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#62869676Tuesday, February 14, 2012 10:10 PM GMT

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#62871550Tuesday, February 14, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

Okay, listen. Both sides can have a chance. Those who agree with Sonic feel critics are too harsh. The critics feel that they are just pointing out a few errors, and that they're not being harsh. I'll look at it this way... Critics, like teachers have to point out mistakes sometimes. So a critic is just like someone teaching another person by pointing out a few small mistakes and making sure they're fixed. On the other hand, some who are getting their criticism feel that critics are being too harsh. Some may be just a bit too sensitive about what critics are saying, and on the other hand, sometimes they are somewhat harsh. It can be hard to hear criticism at first, but then you can just as easily learn that without this help, because when your videos do come out, they might not be as good as you hoped. Now, it can balance out both ways. Both sides can be right, both sideds can be wrong. Critics, you just continue on with your work. Gently point out the errors and, if they take it the wrong way, just explain to them that it's just what you think, and it's just your opinion. Those making the movies, if the critics bother you, you can just choose to ignore them, or, you can just tell them they might be being a bit harsh and ask them to point out mistakes more gently next time. I hope this helps everyone out a little.
#62902494Wednesday, February 15, 2012 1:34 PM GMT

"So a critic is just like someone teaching another person by pointing out a few small mistakes and making sure they're fixed." I've been saying this many times, and to clear away the hypocrit impression, the critics I've seen were more than harsh, they were stupidly trolling around even. Seriously, I haven't seen one thread attacked by "this won't be made" resposes, so how is that an opinion? AND HOW IS THAT TEACHING!? Even teachers themselves don't give up on a student that tries his best, they won't say such things. If the student doesn't help the teacher to help him THEN the teacher might consider giving up on him towards the end of the year. How come nobody reads what I say: I believe criticism is key, but there is none happening here. "Critics, you just continue on with your work. Gently point out the errors and, if they take it the wrong way, just explain to them that it's just what you think, and it's just your opinion. Those making the movies, if the critics bother you, you can just choose to ignore them, or, you can just tell them they might be being a bit harsh and ask them to point out mistakes more gently next time." Now this pisses me off. The fact that you say "continue with your work", you just allow them to continue harshly putting words that don't make sense, and even worse never give their "opinions" but "false-predictions" which discourages the guy, it's just a prediction that comes true by itself if said. What else pisses me off is that you said "opinions". NONE OF THE GOOD CRITICS IN GAME INDUSTRY AND MOVIE INDUSTRY HAVE POINTED OUT OPINIONS UNLESS THEY TALK ABOUT PERSONAL EXPERIENCE! Critics don't use opinions, they use mostly facts. Sure, here and there they can throw "I didn't like that part, but I think people that like adrenaline would like to play this" now that's an opinion, but critics cannot say the game/movie/book was bad just because they didn't enjoyed the genre. If they don't enjoy the movie, for say, because it was too boring, there is something wrong in the movie, but they cannot say that an action filled movie with intense cutscenes is bad just because they don't like action movies, and start to ramble on the genre itself instead of the movie.
#62902880Wednesday, February 15, 2012 1:59 PM GMT

ive been bullied in robloxiwood i did a sonic and mario hell on earth movie and no one ask to be a character they say i could record it but im not because im not the recorder im the director!
#62903133Wednesday, February 15, 2012 2:12 PM GMT

You can be the recorder and director. In fact the camera man is there to film, and replace the director when it comes to camera angles and camera tricks during the shootings. Director is a guy that directs people before the shooting, during the shooting and if needed after each take. It's a little harder but you can actually do both.
#62919505Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

Does it help that your shouting? No. Okay, I tried to explain it best I could, but obviously I failed to change anyone's mind. What would I like? Some peace on these forums. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why the Admins don't delete half of these threads that are overflowing with arguements. Look, for starters, not ALL critics are bad. Some are mean, but some are trying to be gentle. And look, you aren't being so gentle either. Your screaming at me telling me what pisses you off. I came here to share an opinion, and you start by disagreeing with every little word I say.
#62936487Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:24 AM GMT

Stop the arguing, please. While fundamentally, making a Roblox film can tell a story and allow you to edit it, thats really as far as it can go. But if this is what you want to do, by that I mean film making, step outside the box and quit wasting your time arguing on a forum, instead pick up a camera and go out and shoot a film, it doesn't need to be a story, just film whatever looks interestng to you, mess with lighting, camera angles, and you ability to actually film. If you stay on these boards and need advice ask Hacker, Bobby, or Me (When any of us are on, which seems to be more sporadic) We've been here longer than any of you and know how to tell a story in motion.
#63061393Saturday, February 18, 2012 7:31 PM GMT

@WetCatgirl If you are going to cancel debate, you cancel democracy and freedom lol. @lacrosseboy55 I adore this reply, I really do. To add to that I am here to help out in the business too.
#63072286Saturday, February 18, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

Thanks Sonic, I noticed after rereading the post, I didn't add you to the list of people to ask.

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