I get to GPF, and find the Dragon, and befriend it.)
#106934531Thursday, July 25, 2013 6:21 PM GMT

(Just remember to not reveal ANYTHING about the Dragon or his whereabouts, I want it to be a surprise as to what or who the Dragon is)
#106972729Thursday, July 25, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

"And just what exactly do you plan to do here? Is this where the Dragon is?" Murph stretches and cracks his knuckles. "I haven't done anything fun in a while, I could use the exercise."