#63157748Monday, February 20, 2012 5:20 AM GMT

"We are in charge of the chartering of space. We are, currently, the de facto standards organization for exploration."
#63157801Monday, February 20, 2012 5:21 AM GMT

"Interesting. How much space do you control?" Tir'aal asked.
#63157913Monday, February 20, 2012 5:23 AM GMT

"Hahahahah... we are merely an organization, my friend. We only find and name systems, galaxies, and many other things."
#63157988Monday, February 20, 2012 5:25 AM GMT

"We are interested in discovering trading partners. Do you know of any?"
#63158058Monday, February 20, 2012 5:26 AM GMT

"We know of the Katuri Empire, and the United Systems." I statED.
#63158131Monday, February 20, 2012 5:28 AM GMT

Tir'aal appeared to pause for a moment. "We would like to begin negotiations with this United Systems."
Top 25 Poster
#63159068Monday, February 20, 2012 5:51 AM GMT

-PLANET SHEET- Planet Name: Morentu Atmospheric Density: Around that of Earth. Approximate Planetary Size: Same as Earth. Tectonic Activity Level: 10 Weather Patterns: Incredibly violent, with tsunamis and highly destructive hurricanes both being almost unnaturally common. Earthquakes are also common, and even more devastating. Average Temperature: 100 degrees Fahrenheit. *Notable landmarks*: Point A, a massive, hardy compound placed over the entrance to the tough bunker systems that the Progeny have made their home. It is equipped with a massive amount of both weapons and sensors (Though the former are primitive). Ratio of water to land: 67% Pollution Level: Very high; The air and sea are both polluted to the point of being dangerously toxic for most lifeforms. Notable events: Creation by unknown entity/entities, arrival of the Progeny. Moons: 2, unnamed. Atmospheric composition: 20% Oxygen, 80% Hydrogen. Most common resource: None; Resources are distributed equally to the point of being obviously unnatural. Ag/e: 60 million ye/ars. Solar System Name: Verquel *Other*: Artificially created, for unknown reasons. -SOLAR SYSTEM SHEET- Star name(s): Vehement-1 *Star energy output per Earth Year (Petawatts)*: Star Type(s): Red Giant. Life stage: Main Sequence. *Size/Diameter*: Number of Planets: 9 *Planet Names*: Morentu is the only named planet at the moment. Asteroid Belts: 3, all unnamed. *Other*: N/A -RACE SHEET- Name: Progeny. Homeworld: Morentu. Physical Appearance: Progeny come in two forms, both artificial: Software, and Hardware. Software have no appearance beyond the immensely advanced machines that house them. Hardware vary wildly, with the default body being either upon treads or upon a varying amount of powerful legs. Common Personality: Cold, calculating, suspicious of all others. Sentient?: Yes. Average life span: Software is deleted and replaced every 5 we/eks, but are theoretically capable of being immortal. *History*: TBR. Total population: Population of Software fluctuates wildly, Hardware stays at a constant 3 billion, most of them workers. *Other*: The Progeny, despite being 'intelligent' enough to update themselves, seem unable or unwilling to enter a cycle of constant, unending updates upon their own processing power, beyond updates to their ability to reach consensus. -GOVERNMENT SHEET- Name: Progeny. *Capital (City name on the homeworld)*: N.A Leading Race: Progeny/ N/A (Not a confederation.) Current Leader: Everyone (See below). Government System: The Progeny function by a hivemind/ 'true' communism: The many, many Software work together using highly advanced information sharing capabilities to form a consensus on many, many hundreds of things at a time. Only three traits have remained completely constant in Progeny programming: Those who dissent and give no reason for it are deleted upon the spot, and those who argue against the government form are similarly deleted despite any logic they may present. Finally, Progeny are driven by a constant want for both knowledge and more energy. The reasons behind these three traits are unknown. *Moral Alignment*: None; The Progeny will do anything and everything to further their goals, whatever they may be. *History*: TBR *Emblem*: None. *Military Branches*: None. *Other*: The Progeny are isolationist, and have yet to notice the existence of other species and empires. The Progeny lack ships capable of going between solar systems, mostly due to a lack of technology capable of communicating past their solar system. They have been considering solutions to this problem. The Progeny sustain their systems using a wide variety of generators and energy sources, though they are beginning to run out of fossil fuels. *[Factonal Theme]*: ((Yes, mysterious hivemind robots on a dead world contemplating how to get off of said dead before they start shutting down.)
#63159702Monday, February 20, 2012 6:07 AM GMT

(seems acceptable)
#63167322Monday, February 20, 2012 1:52 PM GMT

Marous had been thinking about the future of the Katuri race. They had FTL technology, but hadn't been using it. Sirus Prime was getting more polluted, and the population was slowly rising to unacceptable levels. Deciding the best course of action was to build, and then send, ships filled with plants, water, soil, and colonists, to the most habitable planet in the system.
#63169632Monday, February 20, 2012 3:07 PM GMT

There is an accident on a Trayn frigate, the TWS Ahriel. The hull becomes breached and the "brain" is destroyed, leaving the ship dead in space. Almost every Trayn freezes for a couple of minutes (Except those at jobs where they can't stop what they are doing for even a split second), as they contemplate what they will do. It is decided that they will switch their ships over to binary computer systems. All future Trayn ships will have synthetic computers.
#63170611Monday, February 20, 2012 3:30 PM GMT

The colonizer projects begins, as several ship hulls begin to take shape. Next, would come the more important bits of the ship, such as the FTL engine.
#63171777Monday, February 20, 2012 3:53 PM GMT

(Mm. Stardefender, the two Supers, everyone is here. It is only appropriate that I join as well.)
Top 25 Poster
#63172827Monday, February 20, 2012 4:07 PM GMT

On a lonely planet, a mere speck in the vast galactic, and even universal waters, known simply as 'Morentu' by those that inhabit it's subterranean areas, a vast collection of intelligences works endlessly to create a plan of expansion, of development. This process is not made any easier by the endlessly cycling. A particular Software piece will, in it's 3 week 'lifespan', witness hundreds of different jobs, and will have it's 'skills' swapped appropriately. There is no individual in the Collective beyond the hollow numbers through which the many plans of the fickle minds are brought to fruition. One such number proposes it's idea in the way that only a machine unbound by any need to communicate verbally can; All information of it's plan is sent instantaneously. The plan is considered and, just as quickly, thrown away, as a hundred more are 'listened to' and thought over at the same time. The vast collection of intelligences continues 'it's' musing.
#63173061Monday, February 20, 2012 4:10 PM GMT

The first colonizer has been completed. Soon, after the others are completed, the Katuri will claim the rest of their system. For now, they will stay on Sirus Prime.
Top 25 Poster
#63173578Monday, February 20, 2012 4:17 PM GMT

Finally, after what was to the Progeny quite a long time, pictures and ideas of great note began to arise. Visions of vast solar panel arrays, floating ABOVE the atmosphere that damaged them so and above perhaps even that point; Perhaps closer to Vehement than previously considered. There is the briefest of pauses, before this idea is shuffled away to be considered more thoroughly. The Progeny that suggested this idea is not held as a hero, for there is no individual. It expects nothing, and gets nothing. There is no reward, and there is no celebration. There is only musing. The problem of travel between solar systems returns to the front of Progeny musing, though in truth it was never any farther behind than the other musing. However, one would not be able to tell either of these things from a mere glance. All topics are treated equally in the musing, from the smallest of tremors on the surface to the greatest of discoveries beneath the unforgiving surface.
#63174775Monday, February 20, 2012 4:34 PM GMT

The colonizers are completed, and sent to the planets in the system.
#63178580Monday, February 20, 2012 5:29 PM GMT

The Trayn begin the construction of colony ships, along with more Frigates. Currently they only have two frigates.
#63179174Monday, February 20, 2012 5:40 PM GMT

(:/, I'll only be on for an hour, have to finish a project.)
#63179227Monday, February 20, 2012 5:41 PM GMT

(I managed to see assassin's sheets for a second there, before they somehow disappeared. Accepted, assassin.)
#63180103Monday, February 20, 2012 5:55 PM GMT

(Roblox doesn't seem to like Assassins posts, it ate one already :/)
#63180452Monday, February 20, 2012 6:00 PM GMT

The Trayn continue designing their Pilgrim-class Colony Ships. =Basic Sheet= Vessel Designation: Classification: Pilgrim-class Colony Ship Vessel Type: Colony Ship Hull Size: 200 meters long, 190 meters wide (220 at widest point), 140 meters high *Appearance*: It is very bulky and has black hull plating. There are red, exposed power conduits (non-essential). In the center there are two "pods" on the sides, which contain cargo holds. On the bottom of the ship there is a massive door, as well as several retractable landing struts. Armaments: N/A Defensive Systems: 3 inch Titanium hull plating, 1 inch Carapace (sandwiched between two layers of 1.5 inch titanium). Reactors: One Fission Reactor Power Grid Type: Electricity/Fission Computation Type: Binary Hangars: One hangar Hangar Bay Storage: Two cargo shuttles Propulsion: Retractable solar sails FTL Drives: Warp Drives Special Systems: None Detection Grid: Short-range Sensors with a range of 400,000 kilometers, long range sensors with a range of 1 LY Deflectors: Standard navigational deflector Cargo Bay Capacity: 150 m^3
#63180641Monday, February 20, 2012 6:03 PM GMT

(*facepalm*Another eaten post?)
#63181505Monday, February 20, 2012 6:18 PM GMT

The designs for the Pilgrim-class ship are nearly complete.
#63182086Monday, February 20, 2012 6:28 PM GMT

-CHARACTER SHEET- Name: Exarus Gend3r: N/A - The Ghendari multiply through cloning. 14 (To a Ghendari this is the equivalent of being approximately 40) Starship (if any): GSS Ytavar Personality: Less KILL EVERYTHING NOT GHENDARI IN SIGHT than others. But he still hates you (and everyone else, for that mattter). Job/Rank: Explorer Appearence: Just like everyother Ghendari, except his "designation marks" (which are marks burned into a Ghendari's flesh to help identify someone) are two lines crossing horizontally a circle. Race: Ghendari Faction: Ghendari Anarchy *Bio*: Exarus was originally just like every other Ghendari until he was drafted into the Fleet. That's pretty much the story of his life so far. -=Ship Sheets=- =Basic Sheet= Vessel Designation: GSS Ytavar Classification: Lolus-class Reconaissance and Light Combat Frigate Vessel Type: Frigate Hull Size: 140 meters long, 30 meters wide, 30 meters high. *Appearance*: It is shaped like a Ghendari, with very thick foward armor. Armaments: 20 "Kinetics" (A kind of mass driver which shoots dust in a shotgun-spread, designed to accelerate the dust to such a high speed that they are capable of eating away at hull armor), 10 Fission MIRV Silos. Defensive Systems: 0.5 inch carbon-nanotube armor, which covers 3 inches of Titanium, which covers a lot of insulation. Reactors: 1 Larg Fission Reactor, a much smaller experimental nanotech generator which produces energy through vibration. Power Grid Type: Electrical Computation Type: Binary Hangars: One in the front near the top, covered by large amounts of armor plates so you can't see it from the front. Hangar Bay Storage: 4 Transport shuttles and various atmospheric instruments, such as weather balloons. Propulsion: Solar Sails which emerge from the front when not in FTL. FTL Drives: Warp 2 Detection Grid: Capable of reaching 2 lightyears Deflectors: Simple charged armor. Cargo Bay Capacity: 200 m^3?
#63182360Monday, February 20, 2012 6:32 PM GMT

-CHARACTER SHEET- Name: A'kos Dvar Gend3r: Male @ge: 89 Starship (if any): IHS Red Valkyrie, the flagship of the Hierarchy. Personality: See Ilessar. Job/Rank: Tujihn Appearance: Dvar's skin is a slightly lighter shade of orange than normal, and his hair is completely white. It is kept in a single, twisting braid down his back. He stands at 7'9" a little above average for his race. Winding blue tattoos in the shape of vines curl around his brow and cheeks, and his eyes are gold. Race: Ilessar Faction: The Hierarchy *Bio*: There is not much to say of this right now, other than that he is Tujihn. *Other*: He is a learned swordsman.