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#62935955Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:13 AM GMT

Making a roblox video is easy if you know how, it requires no additional downloads as you might know this but rolox has an inbuilt video recorder which can be toggled on the menu you know the one with leave game just left of the backpack button. Now that you have located the video recorder its essential that you have the suitable options so your computer can cope so i would advise having a test shoot to make sure you have the right settings. Once you have the perfect settings you can now get started but wait... you dont have a good idea for a film. Well if this is the case try to be imaginative maybe you want to film a super sci fi film in which an alien race are invading Roblox, or maybe you fancy filming a creepy horror film in which a mystery bad guy has been setting traps in a haunted house. Another important note is keep it PG read the rules of roblox before making any type of film just to make everything easier for you so if you are making a horror film we dont want any REALISTIC gore. Film making is really fun and once you have the hang of it you will be the next big name that all actors will talk about as if you were the best thing since toast. Have fun -by goldhydro
#62936016Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:14 AM GMT

sorry for some spelling errors i know straight away i spelt roblox wrong
#62937945Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:51 AM GMT

Using Roblox Record is about the worst thing you can do.

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